Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.

Chapter 1010: Don’t talk about people’s faults in small talk

 Chapter 1010 Don’t criticize people in small talk

 The night is driven away by dawn, a little bit of skylight shines, and a new day comes again.

As soon as breakfast was finished in Zhilan Palace, Eunuch Feng came with the young **** and delivered a food box.

 The third princess and Jiayin were curious, but they still welcomed Eunuch Feng in for tea.

Eunuch Feng was a little more relaxed here than elsewhere. He dared to sit firmly on the brocade stool under his buttocks, and then said with a smile.

“Your Royal Highness, the Emperor was concerned that you were frightened the day before yesterday, so he specially asked someone to cook you a tonic soup, which is the best way to calm your nerves and nourish your skin.”

As he spoke, he motioned to the young **** to open the food box and took out a bowl of dark medicinal soup with his own hands.

The third princess frowned at that time, covered her nose and shouted, "What kind of tonic soup is this? I won't drink it."

Eunuch Feng continued to persuade with a good temper, "Your Highness, Princess, you must drink it. This is the Emperor's love for you. It is the medicine prescribed by Chief Liu himself. It is the most nourishing for women."

"Starting from today, in the next half month, the old slave will deliver it twice in the morning and evening. The princess will drink on time."

The third princess is going crazy. She will die after drinking a bowl, but she still has to drink it for half a month.

Without waiting for her to refuse, Eunuch Feng took out a bowl of bird's nest soup from the food box and handed it to Jiayin with a smile.

"Princess, this is specially prepared for you by the emperor's special order. You are in good health. Chief Liu said that you don't need to drink tonic soup. A bowl of bird's nest every day is most suitable and can also beautify your face."

Jiayin quickly took it and responded with a smile, "I'm sorry to bother you, father-in-law. I'll thank you uncle for me when you get back."

She took the spoon, took a bite, and praised, "This bird's nest is cooked really well, with not too much sugar crystals and not too little, just the right amount of sweetness."

After saying that, she asked Shui Ling to get two purses, one for Eunuch Feng to drink tea, and the other for him to take to the kitchen master who was cooking the bird's nest.

Eunuch Feng was so coaxed that he smiled and looked at the third princess with an earnest expression.

The third princess still wanted to lose her temper, but she suddenly remembered something, so she picked up the tonic and drank it all in one gulp.

Jiayin took a mint from her purse and quickly stuffed it into her mouth, successfully making her wrinkled face relax again...

Eunuch Feng didn't dare to stay to ask for reward. Seeing that the errand was done, he quickly left.

 The third princess calmed down for a long time, then lay down directly on Jiayin's lap and let it go.

“It’s so miserable. If I weren’t afraid of ruining my father’s arrangements, I would die even if I didn’t drink it!”

"Hey!" Jiayin pretended to be surprised and teased the third princess, "You actually know the true purpose of Uncle Huang's giving you the tonic soup?"

The third princess tickled her angrily and said angrily, "I'm not an idiot. I don't want to peek through cracks in the door!"

The two of them got into a quarrel, and any trace of sadness they had felt completely disappeared.

The third princess hugged the good news and complained in a low voice, "I thought my father would have an attack immediately, but look at this, it will take ten and a half days."

Jiayin nodded, "I think the emperor wants to boil some medicine to take care of his body. He doesn't want outsiders to know about it, so I'll use you to cover it up.

"But he won't harm you. This tonic soup should be really good for your body. We can't help with anything else. Now we can only cooperate obediently."

The third princess felt like rolling on the floor when she thought about the bitter medicine she would have to drink for half a month.

 Finally, after all the good news, he took her to cook together and made a lot of mint candies, pine nut candies, etc. before he gave up...

The imperial study could smell the faint smell of medicine every day. The courtiers were surprised at first, but later they understood when they saw Eunuch Feng delivering the tonic to Zhilan Palace with great fanfare.

