Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 1008: It doesn’t matter if the method is old, as long as it works!

Chapter 1008 It doesn’t matter if the method is old, as long as it works!

With no outsiders around, Mrs. Liu asked carefully about being blocked at the palace gate, and finally cursed, "These people who are just looking at other people's dishes are thinking that your adoptive father and your father are not here, so they bully you to the end." On.

If the Northern Expeditionary Army had not left, they would not dare to cause trouble even if they had ten thousand courages. "

Jiayin naturally knew this, so she persuaded with a smile, "Don't worry about it, mother-in-law. Please help me tell my second uncle when you get back. The princess and I did not suffer, but the deputy commander and several troublemaking soldiers were punished. I'm afraid." Heads are at stake.

“And Uncle Huang also said that he has ignored me and the third princess recently, and he will never let anyone bully us in the future.”

 Mrs. Liu complained crazily in her heart. She really had no trust in the emperor.

There are rumors circulating outside recently, saying that the emperor is old and fatuous, addicted to women, and can't care about anything.

Of course, you can’t say this to the little girl Jiayin.

So she asked her nanny to carry up the box full of fans.

This box of fans is of high quality, with ivory handles and purple bamboo handles. The fans are made of feather gauze. They are bright in color, breathable and airy. They are embroidered with various flowers and birds. No matter how you look at them, they are very pleasing to the eye.

Jiayin picked them up one by one and played with them. She couldn't put them down and exclaimed, "Auntie, these fans are so beautiful. I can't bear to give them to the princess. What should I do?"

Mrs. Liu pulled up her handkerchief and covered her mouth with a smile, and replied, "Don't be so stingy. I'll share this box with the princess first. I'll wait until my mother-in-law writes a letter asking her family to find another box for you!"

"Thank you, Auntie! This fan is great. We little sisters usually greet each other. This fan will definitely make them scream with joy!" The good news was unceremonious and generous, which actually made Mrs. Liu even more happy.

The two of them were eating fruit and chatting.

Mrs. Liu asked Jiayin clearly about what he was eating, drinking and wearing in the palace, and then she felt relieved.

Seeing that it was getting late, Mrs. Liu was about to say goodbye and leave the palace.

Jiayin couldn't bear to leave, so he pulled her to sit for a while, and then asked Shuiyun to prepare four pieces of tribute satin and two sets of the four treasures of the study.

Eunuch Feng brought these to him this morning. The emperor specially ordered the private treasury to be opened to give Jiayin and the third princess a shocking reward.

Jiayin also added four boxes of snacks from the imperial kitchen, and asked Mrs. Liu to take them all back.

Mrs. Liu wanted to refuse. After all, she was here to visit the child, not to receive gifts. This would be an advantage.

 But Jiayin persisted and advised, "Auntie, these pieces of satin are elegant in color and suitable for making clothes for brothers Zhimin and Xiujie. The two sets of Four Treasures of the Study are also good tributes from the south. It is best to give them to study.

“The other few boxes of snacks are made by the imperial kitchen. Although they are not as delicious as the ones I made, it is decent for my aunt to keep them and give them away. When I get home, I will bake your favorite butterfly cakes for my aunt.”

After hearing her introduction, Mrs. Liu felt as soft as a puddle of honey.

Such a considerate little girl, why is she not her biological child!

 The most important thing is that it will not work if she is brought to the family as a daughter-in-law.

 This is so heartbreaking!

Mrs. Liu left the palace and returned home with a bunch of things and a lot of regrets.

Li Lao Er has been waiting here. Mrs. Liu did not dare to delay. She started talking from the time she entered the palace to leaving the palace. At the end, she said with a smile, "The princess is a smart and well-behaved person. She never treats her badly no matter where she is. She eats, drinks, wears, and uses everything." It's comfortable and refined.

“Furthermore, the maids and eunuchs of Zhilan Palace are very close to and respectful to the princess, and no one dares to neglect her. Don’t worry, uncle.

