Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 98 Family Reunion

correct! System store!

The reason why Li Quan has achieved what he has today is all because of the Ultimate Dragon Evolution System. Almost every crisis is solved by relying on the system store.

In this case, why not search through the system store to find the ability to find people?

Sure enough, after Li Quan thought about it, a recommendation suddenly popped up in the system store.

Searching people hexagram (one billion wealth value.)

The wealth value is only one billion. Today, Li Quan is worth more than 100 billion, and one billion is just a drop of money.

After deducting the billions of wealth, Li Quan's mind began to have more conditions and abilities for using the Hexagram Technique.

The person-finding hexagram technique also has limitations. You cannot calculate people who are beyond your own strength. Of course, it does not work even if the distance is too far.

As for the definition of too far, Li Quan didn't know.

However, if this strength does not exceed her own, it is feasible. Wang Keyuan's mother's strength will never surpass Li Quan.

If he really wanted to surpass it, when Li Quan crushed the Nine Heavens Star, he would have already stopped him.

Li Quan began to use the person-finding hexagram technique, and saw light blue haloes starting to appear around him. The halo had eight words similar to the eight trigrams.

Qian, Zhen, Kan, Gen, Kun, Xun, Li, Dui.

These eight fonts surrounded Li Quan, and with violent rotation, Li Quan finally opened his eyes.

found it!

In the Jiutian Galaxy, Wang Keyuan's mother was not on the planets that had not yet been affected, but on the planet that was almost completely red.

The reason why it is completely red is naturally because the surface temperature of this planet is thousands of degrees Celsius.

The other side of the planet is well preserved, perhaps because when Li Quan was burning, the other side of the planet was not burned, so it was preserved.

Now that he found the person, Li Quan naturally returned to the planet where he dropped Wang Keyuan and the four of them before, took them with him, and reunited their family.

At the same time, on the planet that is about to be enveloped in high temperatures, there is a place that looks no different from a residential community on the blue star.

A beautiful woman came to the big tree in the community, feeling the increasing temperature around her, and sighed helplessly.

I saw a gentle wind suddenly blowing around him, and the temperature that had risen sharply was calmed down a little.

However, this is only temporary.

I wonder how he is doing? Have you taken good care of Keyuan? the beautiful woman said helplessly with a sad look on her face.

This beautiful woman is none other than Wang Keyuan's mother, Wang Ruobin's wife, and the former saint of the Jiutian clan, Jiuyan.

For some reason, it could only be reduced to where it is now.

From the high-ranking saint of the Jiutian clan, she was reduced to the point where she could only become a commoner.

Because of this, Jiuyan's planet-level strength was abolished. Now that he is practicing again, he has only reached the Nascent Soul stage.

With the strength of the Nascent Soul stage, it is impossible to leave this planet. Moreover, the interstellar navigation airport of this planet has long been destroyed.

According to the trajectory of the flames on this planet, it is estimated that it will completely turn into a fireball in less than two days.

In the end, all life on this planet will be burned to death by flames.

As for waiting for someone to come to the rescue, it is simply impossible, because the other planets in the Jiutian Galaxy that have not been affected are all running away in a hurry, and they will not pay attention to this planet that is no longer saved.

Unless a planet-level powerhouse takes full action, there is no chance of saving him.

It's just a pity that the powerful men above the planet level of the Jiutian clan are all concentrated in the Jiutian Star.

After all, as long as the strength reaches the level of half a planet, they will have the right to enter the Nine Heavens Star.

And the Jiutian Star has been destroyed, and the top combat power of the Jiutian clan has long been wiped out.

No one can save this planet that is about to be destroyed.

Jiuyan couldn't help but sigh as he listened to the sounds of crying and desperate roars around him.

If her strength had not been abolished, there would still be a glimmer of hope, but now that it has been abolished, she can only wait to die.

Just when Jiuyan sighed helplessly and was about to wait for death, the space behind him suddenly became distorted.

At the same time, Li Quan and his group of five people also appeared.

It's so cool, Wang Keyuan said subconsciously after arriving on this planet.

After Jiuyan heard a voice behind him, he subconsciously looked back.

This sight made Jiuyan dumbfounded.

What did she see?

You Jiuyan looked at Wang Ruobin a little uncertainly.

Wang Ruobin finally noticed Jiuyan in front of him, and tears subconsciously gathered under his eyes.

Yan'er! After saying this, Wang Ruobin rushed towards Jiu Yan like a wild horse, and hugged Jiu Yan directly.

After Jiuyan was hugged by Wang Ruobin and felt the reality in his arms, he finally realized that all of this was not a dream, it was all real!

You, you are A Bin?!

It's me, Yan'er!

The two hugged each other and told each other some things that happened over the years.

Wang Keyuan, on the other hand, stood silently beside Li Quan.

This is Wang Keyuan's mother. Since she had memories of birth, Wang Keyuan has never seen her mother. When she met, she could only see her in photos.

Now, Li Quan finally satisfied Wang Keyuan and let her meet her mother.

At the same time, problems also arise.

Li Quan is so powerful, what qualifications does she, Wang Keyuan, have to stand by Li Quan's side?

She now knows Li Quan's true identity.

Real dragon!

That real dragon that even Ao Shun, the Dragon King of the Blue Star Dragon Clan, would surrender to. She, Wang Keyuan, was just a little Blue Star person. What qualifications did she have to continue to stand by Li Quan's side?

What are you thinking about? So obsessed? At this moment, Li Quan's voice suddenly sounded.

No, it's nothing.

Li Quan, I suddenly realized that the more amazing your strength is, the more ashamed I feel.

I don't know since when, I always feel that I am no longer worthy of standing by your side.

After hearing what Wang Keyuan said, Li Quan thought for a while, wondering why Wang Keyuan was uneasy because he was too good.

You're right. After hearing this, Li Quan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a naughty smile.

After Wang Keyuan heard Li Quan's words, she suddenly suffered a major blow in her heart.

And she thought in her heart that indeed, Li Quan thought the same way. If she said that, she was no longer qualified to stay by Li Quan's side.

However, before Wang Keyuan could react, Li Quan suddenly pulled Wang Keyuan into his arms.

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