Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 1009: Strike quickly and accurately!

Chapter 1009: Attack quickly and accurately!

After dinner and a few more words, Jiayin excused himself as tired and went back to the side hall early.

Shui Ling and Shui Yun knew the inside story and quickly dismissed the serving maids.

Jiayin pushed open the door of the inner hall and walked around the four carved floor-to-ceiling screens. As soon as he turned around, he saw Mu Jue sleeping on the low huanghuali couch by the window.

 After being out for a few days, he definitely couldn't afford to eat or sleep. He lost a lot of weight, and his hands, face, and clothes were all gray.

Because of the small table placed in the middle of the low couch, he was lying on his side with his legs curled up, looking very uncomfortable.

Jiayin quickly stepped forward and moved the waiter away.

Mu Jue frowned and moved.

Jiayin hesitated for a moment, then shook his hand and said softly, "Get some sleep first, don't worry about anything."

Perhaps smelling the familiar warm fragrance, Mu Jue's brows slowly relaxed, and she fell into a deep sleep with complete peace of mind.

 The night swallows up the hustle and bustle of the day, giving the world a rare peace.

 The lively streets changed from crowded with people to deserted.

I was stuffy for a day, all kinds of worms, all of them ran out to find a sense of presence.

Even the palace, the most depressing place in the world, rarely gets lively.

In the small garden behind Zhilan Palace, an unknown insect was tugging at its neck and screaming loudly. I wonder if it plans to become a singer.

In the side hall, Shui Ling has already slept in a big crotch, snoring heartily.

Shuiyun rubbed his heavy eyelids, listened carefully to the slight sounds in the next room, and then picked up the needle and thread in his hand again.

Separated by a wall, Jiayin also yawned and put down the account book in his hand.

 The dim light of the candlelight fell on Mu Jue's face, and her eyelashes cast a small shadow under her eyes.

Having been together for so long, Jiayin most likely regards him as a friend, and does not need to be restrained or guarded against too many friends.

 But at this moment, she dragged her cheeks and looked at him carefully, and her heart suddenly beat a little faster.

 In his previous life, Mu Jue was at most a freshman at his age.

But in this time and space, he has experienced the destruction of his family, revenge, learning martial arts to make a living, and even now he is doing his best to help his family protect the peace of the Northern Expeditionary Army's rear, while also taking into account her safety...

 It’s really hard for him!

Jiayin never thought about whether she really wanted to marry him and stay hand in hand for the rest of her life.

 But for the time being, she also has some favorites.

As long as he doesn’t change and stays like this, maybe there’s nothing wrong with loving each other and being a free couple...

Thinking like this, she wandered away. When she recovered her thoughts, she suddenly met a pair of bright eyes.

 “Oh, when did you wake up?” Jiayin blushed a little.

Mu Jue turned over and sat up, smiled with a hint of pride, and replied, "I've woken up a long time ago, but someone is admiring my peerless beauty, so I can't disturb you."

Jiayin gave him a big eye roll and said angrily, "Hurry up and wash your hands, I'll leave you some food."

 After saying that, she went to turn on the small heater in the corner of the room.

I have to say that this heater has become a special concealment prop.

Of course, food is best stored in an open space, as it is not afraid of spoilage, staleness, or coldness.

Mu Jue was so hungry that he didn't pay attention to where the food was coming from. After washing up, he picked up the rice bowl.

 A large bowl of white rice with red and oily braised pork was eaten by Mu Jue in the blink of an eye. Jiayin quickly handed him a glass of warm water, "Eat slowly, don't choke."

  Mu Jue drank up the warm water in one gulp and moved on to the next bowl.

When he was finally half-full, he slowed down and said while eating, "We already have some clues about the destruction of military rations.

“I really didn’t expect that Uncle Dayong, who usually looks so gentle, actually has a cold and iron-blooded side. He just pried open the mouths of two key witnesses and got some clues and evidence.”

Jiayin’s eyes dimmed and he sighed.

“Uncle Dayong is also impatient. He has been following his adoptive father on the battlefield for several years, and he knows very well that the battlefield ahead is dangerous.

“Not only did Xindu not try to help, they actually held back. It’s a wonder he’s not angry!

"Although the second uncle and the others only delayed three or four days to raise the second batch of military rations, no one could have predicted how many soldiers would have to be sacrificed on the adoptive father's side due to the difference in these three or four days."

 “Yes!” Mu Jue nodded and held out the bowl in his hand. Jiayin tacitly added a spoonful of braised pork to him.

Mu Jue added, "This time we still haven't caught the key figures behind the scenes, but several of the generals involved have been grabbed by the wrists, and there will be no room for them to move around in the future.

“Also, I sent the key evidence out for a walk, and sent a few more people into Dali Temple.

"These are all related to what happened at the palace gate last night. Together with the five hundred soldiers guarding the gate, they are all going to have a hard time. It is estimated that they will be sent to the southwest to guard the border next month."

Jiayin was stunned for a moment, and it took him a long time to react.

Does Mu Jue mean that he used the evidence of the destruction of military rations to avenge her for being blocked at the palace gate?

"You... acted too quickly! I didn't even tell my family about this. How did you know about it?" Jiayin felt a little hot in her heart and tried her best to pretend to be calm and asked.

Mu Jue filled up the rice again, put it directly on the braised pork plate, mixed another plate of refreshing cold vegetables into it, and continued eating.

After taking some time out of his busy schedule, he responded, "I promised Lord Marquis to protect you, and of course you are the most important. Others may not know, but I can't let anything go unnoticed."

"Besides...I won't allow you to suffer any injustice!"

It was Xu's first time to say such love words. Mu Jue also blushed a little, coughed dryly, lowered his head and continued, "Fortunately, I helped investigate the destruction of military rations this time. Otherwise, there is really no way to deal with those **** so quickly." stuff."

Jiayin's face turned even redder, and he asked smoothly, "Who is behind those people at the palace gate?"

"You may be surprised when I tell you that. Although several people involved were military generals and had the intention of testing the emperor's mind, the one who contributed the most was actually bribed by a merchant with a lot of money."

"Merchant?" Jiayin frowned, "Has my business offended others?"

Mu Jue nodded, "He is the owner of Jiulianzhai."

“Jiulianzhai?” Jiayin was even more surprised, “Didn’t this shop close down a few years ago?”

“Yes, the business was closed because Bai Yunjian was against me.” Mu Jue said with a smile, “Although it has been a long time, you still don’t allow people to hold grudges.”

Jiayin sighed, "This is really an innocent disaster. It's just normal competition. Why shouldn't my dim sum shop be allowed to prosper?"

Mu Jue put down the bowl and burped, feeling satisfied.

"Don't worry about it. This matter has been solved. The few people who were bribed are unlucky. They have no place to vent their anger. They must put all the blame on the owner of Jiulianzhai. In the end, dog bites dog. They all go to the southwest to eat sand. end."

Jiayin looked at his appearance and couldn't help but smile.

"So, this matter will be settled without my intervention?"

Mu Jue raised his eyebrows proudly and smiled mischievously, "Of course, I'm here, so I don't need you to do anything."

 The two looked at each other, both smiling brightly...

 (End of this chapter)

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