Dragon King Order

Chapter 1,767 The Land of Recovery


In the martial arts alliance, atop the ruins, a hunchbacked old man stood in front of the rockery!

Immediately afterwards, the hunchbacked old man recited the spell silently, and a mysterious force instantly enveloped the entire rockery!

Following a burst of space fluctuations, the old man's body disappeared, and the entire rockery also disappeared!

And when the hunchbacked old man and the disappeared rockery appeared again, they were already in another lush green place!

This is a secret realm of the Martial Arts Alliance, and the dungeon is in the secret realm!

The dungeon in the martial arts alliance outside is just a reflection of the dungeon in the secret realm!

All the scenery is exactly the same, but it is not impossible to rescue people from the dungeon.

Because those are all false, even if Chen Ping can open the cell and rescue Su Yuqi, once out of the control of the dungeon formation, the Su Yuqi that Chen Ping saw will disappear in an instant!

The real Su Yuqi was locked up in this secret realm, which is why the great power said that the martial arts alliance was a bait. Even if it was destroyed, the great power didn't feel sorry at all!

Being able to open up a secret realm and even map the entire dungeon to the secular world. This generous approach shows how powerful the strength behind the Martial Arts Alliance is!

But at this time, Chen Ping still had no idea and was still working hard to save Su Yuqi!

After the hunchbacked old man entered the secret realm, a man in black and silver robes quickly came forward and said, "Magic Envoy, the great power has given orders, and I need you to open the secret realm and restore the martial arts alliance..."

The hunchbacked old man looked a little ugly at this time. He waved his hand and said, "I understand. The Martial Arts Alliance will be restored in three days. Have you found the place of recovery that you are looking for?"

The black silver robe shook his head, "Not yet, but I already know the general direction..."

"You have to speed up. You have to find that place and occupy it before the major secret realms are discovered. Now the laws of heaven and earth have no restrictions on us. This is our advantage..."

The hunchbacked old man said.

The black and silver robe nodded, then

Then he turned around and left!

The hunchbacked old man took off his shirt, and there was a clearly visible wound on his chest, which was caused by Chen Ping's vajra pestle.

"Chen Ping, sooner or later I will kill you and get your body..."

The cold light in the eyes of the hunchbacked old man kept flickering...


Penglai Island.

The injuries on Hu Mazi's body have long since healed, and now he is hugging her from left to right, living a very free and easy life!

Du Nan treated Hu Mazi as his grandfather.

In particular, Hu Mazi tries his best to satisfy women's requirements!

This made Hu Mazi feel that Penglai Island was much better than when he was in the Shen family. At this moment, he had already forgotten all about the two beauties of the Shen family.

"Master Hu is so elegant. I was worried about your health. It seems that I was worried in vain..."

Chen Ping walked into the hall and looked at Hu Mazi who looked satisfied and said.

Seeing Chen Ping coming, Hu Mazi stood up, covered his chest and said, "I'm still feeling tight in the chest and short of breath. I almost died trying to save you..."

Chen Ping saw that Hu Mazi was just pretending, but he didn't expose it. He smiled and said, "Get ready, come with me to Baihai City..."

"What are you going for?"

Hu Mazi was stunned.

"Didn't you keep making troubles back to the Shen family? Someone in the Shen family is waiting for you..."

Chen Ping smiled.

"No, no, I'm still injured. I'm not suitable for traveling and traveling. It's good to recuperate here."

Hu Mazi waved his hands repeatedly, and then sat back!

"Master Hu, do you like the new and hate the old?" Chen Ping asked.

"No way, I'm a very dedicated person, but my body doesn't allow me to go back now..."

Hu Mazi shook his head.

"Hey, I originally wanted to ask you to go to Tianfu Sect and excavate the ruins. Now that you don't go, then I will go myself."

Chen Ping sighed, then turned around and left! …………

The Martial Arts Alliance is in ruins, with a hunchbacked old man standing in front of the rockery!

Immediately afterwards, the hunchbacked old man recited the spell silently, and a mysterious force instantly enveloped the entire rockery!

Following a burst of space fluctuations, the old man's body disappeared, and the entire rockery also disappeared!

And when the hunchbacked old man and the disappeared rockery appeared again, they were already in another lush green place!

This is a secret realm of the Martial Arts Alliance, and the dungeon is in the secret realm!

The dungeon in the martial arts alliance outside is just a reflection of the dungeon in the secret realm!

All the scenery is exactly the same, but it is not impossible to rescue people from the dungeon.

Because those are all false, even if Chen Ping can open the cell and rescue Su Yuqi, once out of the control of the dungeon formation, the Su Yuqi that Chen Ping saw will disappear in an instant!

The real Su Yuqi was locked up in this secret realm, which is why the great power said that the martial arts alliance was a bait. Even if it was destroyed, the great power didn't feel sorry at all!

Being able to open up a secret realm and even map the entire dungeon to the secular world. This generous approach shows how powerful the strength behind the Martial Arts Alliance is!

But at this time, Chen Ping still had no idea and was still working hard to save Su Yuqi!

After the hunchbacked old man entered the secret realm, a man in black and silver robes quickly came forward and said, "Magic Envoy, the great power has given orders, and I need you to open the secret realm and restore the martial arts alliance..."

The hunchbacked old man looked a little ugly at this time. He waved his hand and said, "I understand. The Martial Arts Alliance will be restored in three days. Have you found the place of recovery that you are looking for?"

The black silver robe shook his head, "Not yet, but I already know the general direction..."

"You have to speed up. You have to find that place and occupy it before the major secret realms are discovered. Now the laws of heaven and earth have no restrictions on us. This is our advantage..."

The hunchbacked old man said.

The black and silver robe nodded, then

Then he turned around and left!

The hunchbacked old man took off his shirt, and there was a clearly visible wound on his chest, which was caused by Chen Ping's vajra pestle.

"Chen Ping, sooner or later I will kill you and get your body..."

The cold light in the eyes of the hunchbacked old man kept flickering...


Penglai Island.

The injuries on Hu Mazi's body have long since healed, and now he is hugging her from left to right, living a very free and easy life!

Du Nan treated Hu Mazi as his grandfather.

In particular, Hu Mazi tries his best to satisfy women's requirements!

This made Hu Mazi feel that Penglai Island was much better than when he was in the Shen family. At this moment, he had already forgotten all about the two beauties of the Shen family.

"Master Hu is so elegant. I was worried about your health. It seems that I was worried in vain..."

Chen Ping walked into the hall and looked at Hu Mazi who looked satisfied and said.

Seeing Chen Ping coming, Hu Mazi stood up, covered his chest and said, "I'm still feeling tight in the chest and short of breath. I almost died trying to save you..."

Chen Ping saw that Hu Mazi was just pretending, but he didn't expose it. He smiled and said, "Get ready, come with me to Baihai City..."

"What are you going for?"

Hu Mazi was stunned.

"Didn't you keep making troubles back to the Shen family? Someone in the Shen family is waiting for you..."

Chen Ping smiled.

"No, no, I'm still injured now and it's not suitable for traveling and traveling. It's good to recuperate here."

Hu Mazi waved his hands repeatedly, and then sat back!

"Master Hu, do you like the new and hate the old?" Chen Ping asked.

"No way, I'm a very dedicated person, but my body doesn't allow me to go back now..."

Hu Mazi shook his head.

"Hey, I originally wanted to ask you to go to Tianfu Sect and excavate the ruins. Now that you don't go, then I will go myself."

Chen Ping sighed, then turned around and left!

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