Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 96 Seems to be in trouble

We don't know the true identity of this murderer. Now, if you find anything wrong, please notify others in a timely manner.

Do you understand? The Galaxy Goddess sitting in the center of the Milky Way said to everyone.

Well, yes, with our strength, we can arrive within a few minutes.

Then everyone should be vigilant. The West is not suitable for living for a long time now, so everyone should be careful.

Okay. After everyone said this, they left one after another, leaving only Dongfang Qingdi alone to take a look at where Blue Star was before leaving.

At this time, Li Quan, who was in the villa, did not make any move after feeling the auras of these four powerful men from space.

Since they didn't bother him, Li Quan didn't bother to pay attention to them.

However, if these guys dare to test his bottom line, Li Quan will not mind telling them what the anger of a true dragon is.

Are you two okay? In the villa, the two women were not practicing.

After all, after such a terrible thing happened before, who would have the time to practice?

It's okay, Li Quan, who are those people? There was nothing serious about the two girls when they arrived. After all, the people of the Jiutian clan and the True Phoenix lineage only restricted the two girls' activities to the room. .

It didn't cause any harm to the children.

These, how should I say, are the people who want to take you away from Blue Star.

Take us away from Blue Star? Why do they want to take us away from Blue Star? Ren Hong didn't understand. How could someone suddenly want to take them away from Blue Star?

You have had a lot of contact with cultivators and other things, and you have some understanding of them, right. After hearing the two women's confusion, Li Quan began to explain.

That's right.

Actually, every Blue Star person has more or less the blood of other races in the universe flowing in his body, and the blood flowing in your body is relatively advanced.

Because you started practicing, the blood in your body was activated, and then the two races could sense it.

The top races in the universe have very strict control over their own bloodline, and they absolutely cannot let their bloodline flow outside.

That's why they will take you back. If you can't take you back, they may kill you directly.

Hearing this, the two women were subconsciously frightened. Isn't this too scary?

But don't worry, they can't do this yet, and they have been driven away by me.

No wonder dad didn't let us practice before. It turned out to be this reason.

However, since the blood of these races flows through our bodies, after so many generations of inheritance, it should have faded away, right?

Well, well, it depends on how your father explains it to you.

While speaking, Li Quan looked out the door.

At this time, the two people outside the door also walked in.

Ren Changjiang, Wang Ruobin.

These two guys had been eavesdropping outside when Li Quan returned to the villa, just like the scene when the teacher looked at you through the door when you were a child.

Dad? Why are you here? the two girls asked in unison, obviously surprised by their appearance.

After hearing this, the two of them laughed awkwardly, but they quickly returned to normal.

Aren't you curious as to why your Uncle Ren and I don't let you two practice?

You have grown up, and this crisis is over. It doesn't matter if I tell you.

Soon, the two told the story of how they met Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong's mother, got to know each other and fell in love.

When he said that, his expression was so arrogant.

Of course, it looked very arrogant in Li Quan's eyes, but in the eyes of the two girls, it was actually very sweet.

However, Li Quan has nothing to say about this. No matter how much you praise him, memories will always be memories.

But Li Quan was different, he could hug each other. Of course, in order to avoid attracting hatred, Li Quan still sat silently aside and listened to the two people's bloody love story again.

So, our mothers are all members of the top race in the universe?

Well, yes, and your mother told me before she left that you must never be allowed to practice, because once you practice, you will open your own bloodline and be discovered by the bloodline Amethyst of their race.

For your safety, and for the safety of Blue Star, I can only prohibit you from practicing, and strictly prohibit you from contacting things related to cultivation.

So, how is mom doing now?

I don't know about her either, because I haven't seen her in nineteen years. I don't know how she is doing now.

After hearing this, Li Quan seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly asked Wang Ruobin: Uncle Wang, where did Auntie go?

Well, I don't know, but I probably went back.

After all, they accidentally came to Blue Star through the space distortion in their clan. They also left through that place when they left. They should have gone back.

Going back? After hearing this, Li Quan felt that something was wrong for some reason.

etc! The Jiutian clan’s clan is Jiutian Star.

If Wang Keyuan's mother really succeeded in going back, and Qie still returned to Jiutian Star, the homeland of the Jiutian Clan, wouldn't it mean that Li Quan killed Wang Keyuan's mother with his own hands?

For some reason, when he thought of this, Li Quan's expression felt a little strange.

Li Quan, what's wrong with you? Wang Keyuan on the side seemed to notice that Li Quan's expression was a little unnatural, so she asked curiously.

Well, let me tell you something. You can use it as a reference.

What's going on? After the two heard this, Li Quan, who looked unnatural, asked curiously.

Before, I went to hunt down the fleeing Jiutian clan and those guys from the True Phoenix lineage. After killing them, I made a cover to cover the Red Flame Star where the True Phoenix lineage is.

After hearing what Li Quan said, everyone was shocked.

I originally thought that Li Quan was strong enough to drive away these guys from the Jiutian clan.

However, no one expected that Li Quan would hunt down someone else's lair.

I heard from the second daughter's mother that the place they were in was very far away, only more than five thousand light years away.

With today's human technology, it is simply not enough to reach it.

But how long did it take for Li Quan to expel those guys?

In less than a day, a day has spanned such a long time. What kind of strength can do this?

What happens next? The two of them were curious, why didn't they talk about the follow-up?

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