 This is because the emperor had neglected the third princess before, which made the third princess feel wronged, so he tried to find ways to compensate.

Of course, the emperor's compensation was not only to send tonic soup every day, but also to send all kinds of silks and satins, jewelry, small ornaments of gold, stone and jade, fans, incense, etc. to Zhilan Palace like running water.

Some people were jealous and secretly regretted why they didn't plan ahead and marry the third princess into their family. Even if the third princess is a bit unruly, with the emperor's favor, the family can always benefit a lot...

 It’s a pity that it’s too late to say anything now.

  It’s actually cheaper than Lu Zong’s “embroidered pillow”!

Even before he got engaged to the third princess, he took advantage of Guang'er to get a prostitute!

From now on, if I really become a prince-in-law, I don’t know how many benefits are waiting for me!

There are no secrets in the palace, and the mouths of the courtiers are not guarded. Soon these words spread in the market.

There is never a shortage of people in this world who say grapes are sour because they cannot eat them.

Especially for those who failed the examination, they never felt that they had not learned enough, but were full of resentment.

Lu Zong, a "talentless" man, was able to occupy a high position because of his status as consort, which naturally made them even more shameful.

As a result, you can hear people talking nonsense all the time in teahouses, cultural gatherings, and banquets everywhere.

On this day, Brother Mao took Zheng Qi for a walk on the street, planning to find a calligraphy and painting shop to choose a birthday gift for the gentleman celebrating his birthday in the academy.

Although he rarely returns to the academy now, the due etiquette is still indispensable.

As a result, the sun was too bright, so their master and servant got into the white clouds at home.

 As soon as I sat down in the private room on the second floor and had a bowl of cold ice cream, all the heat disappeared in an instant.

 “Refreshing!” Brother Cat took a big mouthful of ice cream, and Siha exhaled, not forgetting to praise him.

Since there were no outsiders, Zheng Qi also sat opposite and ate happily.

“Master, the weather is too hot this year. I don’t know how big the broken gold beach melons will be. They will definitely fetch a good price!”

These words reminded Brother Cat. He looked out the window and frowned slightly.

Since the beginning of spring, it has only rained lightly. Most of the crop fields have been planted by farmers carrying water. If it doesn’t rain again, this year’s harvest will definitely be reduced.

 He was about to say that he would go back to Broken Gold Beach in a few days to have a look.

 As a result, another group of students came to the second floor and went directly into the box next to them.

This person wanted ice cream, and that person wanted ice cream. The noise lasted for a while before they finally stopped.

Brother Cat felt bored, so he planned to finish the ice cream in a few bites and go shopping quickly.

 But the people next door were eating and talking, and the noise became louder and louder.

A person with a sharp voice asked, "Brother Liu, is the person I met on the street just now Prince Lu?"

"Yeah, why, you know him too?" The person who responded said with a tone full of disdain, "Yes, who in the whole of Xindu doesn't know him? The future prince-in-law can only rely on his face. Tan Hua Lang!

"If I had known this, what would we do if we studied hard for ten years in a cold window and are full of talents and knowledge? It would not be as good as the good skin of others."

 “Hahaha, that’s right, that’s right!” Everyone else laughed and agreed.

The more Cat Brother listened, the more irritated he became, and he cursed in a low voice, "These dogs have read a lot of sages' books in vain! They sit quietly and think about their own mistakes, and don't talk about others' faults in small talk. They don't even understand this!"

Zheng Qi was worried that this was his own business, so he advised, "Master, everyone is talking about this now. Even if you stop me once, you won't be able to stop me a second time. We have been out for half a day, so let's go shopping quickly. ”

Without waiting for the cat's voice, a person flashed outside the door.

Zheng Qi subconsciously guarded his master. He waited until he could see the person coming, but then he smiled in surprise and said, "Brother Mu, why are you here!"

 Two updates today~~

 (End of this chapter)

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