Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 1099: The etiquette is light but the affection is heavy

Chapter 1099: Etiquette is less important than affection

After that, he explained clearly how the two men led the men in black to fight with the grain-grabbing team. Most of the grain-grabbing team was killed and injured, and the man in black "happened" to have only one man left to return to Xindu to report to his master. .

Everyone felt like they were riding a roller coaster, and they were all on tenterhooks.

 “You’re really...” Li Laoer wanted to say something, but when the words came to his lips, he didn’t know whether to praise or criticize.

This thing is naturally done beautifully, the snipe and the clam compete with each other, and the fisherman benefits.

In the future, it will be much more convenient for Jiangbei to have no food-grabbing teams secretly spying and causing trouble.

Moreover, if the man in black went back to file a complaint, the master behind the food-grabbing team would be frightened and taught a lesson. It was really killing two birds with one stone.

But the risk is too great. If you do not perform well, you will be easily attacked from both sides.

"The same goes for Ye Shan. You are young and like taking risks. Why is he also fooling around? Don't do this next time. Safety is the top priority."

Li Laoer finally held back a few words and asked, "Have you stored grain and medicine to send to the Northern Expeditionary Army?"

“It was sent, and Uncle Shan personally escorted it. Unfortunately, the food hidden in Jiangbei was not much, and it was only enough for the Northern Expedition Army to consume for half a month.

"Fortunately, the Marquis has already launched a decisive battle. If nothing else happens, the war will be over in half a month."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and looked much relieved.

Li Laoer stood up again, "I'm going to find Mr. Wen and the Liu family to get news.

"Although I will be outside, I will not accept your order. After all, the opportunity of war waits for no one. But we still have to beware of someone using this matter to cause trouble!"

Jia Huan also stood up and said, "I have also gone back to the restaurant. If I hear any news in the restaurant, I will have someone report it back at any time."

With these words, the two men went out.

Wan'er glanced at Mu Jue and her sister-in-law, and made an excuse, "I'm going to see Yuanyuan."

 After saying that, she also let out, giving the young couple some free space.

Since the elders in the family are not here, she, the sister-in-law, wants to turn into an old hen and protect her sister-in-law.

  When her sister-in-law was in the palace before, she had no choice but to be in fear.

But now that her sister-in-law is home, she wishes she could take care of her sister-in-law in every detail.

 The day before yesterday in Baiyunjian, the third princess and her sister-in-law almost had a falling out because of Prince Lu, and she knew about it.

 Originally I thought that the matter was over and the two little sisters could just untie their knots.

How could I have imagined that the Queen passed away again and ended up with such a miserable end?

 It is really pitiful for the third princess to experience this series of blows.

With my sister-in-law’s kindness, even if it wasn’t her fault, she would still feel very guilty.

As a sister-in-law, it is difficult and impossible to persuade her.

 Fortunately, Mu Jue is back.

 Let’s leave this important responsibility to my future brother-in-law!

Mu Jue got up to see his sister-in-law out. When he saw her winking, he guessed something.

 When no one was in the room, he took out a straw cage from his arms.

The cage is only the size of a child's fist, and the golden grass stalks are cut into thin strips and woven into the shape of a small pagoda. It is really delicate and cute.

"I didn't have the chance to buy you a gift this time. I exchanged this grasshopper cage for a steamed bun with a naughty boy when I passed by a village. You can play with it first, and I will catch a grasshopper when I have time. Grasshopper, put it in and sing.”

Jiayin took the straw cage and liked it very much.

 Not only because of the exquisiteness of the cage, but also because of the feeling of being remembered all the time.

 “It’s so beautiful, the workmanship is so skillful!”

She praised it a few times and then said, "No need to catch grasshoppers, it will be noisy at night. Let me put some spices in it and hang it next to the bed tent at night."

"Okay, you can do with the gift you want." Mu Jue took the opportunity to hold Jiayin's hand and asked, "Has anyone bullied you at home these days? Tell me, I'm back , I'll take revenge on you!" Jiayin felt sour and immediately looked lonely.

 She turned over the grasshopper cage and whispered, "No one bullied me. It's just that there have been too many things recently, and I am a little helpless and a little upset."

Mu Jue looked distressed, thought for a moment and said, "Come with me, let's go out for a walk."

 After saying that, he called Shuiling to prepare a few things.

Jiayin hesitated a little and advised, "You just came back and you are too tired. Let's talk about it after dinner."

Mu Jue insisted, and soon the two of them led the horses out of the Earl's Mansion, without even Shui Ling and Shui Yun.

 It’s close to noon now, which is the hottest time.

Except for a few wilted old soldiers at the city gate, there were no cars or horses.

The two of them left the city smoothly. Mu Jue jumped on his horse, held Jiayin in his arms, flicked his whip, and the horse neighed, raised its hooves, and started galloping.

The wind blowing in front of me opened the curtain of the good news, and the good news made me squint my eyes, but it felt a little more cool.

She couldn't help but stretch out her arms, as if flying against the wind.

 Most of the annoyance and uneasiness that were suppressed in my heart flew away with the wind!

Mu Jue put one hand around her waist and held the horse's reins with the other, smiling brightly.

 Under the midsummer sun, on a dusty country road, two people on a horse are speeding by, feeling comfortable and frivolous!

After running for half an hour, the two came to the foot of a mountain. Mu Jue **** his horse and let it graze freely.

 He changed the backpack from behind to the front, and then carried Jiayin up the mountain without her being able to refuse.

This mountain is not high, but the vegetation is unexpectedly lush. Fortunately, there is a path in the forest that leads to the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain is fairly flat. There are two boulders facing south, one standing upright and the other lying flat.

The shadow of the upright boulder falls just on the lying partner, creating an excellent place to enjoy the shade and enjoy the view.

Jiayin was surprised when he saw it. He jumped up on the boulder lying flat and walked around excitedly. It was really almost the same as the big kang at home.

Mu Jue took out a few peaches, golden fruits, a bag of snacks, even a roast chicken, and a pot of water from the basket on his back.

He invited Good News to sit down and said, "Let's have something to eat. This is a perfect place for a picnic."

Jiayin stepped forward excitedly and chose a golden fruit.

Mu Jue took out the dagger from his waist and quickly sharpened it.

I took the good news and took a big bite. It was really sweet and cool. Then I looked at the villages and farmland down the mountain, as well as the mountains in the distance, and my mood suddenly brightened.

 It seems that all the depression has been completely dissipated in such beautiful scenery and delicious food.

“Brother Mu, when did you discover this great place?”

"It's been a while, and I originally planned to bring you here to play, but I never had time." Mu Juexu was very hungry, so he tore apart the roasted chicken, leaving two thighs for Jiayin, and then ate it happily. squinted his eyes.

Jiayin felt a little sad that he was running around so much. When he got home, he had to take care of her mood and took her out to relax without a moment's rest.

“I’m sorry for making you suffer. I’ll give you some delicious food when I get home!”

Mu Jue laughed even more when he heard this, and responded, "What polite words you have to me? Your suffering and trouble are all for the sake of our family."

Jiayin also smiled, "Yes, for our family."

The two happily shared the meal, and when they were finally full, they lay down on the boulder to enjoy the cool breeze and chat.

 There were some things that I couldn’t share with my family, but I didn’t hide them from Mu Jue.

 From discovering Lu Zong's thoughts, to hiding the third princess, to the things being exposed, and finally the queen's death, the third princess's transformation.

 All her anger, embarrassment, guilt and worries were all put into words.

 Two updates today~~

 (End of this chapter)

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