Dragon King Order

Chapter 1863 If ​​you keep talking nonsense, you will die.

Before Zheng Kai could react, the Chen Ping family slapped him!


This slap hit Zheng Kai directly on the face, and Zheng Kai flew away instantly!

The severe pain made Zheng Kai's face instantly red and swollen.

At this time, all the people Zheng Kai called were stunned, and they all looked at each other.

The eldest young master of the Zheng family was slapped away without even the ability to fight back?

Simply incredible!

Zheng Kai became angry and glared at Chen Ping, "Good boy, if you dare to slap me in the face, my father will never let you go."

"If you don't want to die, get out of here. I didn't want to be your enemy, but you are so aggressive."

"If you continue to talk nonsense, do you believe I'm going to kill you?"

Chen Ping said with a cold expression.

Feeling the killing intent on Chen Ping, the muscles in the corners of Zheng Kai's eyes twitched involuntarily.

"Okay, just wait for me, this is not Kyoto..."

After Zheng Kai finished speaking, he waved his hand and led the people away!

Seeing Zheng Kai leaving, Chen Ping said to Zhou Jie, "Let's keep walking..."

"Mr. Chen, I have told you that the eldest young master of the Zheng family is very narrow-minded. If you hit him, he will definitely retaliate."

Zhou Jie reminded.

"Just take revenge. I don't mind being a city lord myself. I can just use the cultivation resources here."

Chen Ping smiled lightly and said nonchalantly.

"Mr. Chen, the Zheng family is not as easy to deal with as you think..."

Zhou Jie reminded again.

"What are you afraid of? Aren't you, the Demon Spirit Sect, afraid of the Zheng family?"

Chen Ping looked at Zhou Jie and asked playfully.

"How is it possible? How can our Demon Spirit Sect be afraid of a small Zheng family?" Zhou Jie suddenly said arrogantly.

"Isn't that enough? If we cooperate, it will be a partnership. Will your Demon Spirit Sect watch me start a conflict with the Zheng family and ignore it?

? "

Chen Ping asked with a smile.

This time, Zhou Jie was stumped and didn't know how to answer!

After all, she is just an envoy of the Demon Spirit Sect, and she cannot make the decision on this kind of thing.

Seeing that Zhou Jie stopped talking, Chen Ping smiled and said, "Let's leave quickly, otherwise the eldest young master of the Zheng family will find help again."

Zhou Jie nodded, and then drove Chen Ping and Hu Mazi out of Nanhu to an open area in the woods!

"Is the entrance to your Demon Spirit Sect's secret realm right here?"

Chen Ping asked.

Zhou Jie nodded and said, "Yes..."

"Hurry up and open the secret realm. I haven't seen what the secret realm looks like..."

Hu Mazi seemed a little excited because he had never entered a secret realm before!

Zhou Jie said with a confused look on her face, "The opening of each secret realm is confidential, so..."

Zhou Jie did not continue, but Chen Ping also knew what Zhou Jie meant, so he called Hu Mazi and walked aside!

"Damn, what's the secret..."

Hu Mazi looked unhappy, but still followed Chen Ping to the side!

I saw Zhou Jie taking out a stone with a very special shape, and then muttered something!

Along with a wave of water ripples in the air, the space instantly flashed with light!

"Okay, let's go in..."

Zhou Jie said to Chen Ping and Hu Mazi.

The two people walked over and looked at the light in front of them. Then Zhou Jie stepped in, followed closely by Chen Ping and Hu Mazi!

After entering, the light disappeared instantly, and the secret door was closed!

Entering the secret realm, Chen Ping saw a large hall in front of him. Then when he looked into the distance, it was gray and nothing could be seen clearly.

Everything he looked at was gray, and only the hundreds of meters surrounding the main hall in front of him could be clearly seen!

Chen Ping thought that the Demon Spirit Sect had some secrets, so he deliberately made the secret realm so gray that no one could see clearly. Before Zheng Kai could react, the Chen Ping family slapped him!


This slap hit Zheng Kai directly on the face, and Zheng Kai flew away instantly!

The severe pain made Zheng Kai's face instantly red and swollen.

At this time, all the people Zheng Kai called were stunned, and they all looked at each other.

The eldest young master of the Zheng family was slapped away without even the ability to fight back?

Simply incredible!

Zheng Kai became angry and glared at Chen Ping, "Good boy, if you dare to slap me in the face, my father will never let you go."

"If you don't want to die, get out of here. I didn't want to be your enemy, but you are so aggressive."

"If you continue to talk nonsense, do you believe I'm going to kill you?"

Chen Ping said with a cold expression.

Feeling the killing intent on Chen Ping, the muscles in the corners of Zheng Kai's eyes twitched involuntarily.

"Okay, just wait for me, this is not Kyoto..."

After Zheng Kai finished speaking, he waved his hand and led the people away!

Seeing Zheng Kai leaving, Chen Ping said to Zhou Jie, "Let's keep walking..."

"Mr. Chen, I have told you that the eldest young master of the Zheng family is very petty. If you hit him, he will definitely retaliate."

Zhou Jie reminded.

"Just take revenge. I don't mind being a city lord myself. I can just make use of the cultivation resources here."

Chen Ping smiled lightly and said nonchalantly.

"Mr. Chen, the Zheng family is not as easy to deal with as you think..."

Zhou Jie reminded again.

"What are you afraid of? Aren't you, the Demon Spirit Sect, afraid of the Zheng family?"

Chen Ping looked at Zhou Jie and asked playfully.

"How is it possible? How could our Demon Spirit Sect be afraid of a small Zheng family?" Zhou Jie suddenly said arrogantly.

"Isn't that enough? If we cooperate, it will be a partnership. Will your Demon Spirit Sect watch me start a conflict with the Zheng family and ignore it?

? "

Chen Ping asked with a smile.

This time, Zhou Jie was stumped and didn't know how to answer!

After all, she is just an envoy of the Demon Spirit Sect, and she cannot make the decision on this kind of thing.

Seeing that Zhou Jie stopped talking, Chen Ping smiled and said, "Let's leave quickly, otherwise the eldest young master of the Zheng family will find help again."

Zhou Jie nodded, and then drove Chen Ping and Hu Mazi out of Nanhu to an open area in the woods!

"Is the entrance to your Demon Spirit Sect's secret realm right here?"

Chen Ping asked.

Zhou Jie nodded and said, "Yes..."

"Hurry up and open the secret realm. I haven't seen what the secret realm looks like..."

Hu Mazi seemed a little excited because he had never entered a secret realm before!

Zhou Jie said with a confused look on her face, "The opening of each secret realm is confidential, so..."

Zhou Jie did not continue, but Chen Ping also knew what Zhou Jie meant, so he called Hu Mazi and walked aside!

"Damn, what's the secret..."

Hu Mazi looked unhappy, but still followed Chen Ping to the side!

I saw Zhou Jie taking out a stone with a very special shape, and then muttered something!

Along with a wave of water ripples in the air, the space instantly flashed with light!

"Okay, let's go in..."

Zhou Jie said to Chen Ping and Hu Mazi.

The two people walked over and looked at the light in front of them. Then Zhou Jie stepped in, followed closely by Chen Ping and Hu Mazi!

After entering, the light disappeared instantly, and the secret door was closed!

Entering the secret realm, Chen Ping saw a large hall in front of him. Then when he looked into the distance, it was gray and nothing could be seen clearly.

Everything he looked at was gray, and only the hundreds of meters surrounding the main hall in front of him could be clearly seen!

Chen Ping thought that the Demon Spirit Sect had some secrets, so he deliberately made the secret realm so gray that no one could see clearly.

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