Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,768 Talking about Cooperation

However, Hu Mazi stood up in a hurry and stopped Chen Ping. "With your strength, aren't you afraid of dying inside the ruins of Tianfu Sect?"

"What are you afraid of? Don't forget that there is a perverted body like the Blood Demon. This is a good shield. What kind of hidden weapon can hurt us?"

Chen Ping patted the Blood Demon on the shoulder and said to Hu Mazi.

Hu Mazi slapped his forehead, "Yes, how could I forget this guy..."

"We'll leave soon after I clean up..."

Faced with women and the ruins of Tianfu Sect, of course Hu Mazi would choose the ruins!

But just when Chen Ping led Hu Mazi and others out of the hall, he saw a woman walking towards him with a group of people!

The woman's long, white legs instantly made Hu Mazi stare straight at her!

Chen Ping frowned, because this woman was the one who failed to snatch the blood demon's body some time ago and escaped! .??.??

This woman almost beat Hu Mazi to death, but looking at Hu Mazi's expression at this time, she didn't seem to be angry!

A pair of eyes looked at the woman's legs with squinting eyes!

"Are you here for revenge?"

Chen Ping stepped forward and asked the woman.

With the Blood Demon around, Chen Ping wasn't afraid of these people at all.

There was a slight smile on the woman's face: "Don't be nervous. I'm not here for revenge. I have something to talk to you about."

"What do you want to talk to me about?"

Chen Ping looked confused. He didn't understand what this woman was talking to about him.

Besides, I followed the Demon Spirit Sect and had no interaction!

The woman glanced at everyone, and then said, "There are too many people here, do you plan to talk here?"

Chen Ping looked at it and then said, "Come with me..."

Chen Ping took the woman into a room, and Hu Mazi followed behind. It wasn't until Chen Ping closed the door that Hu Mazi reacted.

"Damn, it's so long and white..."

Hu Mazi muttered!


After entering the room, Chen Ping said with a cold expression, "If you have anything to do, just tell me quickly. I don't have much time to chat with you..."

The woman was not angry either, and still had a faint smile on her face. "My name is Zhou Jie. I came here on behalf of my sect leader to discuss cooperation with Mr. Chen."

"Cooperation?" Chen Ping looked Zhou Jie up and down. "What cooperation are you talking about? What else do we have to cooperate with?"

"We know some secrets that Mr. Chen doesn't know, and we also know that Mr. Chen has been troubled by his girlfriend recently. Our Demon Spirit Sect can help Mr. Chen solve all this..."

Zhou Jie said calmly.

"Are you investigating me?" Chen Ping frowned slightly. It was obvious that the Demon Spirit Sect was investigating him.

"Of course, if we haven't investigated Mr. Chen, how can we talk about cooperation?"

Zhou Jie admitted directly.

"You have investigated me, but I don't know your Demon Spirit Sect at all. Isn't this kind of cooperation unfair?"

Chen Ping asked.

"If Mr. Chen is willing to cooperate, I can take you to visit our sect. We are sincere about cooperating with Mr. Chen, so we have no reservations. You can rest assured about this."

Zhou Jie said frankly.

"What benefits do you want to gain from cooperating with me? Do you want to get the body of the blood demon?"

Chen Ping looked curious!

It is impossible that this Demon Spirit Sect is out of kindness and cooperates with them without any benefit.

Zhou Jie nodded, "Yes, we only hope to get the blood demon's body. To tell you something that Mr. Chen doesn't like to hear, the blood demon's body is a waste in Mr. Chen's hands..."

"Although you have found a way to refine the blood demon body into a puppet corpse, it will not take too long. In this way, the blood demon body will be wasted. But if it falls into the hands of our Demon Spirit Sect, we have a way Let the blood demon come back to life."

