Chapter 291

Before Mo Shi finished speaking, the beard hung up the phone.

Mo Shi could only shook his head helplessly.

Consciousness returned to Canglong’s body.

I saw the girl looking at the dim head of Mo Shi on the multi-function watch, and asked:

“Dad, this little Big Brother is a little handsome. Why don’t you thank him?”

The cheeky beard said, “My promise is to thank him the most. I’m back.”

The girl curled her lips: “Dad, can you see the handsome little Big Brother every time you are like an enemy.”

Then he smiled and said, “Are you afraid they will abduct your daughter?”

Li Hu sneered: “If you dare to abduct my daughter, I will destroy his nine clans.”

The girl rolled her eyes: “Who would dare to marry me after that?”

He said nonsense: “If you want to marry you, you must be able to protect you. When you meet a young man who can beat me in the future, you just go with him.”


The girl rolled her eyes again:

“I said daddy, just let me be a nun directly. You are a great hunter!”

“Looking at the whole continent, how many great wild hunters can there be? I am afraid that there is not one young man in the whole continent who can defeat the great wild hunters. Alas, my life is so hard, how can there be a father like you?”

Luo Chi Hu only said one sentence:

“There are people outside, and there are heaven outside the sky.”

Then he took out the long sword and pressed it lightly.

The long sword squeezed out and turned into a five-meter-long giant sword.

He took his daughter and jumped on the long sword, and instantly left the ground.

Mo Shi saw this scene from the perspective of Canglong’s clone, and his whole person was a little dazed.

Great hunter?

The top presence on the entire continent!

He previously guessed that this beard is very strong, and it is likely to be a level 10 waste hunter.

Unexpectedly, I still underestimated him.

On the entire continent, there are very few people who have reached the Great Wilderness Hunter.

Each one is an ancestor-level figure of the big sect.

It can be seen how strong this beard is.

Mo Shi had previously checked information on some of the top powerhouses on the mainland.

Every great hunter is basically a powerful existence with a name and a surname.

As far as he knows, there are five great hunters who use swords.

There were also two people using giant swords, but none of them seemed to be such a number one.

His consciousness quickly returned to the body and opened the search engine of the multi-function watch.

Enter the key words: [the great waste hunter with a huge sword, daughter]

Soon, the search results were projected on the virtual interface.

Click on the top one.

【Yijian Frost and Cold Sixteen States, Han Jiansheng】

Mo Shi looked at the picture above again. The characters in the picture used the black sword with a sense of science and technology.

When the long sword is closed, it is a normal size sword.

When the long sword is extended, it is a five-meter-long aircraft.

It’s exactly the same as the giant sword with the beard before.

It’s just that the character in this picture looks like a weak scholar who looks good-looking.

It is really difficult for people to associate him with the beard just now.

Mo Shi observed it carefully for a while, only to see some similarities in his eyes and between his eyebrows.

It turned out that after this Han Jian grew his beard, his beard covered most of his cheeks.

In addition, the beard has grown to nearly an inch long now.

At a glance, it is natural to not see the original appearance.

Look at the following introduction:

[Han Jiansheng, level 2 great waste hunter. Ice attribute talent. At the age of thirty-three, he had reached the level 1 great waste hunter. But he is low-key and has no reputation. 】

[Later because his wife was killed, in order to avenge the murder of his wife, with a giant sword, he even cut 32 top powerhouses in the Sixteen States of Youyun, slaughtered 17 top forces, and became famous in the First World War. The Sixteen Nether Clouds trembles, and all the top forces are in danger. Since then, it has been known as “One Sword Frost and Cold Sixteen States”. 】

[Han Jian had a wife and a daughter. The daughter’s name is Han Lubai, a 3rd-level waste hunter…]

When Mo Shi saw this, he was secretly surprised.

A giant sword stunned Youyun Sixteen States.

What a powerful strength this should be.

You know, Yanshi Continent is huge.

The area of ​​each state is almost equal to the total land area of ​​the earth.

The power of one person shocked the sixteen states, equivalent to shocking the area of ​​sixteen earths.

This strength is simply terrifying to exaggeration.

At the same time, Mo Shi was envious of his daughter.

With such a powerful dad, his daughter is at most in her twenties, and she has reached the level 3 Wilderness Hunter Realm.

It’s so good to have powerful genes.

However, Mo Shi has a sign-in system and believes that in the near future, he will be able to surpass Han Lubai.

No matter how long it is, it will not be difficult to surpass Han Jiansheng.

And now with a promise from Han Jiansheng, Mo Shi is equivalent to having an extremely powerful hole card.

Since Han Jiansheng had left, Mo Shi returned to Canglongfen’s body again.

Long Nian found out.

Han Jiansheng destroyed the underground lair of the corpse just now.

Many Level 4 upgraded zombies inside have escaped.

Mo Shi easily discovered that there were more than 50 Level 4 upgraded corpses within a radius of 200 kilometers.

After swallowing another forty level 4 upgraded zombies, the muscles were torn apart again.

Half an hour later, Mossaurus clone’s level finally gained Ascension again.

Level 5 Upgraded Desolate Beast!

Mo Shichang exhaled.

Finally reached level 5 upgraded barren beast.

So next, it’s time to clean up Cheng’s house.

Let’s talk about when Mo Shi rushed back.

Far in the Cheng family in Youzhou.

Cheng Chengcheng, the head of the Cheng family, learned of his son’s death.

This made his grief and anger in his chest reached its culmination.

The younger son died not long ago, and the second son died again.

In just one month, he lost his two sons in a row. How could this not make him angry.

The death of the youngest son has yet to find a murderer.

But the cause of the second son’s death was very obvious.

The second son went to Hunting Island No. 1 to catch the three suspects a day ago.

The result is gone forever.

Along with the people he brought, there was even a giant eagle mecha, all lost contact.

Obviously, it was the three of Hunting Island No. 1 who did it.

When Cheng Chengcheng got the news, he slapped the table with his right palm.

The metal tabletop was suddenly sunken by him.

“Come on!”

A person came in immediately and respectfully said: “Master.”

“Order all the elite children of the Cheng family to go to Hunting Island No. 1! Daddy will razing there to the ground!”


After just half an hour, more than a hundred people gathered in front of Cheng’s gate.

These more than one hundred people were all waste hunters above level 8.

Such forces are considered the strongest strength of the Cheng family.

However, just as Cheng Chengcheng took them and planned to set off, several old people in the family joined forces to stop Cheng Chengcheng.

“Patriarch, the family can’t be without an owner for a day. If you go, who will preside over the important affairs of the Cheng family?”

“Send a level 10 powerhouse and take these people with you. Why should the Patriarch go out himself?”

“Patriarch, the day when the hundred powerful forces fight for war is approaching, you have to stay in the family to preside over the overall situation.”

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