Chapter 292 Come to my place to run wild?

Cheng Chengcheng listened to the persuasion of these family elders, and suppressed his anger.

Pondered for a long time.

The Hundred Powers Fighting Conference is only held every five years.

During this period, the top 100 forces will send elites to participate in the competition.

Any power that wins the game will receive attention from all aspects, which will have a positive impact on the power’s popularity and other aspects.

And the most important thing is that if you win the championship, you will get huge benefits.

Thinking of this, Cheng Chengcheng finally nodded slowly: “Then let Cheng Ming go.”

Cheng Ming, level 10 waste hunter.

It should be no problem for him to take the one hundred hunters above level 8 with him.

The elders around were relieved to see this.

Soon, Cheng Ming was called over.

“Patriarch, don’t worry, I will bring those three people back to you.”

In Cheng Chengcheng’s eyes, the killing intent appeared:

“Not only will the murderer be brought back, but the entire Hunting Island No. 1 must be razed to the ground!”

When it comes to the last four words, he almost gritted his teeth.

Cheng Ming looked at the Patriarch, his eyes condensed:


Soon, Cheng Ming took more than one hundred people, including ten fighters.

Toward Hunting Island No. 1.

In half a day, they have arrived on Hunting Island No.1.

Look down from the sky.

I saw that the entire Hunting Island No. 1 was almost covered in blood red.

Only in the center of the island is there a small green area.

There are traces of human activities on the green space.

Cheng Ming would not yell to the ground like Cheng Kun.

He was expressionless and said lightly:

“Giant Eagle Mecha, drop bombs.”

The keyboard player next to him should say: “Yes!”

Controlling three giant eagle mechas, flying towards the top of the green field.

In the base, the monk had already known that more than a hundred uninvited guests had arrived above the base.

And these uninvited guests are obviously unkind, as soon as they shot three giant eagle mechas.

The monk remembered what Mo Shi had said before leaving.

If you are below the hunter, don’t care about it at all.

According to the detection system in the base, the strongest of these people outside is just three 10-level waste hunters.

He couldn’t help but smile:

“It seems that there is no need for the little monk to take action.”

The basic people in the base naturally noticed the movement in the sky.

They all looked at the group of people in the sky with some speechlessness.

Just a group of hunters.

Another group came to give the head away.

So the people in the base are still busy.

Soon, three giant eagle mechas flew directly above the base.

Three high-explosive shells were dropped.

Watching three high-explosive bombs fall next year, Cheng saw a cruel smile on his mouth.

Before each battle, there was a round of bombing. This was the Cheng family’s way of fighting.

I don’t know how many enemies died in this round of bombing.

Don’t look at just three high-explosive bombs.

But the energy of these three high-explosive bombs was enough to flatten the entire base.

However, at this moment, everyone in the Cheng family’s eyes were fixed.

When the three high-explosive bombs were 50 meters away from the ground, they seemed to hit something.

It exploded.

Moreover, the explosion diameter of each high-explosive bomb is only ten meters.

The flames and high temperature of the explosion seemed to be wrapped in an invisible energy cover, and disappeared quickly.

Cheng Ming frowned.

“There is some kind of protective cover here!”

The voice did not fall.

call out–

A fiery red beam of light with thick thighs suddenly shot towards the Cheng family at extremely fast speed.

These Cheng family members have no time to escape.

The beam of light shot straight into the Cheng family crowd.

In an instant, three Cheng family members were penetrated by this beam of light.

Two more were directly headshot.

“No, there is an ambush! Get out!”

Cheng Ming’s face changed suddenly, and he quickly yelled.

He really couldn’t figure out what exactly came out of that beam of light.

Even if it was a fighter jet, it was impossible to shoot such a thick beam of light.

If it were other powerful energy weapons, he could at least see where the beam of light came from.

But just now, he didn’t see the source of this beam of light.

As if it was shot out of thin air.

Is this some kind of invisible weapon?

But soon, the facts proved that his idea was wrong.


When the Cheng family retreated, dozens of beams of light shot over.

Cheng’s family immediately suffered heavy casualties.

And those beams of light did not come from one place.

It was shot from all directions.

If it is really some kind of invisible powerful weapon, each one is worth at least hundreds of millions.

With so many weapons in all directions, how many billions does it cost?

So it’s impossible.

So what exactly are these beams of light emitted?

But at this time Cheng Ming didn’t have time to entangle these at all.

In a volley of fire, more than 30 people he brought have been killed or injured.

He can only let everyone escape as quickly as possible.

“Run away, use all means, run away!”

Cheng Ming shouted while pressing the transmission device in his hand.

The next moment, his whole figure, has turned into a blue-white light ball, and disappeared in place.

At the same time, several other Cheng family members who had teleportation devices also disappeared in place.

However, the transmission device is not cheap, and even the Cheng family can’t have one.

So the remaining Cheng family members are tragic.

They screamed as they fled outside Hunting Island One.

Seeing the companions around me being blasted into two paragraphs one by one;

Was bombarded with limbs;

Blasted his head.

Almost everyone is devoid of expression.

They thought that coming to this hunting island today would be a massacre.

It turns out that they guessed the beginning but didn’t guess the ending.

The slaughter is a slaughter, but someone else slaughters them.

In the end, the more than one hundred people of the Cheng family, over one to sixty, all fell on Hunting Island No.1.

The remaining thirty or so people flew out of the hunting island range.

They thought that as long as they escaped from Hunting Island No. 1, they would be able to escape.

But it turns out that they were wrong again.

They had flown more than fifty kilometers away from Hunting Island One, but the beams of light continued to shoot over.

Its speed is simply not comparable to those hunters like them.

They can only watch these beams of light penetrate their bodies.

In the end, in this battle, the Cheng family lost more than 30 9th-level waste hunters.

Plus more than 50 8th-level waste hunters.

Until everything calmed down, the people on Hunting Island No. 1 all showed expressions of “Sure enough”.

Since the rise of Mr. Mo, the entire Hunting Island No. 1 seems to be strong to a perverted point.

None of these people who came to hunt on island No. 1 had good fruit.

Little Monk saw this scene from the detective, his face was excited and regretful.

“It’s so cool to kill.”

“It’s a pity that Daddy didn’t kill it himself. It’s really upset.”

“Amitābha, be kind.”

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