Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 97 Getting into trouble

Then I went to the Jiutian Clan's clan and destroyed their clan by the way.

Wait, destroyed? After hearing Li Quan's words, both of them were deceived.

Yes, destroyed, crushed with my own hands.


But don't worry, I haven't had time to destroy the others. Maybe my aunt is not on the Nine Heavens Star.

Seeing the expressions of the two people gradually solidifying, Li Quan said quickly.

Then what are you waiting for! Go quickly! The two of them screamed in panic, especially Wang Ruobin.

That was his wife, whom he hadn't seen for more than ten years. She might still be alive, but he couldn't even imagine that Li Quan was like this.

If his wife really died because of this, Wang Ruobin would definitely not bypass Li Quan!

It's just that Li Quan can't seem to be beaten, no! Keep your daughter away from Li Quan and not be with Li Quan.

But Wang Ruobin seemed to remember that his daughter seemed to be leaning upside down.

Regardless of whether it was cheating or not, if he really died because of Li Quan, then Li Quan would be the 'enemy' of their Wang family.

As for the future, that will be decided in the future.

Okay. Li Quan heard this and was about to go to Jiutianxing, but Wang Keyuan suddenly took Li Quan's hand.

What's wrong?

Take us with you!

Take you with me?

To be precise, take me with you! Do you know what my wife looks like?

Of course I know. After hearing this, Li Quan said seriously.

At the same time, the space in front of Li Quan suddenly distorted. At the same time, a photo frame suddenly fell and fell into Li Quan's hand.

Isn't this what an aunt looks like?

There are photos.

After hearing this, Wang Ruobin seemed to have forgotten that there is something called a photo in this world.

Ahem, no matter what, you should take us with you.

By the way, there are us. At this moment, Ren Hong and his daughter also said to Li Quan.

They also heard what Li Quan just said.

Okay, let's go together. As he said this, Li Quan waved his hand, and everyone's figures quickly disappeared, and the next moment they appeared in outer space.

At this time, Li Quanzao had already constructed something similar to a bubble.

Although this thing looks fragile, it is actually as strong as a hard steel nuclear bomb, and this layer of bubbles can generate oxygen, which is enough for them to swim in the universe.

Li Quan was very fast and used space jump directly. In less than five minutes, he arrived at the Jiutian Galaxy, which was seven thousand light years away.

The Jiutian Galaxy is fifty times larger than its solar system, so there are quite a lot of planets distributed here.

There are fully fifteen planets orbiting a huge energy body in the Jiutian Galaxy.

The energy body is something similar to the sun.

Li Quan called this thing an energy body. After all, Li Quan could devour it.

However, now that Li Quan's strength has increased to the late stage of the large galaxy, it is estimated that he will have to swallow a hundred energy bodies of this type before he can reach level 140.

Is this the Jiutian Galaxy? On the way being brought by Li Quan, everyone witnessed with their own eyes the changes in the space during the space jump.

In just a few minutes, he reached the Jiutian Galaxy, which is seven thousand light years away. It must be said that Li Quan is very powerful.

But why is this Jiutian Galaxy... At this time, in everyone's eyes, one of the places in the Jiutian Galaxy seemed to have been destroyed, and in the destroyed place, the surface of the surrounding planets became red.

Li Quan led everyone to one of the planets first, and found that the buildings of the Jiutian clan looked even more advanced than the buildings of other humans today.

However, everyone in the Jiutian clan is now in a state of panic.

Because it was only an hour since Li Quan destroyed the Jiutian Galaxy. Although Li Quan suddenly disappeared, who knows whether Li Quan will come again and destroy their planet.

If you don’t flee now, when will you wait?

You guys stay here now. I'll come back when I find my aunt.

Of course, as for whether he could find it or not, Li Quan was very clueless. He could only pray that Wang Keyuan's mother was not on the planet that Li Quan destroyed.

Otherwise, you can only go through the system store to see if there is any way to remedy it.

Li Quan's divine movement disappeared quickly and left before anyone could speak.

At this time, Li Quan's divine movement was beating rapidly on the dozens of surviving planets, and after arriving on the new planet, he used his strong mental power to feel whether Wang Keyuan's mother existed. .

If it doesn't exist, just leave. If it's still there, that's fine.

Li Quan's movement jumped back and forth, and the number of unchecked planets gradually decreased. Finally, after reaching the last one, Li Quan swallowed a mouthful of foam and felt a little nervous.

This is the last intact planet. If it is not there yet, it proves that Wang Keyuan's mother is really on the planet destroyed by Li Quan.

I saw Li Quan closing his eyes, and his mental power began to spread to the entire planet. After a moment, Li Quan sighed helplessly.

could not find it.

It seemed that Wang Keyuan's mother died on the Nine Heavens Star because of her carelessness.

What should we do? It was difficult for Wang Keyuan and others to explain, and Li Quan also felt a little guilty.

Looking around at the civilians of the Jiutian clan who were packing their luggage and planning to flee, suddenly, a little loli rushed to Li Quan's side.

However, after the little Loli fell down, she did not cry, but tried to stand up.

However, the little Loli's hands were injured because she fell down. Feeling the pain in her hands, the little Loli held back her tears to prevent them from falling.

When Li Quan saw this, he walked over funny. At the same time, a golden light suddenly appeared on Li Quan's hand.

Illuminated by the golden light, the wounds on the little Loli's body healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When the little Loli saw this, her tears were gone and her wounds no longer hurt.

Thank you big brother!

After hearing this, Li Quan smiled and watched the little Loli leave.

This little loli from the Jiutian clan looks quite cute, with two little wings behind her.

As for what Li Quan used just now, it was Sheng Yu's Light used by Dao Guzi.

It was learned through inheritance of crystals and was mainly used for treatment. However, for Li Quan, it basically had no effect.

When Li Quan thought about the origin of Shengyu's Light, he thought of the insidiousness of this millet. If it weren't for the presence of the system store, Li Quan would have been successfully plotted by this millet.

Um, system store?

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