Dragon King Order

Chapter 1862: Relentless

Zheng Kai got out of the car, then looked at Chen Ping and the others in the car, and then waved!

When the driver saw this, he was so frightened that he immediately opened the car door and ran away, not even wanting to take the car.

At this moment, Chen Ping and the others were surrounded by more than a dozen cars, and more than twenty people got out of the cars. The aura on each one of them was very strong!

When Chen Ping and the others saw this, they could only open the car door and get out!

"Old guy, you embarrassed me on the plane. Today I'm going to beat you until you kneel down and beg for mercy..."

Seeing Hu Mazi coming down, Zheng Kai said fiercely.

Hu Mazi didn't like this, and was about to curse, but was stopped by Chen Ping!

"Mr. Zheng, we have no intention of offending you, and we hope you can clear a way to avoid misunderstanding."

Chen Ping said to Zheng Kai very politely.

Zheng Kai looked Chen Ping up and down, and then said with disdain, "Who are you? Do you have the right to speak here?"

"My name is Chen Ping. I wonder if Mr. Zheng has heard of me?"

Chen Ping asked calmly.

After all, Chen Ping's name now resounds throughout the martial arts world, and since Zheng Kai also got on the plane from Kyoto, he would naturally have heard of Chen Ping's name.

"Are you Chen Ping, the Chen Ping who doesn't even look down on the martial arts alliance?"

Zheng Kai said with some surprise.

"Yes, it's me!"

Chen Ping nodded.

Chen Ping thought that if he admitted it, the other party would gain face when he heard his name.

But who would have thought that Zheng Kai smiled coldly, "I have long heard that you are the number one among the younger generation in the martial arts world, but I don't believe it. Let's compete. If you beat me, I will let you go!" "

Zheng Kai actually wanted to compete with Chen Ping.

Chen Ping smiled. He didn't know what to say. This Zheng Kai was really ignorant and fearless!

A little Wuhou actually wanted to spar with him!

Chen Ping said nothing, but Hu Mazi laughed and said, "Boy, you are a little self-aware."

You know, Chen Ping can easily defeat you even with just one hand. "

"Huh, what's the use of talking about it? It's better to do it with real swords and guns..."

Zheng Kai snorted coldly.

Seeing Zheng Kai's disdainful look, Hu Mazi hurriedly said to Chen Ping, "Chen Ping, just use one hand to defeat this guy and save him from wasting time."

Chen Ping glared at Hu Mazi fiercely. Before he could speak, this guy had made a decision for himself!

"You'd better go home. Since your father is the lord of the city, I won't argue with you."

"If anyone else questioned me like this, they would already be a corpse by now."

Chen Ping said slowly to Zheng Kai.

"Good boy, you are looking down on me..."

As he spoke, the aura on Zheng Kai suddenly exploded.

Then Zheng Kai clenched his fists, and a unique blue light began to flash on his fists!

With a roar, Zheng Kai jumped up and swung his fists towards Chen Ping.

The terrifying aura instantly enveloped Chen Ping and the others!

It seems that Zheng Kai is not trying to deal with Chen Ping himself, but wants to beat Chen Ping and others down together!

When Chen Ping saw this, the aura on his body exploded instantly, an air explosion sounded, and a huge wave of air instantly pushed Zheng Kai out!

"If you keep doing this, will I really take action?"

When Chen Ping saw that Zheng Kai was unwilling to give up, he immediately became angry.

Zheng Kai said angrily, "What the hell is the number one young person in the martial arts world? I think he is just a loser. If you can, fight back."

Chen Ping frowned, and the aura on his body became stronger.

At this moment, Zheng Kai had already realized Chen Ping's strength, so he did not take the initiative to attack again.

"Go away..."

When Chen Ping saw that Zheng Kai was standing in front of him and didn't move, he immediately became furious.

When Chen Ping finished speaking, his body also arrived in front of Zheng Kai. Zheng Kai got out of the car, then looked at Chen Ping and the others in the car, and then waved!

When the driver saw this, he was so frightened that he immediately opened the door and ran away, not even wanting to take the car.

At this moment, Chen Ping and the others were surrounded by more than a dozen cars, and more than twenty people got out of the cars. The aura on each one of them was very strong!

When Chen Ping and the others saw this, they could only open the car door and get out!

"Old guy, you embarrassed me on the plane. Today I'm going to beat you until you kneel down and beg for mercy..."

Seeing Hu Mazi coming down, Zheng Kai said fiercely.

Hu Mazi didn't like this, and was about to curse, but was stopped by Chen Ping!

"Mr. Zheng, we have no intention of offending you, and we hope you can clear a way to avoid misunderstanding."

Chen Ping said to Zheng Kai very politely.

Zheng Kai looked Chen Ping up and down, and then said with disdain, "Who are you? Do you have the right to speak here?"

"My name is Chen Ping. I wonder if Mr. Zheng has heard of me?"

Chen Ping asked calmly.

After all, Chen Ping's name now resounds throughout the martial arts world, and since Zheng Kai also got on the plane from Kyoto, he would naturally have heard of Chen Ping's name.

"Are you Chen Ping, the Chen Ping who doesn't even look down on the martial arts alliance?"

Zheng Kai said with some surprise.

"Yes, it's me!"

Chen Ping nodded.

Chen Ping thought that if he admitted it, the other party would gain face when he heard his name.

But who would have thought that Zheng Kai smiled coldly, "I have long heard that you are the number one among the younger generation in the martial arts world, but I don't believe it. Let's compete. If you beat me, I will let you go!" "

Zheng Kai actually wanted to compete with Chen Ping.

Chen Ping smiled. He didn't know what to say. This Zheng Kai was really ignorant and fearless!

A little Wuhou actually wanted to spar with him!

Chen Ping said nothing, but Hu Mazi laughed and said, "Boy, you are a little self-aware."

You know, Chen Ping can easily defeat you even with just one hand. "

"Huh, what's the use of talking about it? It's better to do it with real swords and guns..."

Zheng Kai snorted coldly.

Seeing Zheng Kai's disdainful look, Hu Mazi hurriedly said to Chen Ping, "Chen Ping, just use one hand to defeat this guy and save him from wasting time."

Chen Ping glared at Hu Mazi fiercely. Before he could speak, this guy had made a decision for himself!

"You'd better go home. Since your father is the lord of the city, I won't argue with you."

"If anyone else questioned me like this, they would already be a corpse by now."

Chen Ping said slowly to Zheng Kai.

"Good boy, you are looking down on me..."

As he spoke, the aura on Zheng Kai suddenly exploded.

Then Zheng Kai clenched his fists, and a unique blue light began to flash on his fists!

With a roar, Zheng Kai jumped up and swung his fists towards Chen Ping.

The terrifying aura instantly enveloped Chen Ping and the others!

It seems that Zheng Kai is not trying to deal with Chen Ping himself, but wants to beat Chen Ping and others down together!

When Chen Ping saw this, the aura on his body exploded instantly, an air explosion sounded, and a huge wave of air instantly pushed Zheng Kai out!

"If you keep doing this, will I really take action?"

When Chen Ping saw that Zheng Kai was unwilling to give up, he immediately became angry.

Zheng Kai said angrily, "What the hell is the number one young person in the martial arts world? I think he is just a loser. If you can, fight back."

Chen Ping frowned, and the aura on his body became stronger.

At this moment, Zheng Kai had already realized Chen Ping's strength, so he did not take the initiative to attack again.

"Go away..."

When Chen Ping saw that Zheng Kai was standing in front of him and didn't move, he immediately became furious.

When Chen Ping finished speaking, his body also arrived in front of Zheng Kai.

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