Chapter 290 Super Power!

When Mo Shi saw these people in the tribe, he actually wanted to catch the strong sword master.

He couldn’t help feeling a little funny.

These people are really not afraid of death.

At this moment, the sword master looked down and found the location of the tunnel.

Then he put away the long sword and landed beside the tunnel.

At the same time, hundreds of human beings have already surrounded him.

And the tribe leader obviously knew that this person was not easy to provoke, so the hundreds of people sent out were all wild hunters!

One level 4 waste hunter, more than a dozen level 3 waste hunters.

More than twenty level 2 waste hunters.

More than sixty level 1 waste hunters.

Such a lineup, if placed on the Yanshi Continent, would definitely be called an immortal lineup.

With such a lineup, let alone Youzhou, even if it is placed on the entire continent, it is ranked high.

However, the strong sword master just glanced.

There was a cold snort in the nose.

The long sword in his left hand didn’t even move.

Waving his right hand out of thin air.

A line of blue energy with a width of more than ten meters spread out to the surroundings.

The speed is so fast that these people cannot hide.


More than a hundred hunters were cut into two sections almost at the same moment.

Their body protection energy and various hole cards are completely a joke in front of the strong sword master.

And more than that.

Under this energy, all the buildings in the entire city, including the huge wall more than 30 meters thick, were directly cut into two sections.

The strong one strikes, it is so terrifying!

Mo Shi felt a chill in his back.

With a wave of his hand, he cut the entire city into two parts.

More than one hundred hunters were also destroyed.

This strength is really f*ck no one.

Fortunately, the own Canglong clone is lying on his stomach.

Otherwise, just now, the Own Canglong avatar will probably be cut into two.

After the strong man hit, he didn’t even look at these people again.

Stride towards the tunnel.

There is no trace of murderousness on his face.

In his eyes, there was no trace of killing intent.

But with a wave of his hand, almost annihilated the entire tribe.

How strong should this strength be?

Judging by Mo Shi’s current experience, this person’s strength is probably infinitely close to the peak of the wilderness hunter.

In other words, he is likely to be a level 10 waste hunter.

Is the 10th-level waste hunter so scary?

Mo Shi originally wanted to control the Canglong clone, and followed the strong sword master, all the way into the underground.

But after thinking about it, forget it.

At this time the own ontology is still far away.

The strong man didn’t know that the dragon avatar was own.

In case one is not good, and a wave of energy comes over, isn’t it too wrong for me?

So he just waits here.

After waiting for about five minutes, there was no movement from the underground.

On the contrary, many powerful corpses were suddenly drilled out by the river, in the tree hole, in the cave outside the city.

Mo Shi was overjoyed.

It seems that the strong man is too strong.

These guys were scared.

Using the eyes of the blood dragon, he quickly found a corpse that was fleeing.

After that, he took a step forward, smashed through the city gate, and ran out of the city wall.

At this time, the whole city was already in a mess.

The guards at the gate of the city had just been cut off by the energy of the mysterious strong man.

So he didn’t receive any obstacles, and ran out of the city directly.

Using camouflage to hide outside the city, he caught up with the level 4 upgraded corpse.

Suddenly violent, instantly kill it.

Then, within half an hour, Mo Shi beheaded more than ten Level 4 upgraded corpses in a row.

I feel that the energy in the body has increased a lot.

After more than ten minutes, there was a cave at the foot of a mountain.

Mo Shi has quietly hidden among the rocks at the entrance of the cave.

At this time, his body turned into a rock formation again.

At this time, a level 4 upgraded corpse ran out of the cave in a panic and came to the pile of rocks.

Mo Shi slammed behind the level 4 upgraded barren corpse.

He bit off the head of the corpse in one bite.

Not at this time, two more figures rushed out of the cave.

Mo Shi hurriedly hid his figure and turned it into a few “rocks”.

At the same time, be prepared for another attack.

But when he turned his head and looked around, he found that the two who had just walked out of the cave were not barren corpses, nor barren beasts.

But two humans.

One man and one woman.

The man has a beard and holds a black long sword.

The females are more beautiful and look a little weird.

It turned out that it was the strong sword master and his daughter.

At this time, the girl not only did not have the slightest fear, on the contrary, she was surprised:

“Dad, why are you here?”

The bearded man snorted coldly, “If I don’t come, you will die a long time ago.”

The girl stuck her tongue out and said with a smile:

“I haven’t fought for a long time, so I came to the 13th hunting ground to play.”

Luhu snorted again:

“Who said that only Hunting Ground No. 13 can fight? You want to learn to fight, there are so many places. Hunting Ground No. 13 is so dangerous, you…”

“Dad, I just want to be as strong as you.”

The girl said.

The beard looked far away.

Why doesn’t he want to make his daughter stronger?

But these places are too dangerous.

If I don’t come today, I’m afraid I won’t see my daughter in my life.

In the end, there was a moment of silence, and the beard said:

“Tell me before going to dangerous places in the future.”

The girl nodded:

“Yes, father.”

The father and daughter were talking, but they didn’t notice the Canglong clone that was close at hand.

This made Mo Shi couldn’t help but secretly rejoice in his heart.

It seems that this skill of camouflage and concealment is still very useful.

Even this strong beard can’t find himself.

At this moment, the beard raised his left hand and dialed a phone call with the multi-function watch.

The girl asked, “Dad, who are you calling?”

The strong bearded man smiled softly at his daughter and said:

“A kid. If he hadn’t told me the news, you should still be suffering in the underground corpse lair.”

The girl looked curious and looked at the multi-function watch.

Soon, Mo Shi’s head appeared on the multi-function watch.

When Mo Shi saw this scene from the perspective of Canglong clone, he couldn’t help being a little speechless.

When did I become a kid?

Then his consciousness returned to the ontology.

The bell of the multi-function watch just rang.

After pressing the answer button, there came the voice of a strong beard:

“Boy, I owe you a favor. If you encounter problems that cannot be solved in the future, find me. I can help you once.”

Mo Shi replied pretentiously:

“I just provided a piece of information, and it didn’t help much.”


On the other end of the phone, a busy tone has sounded.

Mo Shi: “…”

Hang up without waiting for anyone to finish talking.

Are the big guys so rude?

And who is your last name, where do you live, how many people in your family, how many acres of land per capita, and how many cows there are, I don’t know how to find you?

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