Chapter 1098 Thousands of clues

 In the Earl's Mansion, the Li family was gathering in a room.

Li Laoer stayed with Mr. Wen in a small courtyard in the south of the city last night. As a result, Mr. Wen went to court, and he received news from his family that his niece had been rushed into the palace last night.

 He immediately rushed back to the Earl's Palace and asked his daughter-in-law for details.

It happened that Jia Huan also went back to the Earl's Mansion to pick up things. Hearing about this matter, he was also worried about it.

Seeing that her father-in-law and brother-in-law both looked bad, Waner persuaded her.

“Dad, Brother Huan, my sister is smart, and she must also know that the family is worried about her. Maybe someone will send a message back soon. Besides, the third princess treats her as her own sister, and she can take care of her if anything happens.

“Let’s not get into trouble for the time being and wait and see what happens.”

Li Laoer and Jia Huan naturally understood, but the palace was a place of right and wrong, and they had managed to stay away from it. Now that Jiayin was called in again, it was still an urgent call in the dark. How could they not be worried.

At this time, the front yard suddenly became lively. The maid guarding the second door rushed in and shouted, "The princess is back!"

 “Seriously?” Everyone was surprised and hurried to the door.

Sure enough, Jiayin was walking in front in plain clothes, her hair was a little messy, her eye circles were a little red, her expression was not as cheerful as before, and her eyebrows were full of sadness.

Shui Ling and Shui Yun followed her, also looking panicked.

Everyone’s heart was lifted up and they could no longer let it go.

Wan'er took a few steps forward, helped her sister-in-law and quickly entered the house.

 Li Laoer then, Jia Huan directly ordered Chun Xiu, "If you are idle, step back and guard the door."

Chunxiu immediately kicked out the maids and women and closed the door.

Jiayin was placed on a chair, holding a cup of warm tea in his hand, and drank it all in one breath before he finally recovered.

She looked up at the worried family members again, and said with a wry smile, "The queen passed away yesterday. In order not to delay the appointment of the crown prince and the selection of the concubine, the emperor decided not to announce the funeral secretly. The third princess collapsed, and I was taken to take care of the princess. . But the princess didn’t want me to stay in Kunning Palace, so she sent me out.”

Everyone gasped when they heard this, and they were so shocked that they didn’t know what to say.

The queen of a country couldn't be buried after her death in such hot weather? !

  If the mourning is not announced, how long will it be kept secret? !

I have heard that the living make way for the dead. After all, the dead are the bigger ones.

 But when will the dead make way for the living?

“Crazy, really crazy!” Li Laoer cursed in a low voice without naming anyone, but everyone knew who was crazy.

Even for someone like Wu Cuihua, when she passed away, the Li family gave her the dignity she deserved.

 After the burial, the family would go to worship and make offerings every new year, and there was never a shortage.

 All grudges will be dissipated with the coming of death.

 However, the mother of a country is worse than a peasant woman.

You can't announce the news after you die, and you can't be buried in peace. You can only hide in the yard and wait to rot. The only people keeping watch are your young daughters and slaves. It's really...

Wan'er sighed and responded in a low voice, "The most ruthless emperor's family is indeed right at all. It's better to be an ordinary citizen than to be like this."

Jia Huan felt sorry for her sister and looked up and down several times, fearing that she would be frightened. He stepped forward and patted the **** the shoulder, comforting him, "Sister, are you scared? Don't be afraid, those people are crazy and can do anything. Try not to enter the palace in the future, be careful when you get involved again, you know? ?

"You are the treasure of our family. If something bad happens to you, let alone us, not even the grandma and aunt in Quanzhou, nor the fourth uncle and the marquis who are away at war can bear it."

Jiayin nodded, hugged her brother's waist, and whispered in a low voice, "I know, brother. I just feel sorry for the third princess. She is not much older than me. She has to go through this. It is really pitiful."

 Everyone sighed. In fact, they didn't have a good impression of the third princess before.

But after such a long time, they were grateful and happy to see that the third princess was sincere to Jiayin, caring and protecting her like a girl.

If they can help, they are naturally willing to lend a helping hand.

 Unfortunately, this matter involves too much. Not to mention helping, the whole family even has to pretend not to know.

The family chatted some more, and Li Laoer said, "I will tell Mr. Wen and the Liu family about this matter. You must remember not to reveal the news and be cautious.

Now, the man is very different from the original one. All his thoughts are on the title of crown prince and the selection of concubines. Anyone who dares to mess up his arrangements will be in danger. "

 Everyone nodded and agreed one after another.

Li Laoer just got up and planned to go out.

As soon as he opened the door, Mu Jue came in from the front yard. His clothes were dusty and his lips were cracked with thirst.

Everyone was pleasantly surprised and quickly welcomed him in.

  Even with the good news, he didn't care about being sad anymore, and quickly poured Mu Jue a cup of herbal tea.

Mu Jue looked at her carefully, drank the tea in the cup in one gulp, picked up the teapot and drank it all, and then let out a long breath.

Li Laoer was rarely impatient and asked, "Brother Jue, how are you? How is the war in Jiangbei? Is there any news from Mr. Hou and Lao Si?"

Mu Jue dragged his sore legs and sat next to Jiayin, and then said, "The matter in Jiangbei is more complicated, so it was delayed for two more days, otherwise I would have come back long ago.

"I was originally worried about the food and medicine stored in Jiangbei, and planned to take the time to take a look, but I met Uncle Shan being chased. The first wave of manpower should have been sent by the man there to cut off the connection between the Marquis and his family. ”

 He pointed in the direction of the palace. Everyone guessed it and frowned.

“Why did that person cut off the connection between the Marquis and his family? Is he starting to be afraid of our family?”

Li Laoer went straight to the core. This issue is very critical. If that person is afraid of their family, the family must respond quickly to avoid being caught off guard and falling into a passive situation.

Mu Jue shook his head, "It's not our family's problem, it's that guy's mind that has changed. I'm afraid he wants to wait until all the major events in Xindu are completed, and has other arrangements for the Northern Expeditionary Army, so not only is he stuck with military rations , and issued an official document to let the Northern Expeditionary Army postpone the attack.

"But the Marquis thought that the time had come for a decisive battle, and wanted to drive away the barbarians as soon as possible and return to the new capital. So the Marquis sent Uncle Shan back to contact his family, wanting to use the batch of grain and medicine from the Jiangbei Valley. As a result, Uncle Shan was intercepted.

“Uncle Shan tried his best to get injured and killed all those people, but the team of people who were grabbing food also appeared. Fortunately, I helped half of them, otherwise Uncle Shan would have been in danger.”

Jiayin imagined that it must be extremely dangerous at that time, and became more and more irritable in his heart. He responded, "Uncle Hei and the others have just left not long ago. How about chasing them back, taking them to Jiangbei, and killing all this team! Otherwise, at the critical moment, there will be If these people disrupt the situation, they may ruin the situation."

Li Laoer was also concerned and echoed, "I'm afraid that Lao Hei and others are not enough. The second village will mobilize dozens more people. It is best to go to the Hou Mansion to find the big housekeeper and borrow dozens of guards. Together, there will be two or three hundred, which should be enough to cope with it." ”

Mu Jue smiled, with a bit of pride in his expression.

“Master Marquis, Princess, there is no need to go to such trouble. Uncle Shan and I have already dealt with those people and caused some trouble for their master.”

 (End of this chapter)

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