Dragon King Order

Chapter 1769 Believe it or not

Chen Ping stared at Zhou Jie, and saw that Zhou Jie's eyes were sincere and she didn't lie.

"You just said that you can rescue my girlfriend, and there is a secret that I don't know. What is the secret?" Chen Ping asked.

"Mr. Chen, I'm sorry I can't tell you now. Only when we reach a cooperation, can I tell you this secret..." Zhou Jie shook her head!

"You talked for a long time, but it was all nonsense. How can you make me believe that your Demon Spirit Sect has strength?" Chen Ping saw that Zhou Jie didn't tell any secrets, so he provoked her.

Zhou Jie smiled, not angry, and exposed Chen Ping's provocation, "Mr. Chen is using provocation on me, you don't have to. In order to express our sincerity, I will still tell you a secret."

"You are trying so hard to save your girlfriend now, but what you see is just a reflection. Even if you find a way to open the prison door, your girlfriend can't leave the dungeon!"

"As long as she leaves the magic circle, her body will dissipate instantly. Her body is not in that dungeon..." Zhou Jie's words stunned Chen Ping instantly.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. I have seen Yuqi several times. Everything about her is real. How could it be a reflection?"

"You don't have to treat me as a fool. I believe in my intuition. It can't be fake..."

"If it's fake, why didn't Yuqi tell me? It can't be fake."

Chen Ping shook his head and didn't believe it at all.

Zhou Jie smiled coldly, "I have said what I should say. It's up to you whether you believe it or not. As for the cooperation with our Demon Spirit Sect, I hope Mr. Chen will think about it carefully..."

After speaking, Zhou Jie turned and left the room. As soon as she opened the door, she saw Hu Mazi outside the door. The two almost bumped into each other!

Seeing Zhou Jie coming out, Hu Mazi quickly looked at Zhou Jie's thighs and tried his best to breathe in the fragrance of Zhou Jie!

Looking at Hu Mazi's wretched appearance, Zhou Jie rolled her eyes. If she hadn't come to discuss cooperation with Chen Ping, she would really beat Hu Mazi up!

However, Zhou Jie was a little surprised that Hu Mazi was able to escape death last time. She felt that Hu Mazi was a bit lustful, but he was also very strong!

Zhou Jie led people away, and Chen Ping also walked out of the room!

Hu Mazi hurriedly sniffed Chen Ping's body!

Chen Ping said in surprise, "Master Hu, what are you doing?"

"I want to smell what you two are doing in there? That's my woman, don't mess around..."

Hu Mazi warned Chen Ping.

Chen Ping was stunned when he heard this. "Your woman almost killed you..."

"Don't worry about it. I'm happy. I'm still a ghost under the peony flowers..." Hu Mazi shook his head and said, "By the way, what did the girl say to you?"

Chen Ping didn't hide it and said directly, "She wants to cooperate with me..."

"Cooperation?" Hu Mazi was stunned. "Have you agreed? If we cooperate, we will be family members, right?"

Chen Ping nodded. "Yes, if we cooperate, we will be family members, and you can see her often..."

"Really?" Hu Mazi's eyes lit up. "Promise her, agree to her quickly, and cooperate with her..."

Hu Mazi grabbed Chen Ping's shoulders and shook them vigorously, looking very excited!

Seeing Hu Mazi's excitement, Chen Ping asked with a puzzled look, "Master Hu, what do you like about that woman?"

"Legs..." Hu Mazi answered without hesitation, "Long, thin, and white..."

Chen Ping was speechless for a while, and could only say, "Let's go to the ruins of Tianfu Sect first, and then talk about it in two days..." Chen Ping stared at Zhou Jie, and saw that Zhou Jie's eyes were sincere and she didn't lie.

"You just said that you can rescue my girlfriend, and there is a secret that I don't know. What is the secret?"

Chen Ping asked.

"Mr. Chen, I'm sorry I can't tell you now. Only when we reach a cooperation, this secret can be told to you..."

Zhou Jie shook her head!

"You've been talking for a long time, but it's all nonsense. How can you make me believe that your Demon Spirit Sect has strength?"

Chen Ping saw that Zhou Jie didn't tell any secrets, so he provoked her.

Zhou Jie smiled, not angry, and exposed Chen Ping's provocation, "Mr. Chen is trying to provoke me, you don't have to. In order to express our sincerity, I will still tell you a secret."

"You are trying so hard to save your girlfriend now, but what you saw is just a reflection. Even if you find a way to open the prison door, your girlfriend can't leave the dungeon!"

"As long as she leaves the magic circle, her body will dissipate instantly. Her body is not in that dungeon..."

Zhou Jie's words stunned Chen Ping instantly.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. I have seen Yuqi several times. The aura on her body, everything is real. How can it be a reflection?"

"You don't have to treat me as a fool. I believe in my intuition. It can't be fake..."

"If it's fake, why didn't Yuqi tell me? It can't be fake."

Chen Ping shook his head and didn't believe it at all.

Zhou Jie smiled coldly, "I have said what I should say. It's up to you whether you believe it or not. As for the cooperation with our Demon Spirit Sect, I hope Mr. Chen will think about it carefully..."

After saying that, Zhou Jie turned and left the room. As soon as she opened the door, she saw Hu Mazi outside the door, and the two almost bumped into each other!

Seeing Zhou Jie come out, Hu Mazi quickly looked at Zhou Jie's thighs and breathed in the fragrance of Zhou Jie desperately!

Seeing Hu Mazi's wretched look, Zhou Jie rolled her eyes. If she hadn't come over to discuss cooperation with Chen Ping, she would have given Hu Mazi a beating!

However, Zhou Jie was a little surprised that Hu Mazi was able to escape death last time. She felt that Hu Mazi was a bit perverted and quite powerful!

Zhou Jie led the people away, and Chen Ping also walked out of the room!

Hu Mazi quickly smelled Chen Ping's body!

Chen Ping looked surprised and said, "Master Hu, what are you doing?"

"I heard what you were doing in there, alone and alone? That's my woman, don't mess around..."

Hu Mazi warned Chen Ping.

When Chen Ping heard this, he immediately couldn't laugh or cry, "Your woman almost killed you..."

"Then don't worry about it. I'm happy to do it. It's cool to be a ghost under the peony flower..." Hu Mazi shook his head and said, "By the way, what did that little bitch tell you?"

Chen Ping didn't hide anything and said directly, "She wants to cooperate with me..."

"Cooperate?" Hu Mazi was stunned. "Do you agree? If we cooperate, then we will be our own, right?"

Chen Ping nodded, "Yes, if you cooperate, you will be one of your own, and you can see her often..."

"Really?" Hu Mazi's eyes lit up, "Promise her, promise her quickly, cooperate with her..."

Hu Mazi grabbed Chen Ping's shoulders and shook them vigorously, looking very excited!

Seeing Hu Mazi's excited look, Chen Ping asked with confusion, "Master Hu, what do you like about that woman?"

"Legs..." Hu Mazi replied without hesitation, "Long, thin, and white..."

Chen Ping was speechless for a while and could only say, "Let's go to the Tianfu Sect ruins first and wait two days before we talk..."

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