Chapter 1100 Double Happiness

Mu Jue chimed in a few words at first, but then his voice gradually disappeared.

All the good news was finished, but all that was left was the whistling of the mountain wind.

 She turned around and saw that Mu Jue had fallen into a deep sleep.

Jiayin had the first opportunity to take a closer look at his sleeping face.

The eyebrows are as dark as ink, the long eyelashes can even cover the entire under the eyes, the bridge of the nose is high, and the corners of the thin lips are no longer smiling like they used to, and they are a little more tired, which makes people feel distressed.

The boy who was less than twenty years old, because of the sudden huge change in his family, wanted to grow up instantly. He planned revenge and learned skills along the way, and suffered too many hardships that ordinary people could not endure.

 He still remains optimistic and open-minded, and is always so stubborn and brave in facing the disasters that befall the world.

 It seems that nothing can embarrass him, nothing can make him compromise or retreat!

 The two of them went from strangers to familiarity, and he gradually built up trust in her heart, and finally it became a reliable mountain...

 Let’s not talk about the good news and let Mu Jue bathe in the mountain breeze together and relax.

 Just say that in Kunning Palace, near noon, another holy driver was ushered in.

The emperor had just left the court and had settled some political affairs, and then he came to offer incense to the queen.

 The third princess, dressed in plain clothes and wearing a mourning hat, knelt in front of a copper basin and burned paper.

Her face was red due to the firelight, but she looked haggard.

After all, she was his daughter. The emperor felt distressed when he saw her. After offering incense, he advised her, "Don't be sad. Your mother has been ill for too long. She will suffer if she continues like this. Now she is relieved."

"You have to take care of yourself. If you also fall ill, I will be worried, and your mother's spirit in heaven will not be peaceful."

The third princess was silent, but after a while, she knelt and turned around, kowtowing three times to the emperor.

 “Father, my son and I have something to ask for.”

The emperor frowned, glanced at the queen's coffin subconsciously, and said with difficulty, "Don't say it, your mother cannot be buried immediately. Tomorrow will be the crown prince, and the selection of the concubine will be over in three to five days. By then, your mother will be given to you. A beautiful funeral.”

Unexpectedly, the third princess shook her head and said, "No, Father, I am not asking my mother to be buried as soon as possible. I want to get married as soon as possible and marry Prince Lu as soon as possible!"

The emperor was surprised when he heard this, and asked with a bit of anger, "Why are you in a hurry to get married? Did you do something wrong with Lu Zong?!"

 At the end of the sentence, his expression changed.

Nowadays, there are really a lot of things inside and outside the court, and everything is disturbing. If my daughter adds to the scandal again, it will simply add fuel to the fire!

"Father, you are too worried. My son is a princess of the same country, how could he do such an ugly thing!"

 The third princess frowned, angry at her father's misunderstanding, but if she wanted to get her wish, she could only endure it.

“When the queen mother was alive, what she cared about the most was her son’s marriage. If she waited for her mother’s death, the son would have to observe mourning for three years. By then, the son would be an old girl in her twenties.

“And in three years, I’m afraid too many things will happen, and I don’t want to risk my lifelong happiness.

“Therefore, I ask my father’s permission to get married as soon as possible, preferably at the same time as the crown prince’s brother chooses his concubine. This is also a double happiness for us as a royal family and a good sign.”

The emperor saw that his daughter didn't look like she was lying, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief and responded.

"Your princess palace has been built a long time ago, and you can get married at any time. But Lu Zong may not be as good as you think, so you should be more cautious about this matter."

The third princess smiled bitterly, raised her hand and threw a handful of paper money into the copper basin, and responded calmly, "Father, how can there be anything perfect in this world? Even you and your mother, outsiders say you treat each other like guests. In fact, my mother and queen are not. If you still stop here, you won’t be able to rest in peace even if you die.

“It doesn’t matter whoever you marry, as long as your son is still a princess, no matter what your true temperament is, you must pretend to be gentle and gentle in front of your son. That’s enough!

"Besides, the Lu family has been monopolizing the southwest for many years, and now it is in a position of dominance. The younger ministers will marry earlier and give birth to the eldest grandson of the Lu family earlier. "At that time, we can help the prince brother to better control the southwest and control the Lu family. Home. It is impossible to say that in more than ten years, the prince's brother will be able to successfully take back the military power of the Lu family without any effort. "

The emperor was moved by what he heard. Lu Zongbing's previous strange behavior showed that he was unwilling to get married.

Does the Lu family really have second thoughts and does not want to marry a royal princess or be controlled?

The emperor was inherently suspicious, and with this suspicion, he could no longer control it.

“I will consider it, but you should keep a good vigil first.”

The emperor said a few words, turned around and walked away.

The third princess heard the squeaking sound of the door closing, with a sneer on her lips and mockery in her eyes...

 General Manager Yi did not follow him to Kunning Palace because he had to handle the errands ordered by the emperor.

 As a result, the emperor came in from the outside with a sullen face, and his heart skipped a beat.

He quickly poured the emperor's favorite sour plum soup and served it carefully. Seeing that the emperor's face softened, he asked tentatively.

"Your Majesty, is the third princess too sad? Do you want to send an imperial doctor over?"

 The emperor shook his head, raised his hand to signal the others to go out, and then asked Manager Yi.

“Every time the third princess and Prince Lu meet, do you...”

He was only halfway through asking when a short sound came from the corner, like a flute being played, or like the wind coming through the window lattice.

 Manager Yi immediately retreated behind the curtain, lowered his head, and tried his best to be a deaf-mute and transparent person.

At this time, an old **** in gray quietly appeared in the room, took a few steps forward, and placed a copper pipe on the desk.

The emperor opened the copper pipe in twos and twos and took out a note. He only glanced at it for a few times before frowning severely.

 “Prince Xuan, come here!”

"Yes, Your Majesty." Manager Yi hurried out and went to Xilong Pavilion to invite people in person.

When the prince arrived, the emperor was walking around on the ground with his hands behind his back. When he saw his son coming, he waved his hands.

 Manager Yi closed the door himself and stood guard by the door.

The emperor's first words were, "The Lu family is not as honest as they appear, and I was deceived. The Lu family's men, numbering in the hundreds, appeared in Jiangbei, and intercepted and killed the secret guards I sent, with unknown intentions."

The prince was stunned for a moment and responded, "Father, please calm down. The Lu family has military power after all, and it is not surprising that they have some secret personnel. However, at this critical moment, the Lu family's personnel in Jiangbei must have some arrangements, or Just need to find out.”

After saying that, he thought for a while and said, "Shizi Lu is now ill. I don't know how long his marriage to the princess sister will be postponed. Otherwise, we can take advantage of this opportunity to insert some people into the Lu family."

The emperor frowned and then sighed.

“It’s a coincidence that your sister just asked me to marry Lu Zong as soon as possible. She also said that choosing a concubine with you would be a double blessing.”

 The prince raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

He did not doubt that the third princess had inquired about the news about Jiangbei in advance. After all, she was a princess raised in a deep palace and did not have the strength and ability.

 It's just that Lu Zongke "injured" the key point before.

Isn't the third princess afraid that Lu Zong will not be humane in the future?

 She is already so deeply in love with Lu Zong?

 (End of this chapter)

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