Dragon King Order

Chapter 1861 Crazy

When Chen Ping heard this, he suddenly realized that the secret realm was another space opened up. Although it was in the same place, it was not in the same space, so there was no conflict.

"Miss Zhou, I wonder which of the eight secret realms your Demon Spirit Sect's secret realm belongs to?"

Chen Ping knew that the Ge family was in the Fire Gate Secret Realm, and that the Zixiao Mansion was in the Thunder Gate Secret Realm, but he didn't know which secret realm the Demon Spirit Sect was in.

When Zhou Jie heard this, surprise flashed across her face and she looked at Chen Ping in disbelief.

"I didn't expect that you actually know the eight secret realms?"

"You have to know that these things are all secrets. Even the top brass in the martial arts world don't know much about them."

"You actually know this, it seems I still underestimate you!"

Zhou Jie was surprised that Chen Ping knew the secret realm and knew it in such detail.

Chen Ping smiled awkwardly, "I know some people from the Secret Realm family, and I was lucky enough to go to the Secret Realm twice..."

At this time, Zhou Jie's eyes obviously changed a lot when she looked at Chen Ping.

"Our Demon Spirit Sect is not among the eight secret realms. It is said that the eight secret realms were created by an immortal using the Eight Diagrams in his hand during the war between gods and demons and the catastrophe of heaven and earth, in order to give the immortal cultivators a place to live."

"And our secret realms were created by our respective sects. In terms of scale and endurance, they are much worse than the eight secret realms."

"Our secret realm is the real secret space, and those eight secret realms can be called a world, incomparable..."

Zhou Jie followed Chen Ping and explained.

Only then did Chen Ping understand that there were not only eight major secret realms in this space, but there were also many smaller secret realms!

And in these small secret realms, there is only one sect or family...

"Oh I got it……"

Chen Ping nodded with some understanding.

The plane flew smoothly, and after flying for more than three hours, it landed in Nanhu!

There is actually a small town like this

The airport was also very unexpected.

After getting off the plane, Zheng Kai looked at Hu Mazi fiercely, but Hu Mazi ignored him!

A group of people walked out of the airport, but Zheng Kai was following behind!

"Damn, this guy looks like he won't look back until he hits the wall..."

Hu Mazi said angrily when he saw Zheng Kai following him.

"Okay, don't worry about him, let him follow..."

Chen Ping was afraid that Hu Mazi would cause a conflict with Zheng Kai, so he said.

"Let's go, I'll take you to eat something delicious. The most famous snack here is mutton steamed buns..."

Zhou Jie said, leading Chen Ping and Hu Mazi towards a street not far from the airport!

This is a snack street with all kinds of food!

In fact, for Chen Ping and Hu Mazi, even if they didn't eat for three days and three nights, they wouldn't be hungry. But when they saw the delicious food in front of them, their stomachs started growling.

The three of them sat down in front of a snack bar and started eating!

But Zheng Kai was watching them not far away with his ghostly spirit!

But no one paid attention to Zheng Kai. He could follow if he wanted to, and watch if he wanted to!

After dinner, Zhou Jie called for a car, then took Chen Ping and followed Hu Mazi towards the east of the city!

This time Zhou Jie learned wisely and never sat next to Hu Mazi, but directly sat in the passenger seat!

Along the way, Hu Mazi ate a lot of tofu, and Zhou Jie was going crazy!

Just as their car was driving towards the east of the city and was about to leave the city, suddenly a dozen luxury cars behind them made a huge roar and chased after them!

When the driver saw this, his face changed with fear, and his hands holding the steering wheel were trembling slightly!

It was obvious that the cars behind were chasing them!

Just as they were about to drive out of the city, a Porsche suddenly crossed in front of the taxi. The driver was so frightened that he hit the brakes! When Chen Ping heard this, he suddenly realized that the secret realm was another space opened up. Although it was in the same place, it was not in the same space, so there was no conflict.

"Miss Zhou, I wonder which of the eight secret realms your Demon Spirit Sect's secret realm belongs to?"

Chen Ping knew that the Ge family was in the Fire Gate Secret Realm, and that the Zixiao Mansion was in the Thunder Gate Secret Realm, but he didn't know which secret realm the Demon Spirit Sect was in.

When Zhou Jie heard this, surprise flashed across her face and she looked at Chen Ping in disbelief.

"I didn't expect that you actually know the eight secret realms?"

"You have to know that these things are all secrets. Even the top brass in the martial arts world don't know much about them."

"You actually know this, it seems I still underestimate you!"

Zhou Jie was surprised that Chen Ping knew the secret realm and knew it in such detail.

Chen Ping smiled awkwardly, "I know some people from the Secret Realm family, and I was lucky enough to go to the Secret Realm twice..."

At this time, Zhou Jie's eyes obviously changed a lot when she looked at Chen Ping.

"Our Demon Spirit Sect is not among the eight secret realms. It is said that the eight secret realms were created by an immortal using the Eight Diagrams in his hand during the war between gods and demons and the catastrophe of heaven and earth, in order to give the immortal cultivators a place to live."

"And our secret realms were created by our respective sects. In terms of scale and endurance, they are much worse than the eight secret realms."

"Our secret realm is the real secret space, and those eight secret realms can be called a world, incomparable..."

Zhou Jie followed Chen Ping and explained.

Only then did Chen Ping understand that there were not only eight major secret realms in this space, but there were also many smaller secret realms!

And in these small secret realms, there is only one sect or family...

"Oh I got it……"

Chen Ping nodded with some understanding.

The plane flew smoothly, and after flying for more than three hours, it landed in Nanhu!

There is actually a small town like this

The airport was also very unexpected.

After getting off the plane, Zheng Kai looked at Hu Mazi fiercely, but Hu Mazi ignored him!

A group of people walked out of the airport, but Zheng Kai was following behind!

"Damn, this guy looks like he won't look back until he hits the wall..."

Hu Mazi said angrily when he saw Zheng Kai following him.

"Okay, don't worry about him, let him follow..."

Chen Ping was afraid that Hu Mazi would cause a conflict with Zheng Kai, so he said.

"Let's go, I'll take you to eat something delicious. The most famous snack here is mutton steamed buns..."

Zhou Jie said, leading Chen Ping and Hu Mazi towards a street not far from the airport!

This is a snack street with all kinds of food!

In fact, for Chen Ping and Hu Mazi, even if they didn't eat for three days and three nights, they wouldn't be hungry. But when they saw the delicious food in front of them, their stomachs started growling.

The three of them sat down in front of a snack bar and started eating!

But Zheng Kai was watching them not far away with his ghostly spirit!

But no one paid attention to Zheng Kai. He could follow if he wanted to, and watch if he wanted to!

After dinner, Zhou Jie called for a car, then took Chen Ping and followed Hu Mazi towards the east of the city!

This time Zhou Jie learned wisely and never sat next to Hu Mazi, but directly sat in the passenger seat!

Along the way, Hu Mazi ate a lot of tofu, and Zhou Jie was going crazy!

Just as their car was driving towards the east of the city and was about to leave the city, suddenly a dozen luxury cars behind them made a huge roar and chased after them!

When the driver saw this, his face changed with fear, and his hands holding the steering wheel were trembling slightly!

It was obvious that the cars behind were chasing them!

Just as they were about to drive out of the city, a Porsche suddenly crossed in front of the taxi. The driver was so frightened that he hit the brakes!

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