"But Mr. Chen, don't worry. When the time comes, our Demon Spirit Sect will be Mr. Chen's strong backing. You can destroy him at any time with the Kyoto Martial Arts Alliance..." However, Hu Mazi stood up and stopped Chen Ping, "You... With such strength, aren’t you afraid of dying inside the ruins of Chuantian Fu Sect?”

"What are you afraid of? Don't forget that there is a perverted body like the Blood Demon. This is a good shield. What kind of hidden weapon can hurt us?"

Chen Ping patted the Blood Demon on the shoulder and said to Hu Mazi.

Hu Mazi slapped his forehead, "Yes, how could I forget this guy..."

"We'll leave soon after I clean up..."

Faced with women and the ruins of Tianfu Sect, of course Hu Mazi would choose the ruins! ??

But just when Chen Ping, Hu Mazi and others walked out of the hall, they saw a woman and a group of people walking towards them!

The woman's long white legs instantly made Hu Mazi stare straight at her!

Chen Ping frowned, because this woman was the one who failed to snatch the blood demon's body some time ago and escaped!

This woman almost beat Hu Mazi to death, but looking at Hu Mazi's expression at this time, she didn't seem angry!

A pair of eyes looked at the woman's legs with squinting eyes!

"Are you here for revenge?"

Chen Ping stepped forward and asked the woman.

With the Blood Demon around, Chen Ping wasn't afraid of these people at all.

There was a slight smile on the woman's face: "Don't be nervous. I'm not here for revenge. I have something to talk to you about."

"What do you want to talk to me about?"

Chen Ping looked confused. He didn't understand what this woman was talking to about him.

Moreover, I followed the Demon Spirit Sect and had no interaction!

The woman glanced at everyone, and then said, "There are too many people here, do you plan to talk here?"

Chen Ping looked at it and then said, "Come with me..."

Chen Ping took the woman into a room, and Hu Mazi followed behind. It wasn't until Chen Ping closed the door that Hu Mazi reacted.

"Damn, it's so long and white..."

Hu Mazi muttered!


After entering the room, Chen Ping said with a cold expression, "If you have anything to do, just tell me quickly. I don't have much time to chat with you..."

The woman was not angry either, and still had a faint smile on her face. "My name is Zhou Jie. I came here on behalf of my sect leader to discuss cooperation with Mr. Chen."

"Cooperation?" Chen Ping looked Zhou Jie up and down. "What cooperation are you talking about? What else do we have to cooperate with?"

"We know some secrets that Mr. Chen doesn't know, and we also know that Mr. Chen has been troubled by his girlfriend recently. Our Demon Spirit Sect can help Mr. Chen solve all this..."

Zhou Jie said calmly.

"Are you investigating me?" Chen Ping frowned slightly. It was obvious that the Demon Spirit Sect was investigating him.

"Of course, if we haven't investigated Mr. Chen, how can we talk about cooperation?"

Zhou Jie admitted directly.

"You have investigated me, but I don't know your Demon Spirit Sect at all. Isn't this kind of cooperation unfair?"

Chen Ping asked.

"If Mr. Chen is willing to cooperate, I can take you to visit our sect. We are sincere about cooperating with Mr. Chen, so we have no reservations. You can rest assured about this."

Zhou Jie said frankly.

"What benefits do you want to gain from cooperating with me? Do you want to get the body of the blood demon?"

Chen Ping looked curious!

It is impossible that this Demon Spirit Sect is out of kindness and cooperates with them without any benefit.

Zhou Jie nodded, "Yes, we only hope to get the blood demon's body. To tell you something that Mr. Chen doesn't like to hear, the blood demon's body is a waste in Mr. Chen's hands..."

"Although you have found a way to refine the blood demon body into a puppet corpse, it will not take too long. In this way, the blood demon body will be wasted. But if it falls into the hands of our Demon Spirit Sect, we have a way Let the blood demon come back to life."

"But don't worry, Mr. Chen. When the time comes, our Demon Spirit Sect will be Mr. Chen's strong backing. You can destroy him at any time with the Kyoto Martial Arts Alliance..."

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