“As for what happened yesterday, the princess didn’t take it to heart at all, let alone be frightened.”

 Everyone breathed a long sigh of relief, and Li Laoer even saluted and thanked him.

When Mrs. Liu returned to the backyard, Mrs. Liu asked, "How are you going to say this for the princess?"

Li Laoer shook his head, "I haven't thought about it for the moment, I still want to find out the secret, but no matter what, the princess cannot be wronged in vain."

Just as Liu Zhiheng was about to speak, Zheng He came over and said, "Uncle, Mu Jue just found me and asked me to send you a letter." After saying this, he handed an envelope with both hands.

Li Laoer raised his eyebrows, opened the letter and looked at it for a few times, then he laughed.

“This boy is quite capable, and he is worthy of being chosen by the Marquis himself!”

Mr. Liu and Liu Zhiheng were both curious. Liu Zhiheng asked, "What's going on? What do you mean Mr. Hou selected?"

Li Laoer knew he had spilled the beans and quickly went back to make amends, "Mu Jue was rescued by the Marquis in Jiangbei. He acted steadily and ruthlessly. The Marquis specially kept him as a guard beside the princess.

"In the past few days, he was originally helping Dayong investigate the destruction of military rations. He heard that the princess was wronged at the gate of the palace last night. He quickly checked the reason and then traced the clues about the destruction of military rations to several soldiers who were suspected of instigating the soldiers. Went to the general's home.

Now, even if they don’t die, they will have to be skinned! I have to say that this method is a bit old, but it is extremely easy to use! "

Liu Zhiheng didn’t think too much and responded with a smile, “Haha, good boy, this is really fast, there’s no need for us to take action.”

 But Mr. Liu has become a mature man, and he realizes that Mu Jue is not as simple as Li Laoer said.

But he did not expose it and said with a smile, "These military generals are mostly cowards like the Marquis of Zhenbei. When it comes to killing barbarians, they all hold back. But they are all very capable of doing small tricks behind the scenes.

"Presumably, they wanted to test the emperor's attitude towards the marquis, so they used the princess as a raft."

Li Laoer and Liu Zhiheng nodded, both sneered, very shameless.

After chatting for a few more words, Li Laoer left.

He didn't have anything urgent to do, but Mr. Wen and his family didn't know what happened next. It would be bad if they heard about it and became worried.

Sure enough, when he rushed back to the Earl's Mansion, Mr. Wen, Jia Huan and Wan'er were all waiting.

Hearing that Jiayin was not injured or frightened, and that Mu Jue had avenged Jiayin, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

 Of course, the whole family is extremely fond of and satisfied with this boy Mu Jue...

 At dusk, in Zhilan Palace, the third princess and Jiayin had dinner together.

The third princess didn’t eat much all day, so Jiayin specially steamed her favorite shrimp dumplings, cooked red dates and millet porridge, and paired it with some sweet and sour appetizing side dishes.

 Actually, this is just an ordinary home-cooked meal, which is incomparable to the princess's meal.

 But the third princess just liked it. She ate seven or eight shrimp dumplings and a bowl of porridge in one go, and then she felt a little refreshed.

The good news was also relieved, and he led Caiyun and the other maids to talk about something new.

It happened that Caiyun went out in the afternoon, and while serving dishes to the master, he said, "Princess, I heard that the emperor got angry and punished several generals. When the slave was walking on the Yong Road, he gave way to several Every time, the guards dragged people out. It seems that Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment are going to be busy again!"

"Do you know what crime they committed?" The third princess was originally worried about her father's health, but she became interested when she heard that her father could punish criminals.

Caiyun shook his head and replied, "I don't know the specific reason, but I heard something and it seems to be related to the destruction of military rations."

When the third princess was disappointed and wanted to ask more questions, Shuiling came in with two glasses of juice.

While the third princess was drinking juice, Shui Ling and his master blinked twice quickly.

Jiayin was confused, but nodded slightly...

 Two updates today~~

 (End of this chapter)

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