Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 95 Eastern Qing Emperor

The ten kinds of real fire burned Daoguzi's body together, and Daoguzi couldn't help but roar in pain.

Because the surrounding area was blocked by Li Quan, Dao Guzi's roar was startling, but he could not break through Li Quan's blockade for a long time.

No! Let me go! Please! Dao Guzi kept begging for mercy, but it had no effect at all.

The real fire was still burning Daoguzi's body. After a few minutes, Daoguzi was finally burned alive by Zhang Heng's real fire.

After Daoguzi's death, Daoguzi's true body suddenly appeared.

The entire Blue Star was shrouded in disaster at the moment Dao Guzi's true body appeared. When Li Quan saw this, he quickly moved Dao Guzi's body to outer space.

Everyone on Zailan Star just felt that the sky was in a trance. Everyone looked at the sky and found that there was no change in the sky, so they went back to their own things.

In outer space, a few unlucky satellites were directly destroyed by Daoguzi who suddenly turned into a prototype.

As a result, the signal was temporarily damaged.

Outside the solar system, Zhang Heng looked at this turtle that was twice the size of the Jiutian Star and touched his chin.

This turtle is the true form of Dao Guzi. He is indeed a thousand-year-old turtle. This is a big turtle that has lived for hundreds of millions of years.

And Qie, because he was burned by Li Quan's real fire, his body had already been cooked.

It would be a pity to just throw such a big corpse into the universe.

Zhang Heng suddenly transformed his own body, then grabbed the true form of the millet and swallowed it into his stomach.

Although Daoguzi is very big, it is still much inferior to Li Quan.

Devouring was activated, and in an instant, Li Quan's level was raised to level 130, and his body size expanded again.

Species: dragon

LV.130 (25452254134122/1000000000000000)

Body length: 1 trillion meters

Ability: Dragon Power.

Wealth value: 160 billion.

After killing Daoguzi, Li Quan directly increased his wealth value by more than 100 billion. In addition, his strength also directly reached level 130. When converted into a cultivation level, he was at the late stage of a large galaxy level.

After Li Quan successfully killed and ate Dao Guzi, four strong men at the level of major galaxies in the four directions of the Milky Way suddenly felt that Dao Guzi, who was in the same realm as them, was dead.

What on earth is going on? Why did this guy Dao Guzi die?

Although they don't know who killed Daoguzi, once Daoguzi dies, it means that there is someone in the galaxy who can kill Daoguzi.

Since Dao Guzi can be killed, it means that they can also be killed.

This would be dangerous. For their own safety, they must gather together, find the person who killed Dao Guzi, and then kill him together.

Soon, four powerful men at the level of large galaxies gathered purposefully in the center of the galaxy.

In the center of the Milky Way, there is a powerful person at the level of a large galaxy called the Goddess of the Galaxy. This Goddess of the Galaxy is a powerful person at the level of a large galaxy who sits in the center.

And soon, three people arrived from the east, north and south.

Among them, those from the east have a pair of dragon horns on their heads, while those from the south have some red scales on their foreheads.

People from the north have some blue feathers on their bodies.

Soon, the four people gathered together, without too many words, just for one thing.


The purpose of the four people gathering together was to go to the place where Dao Guzi died and find the person who killed Dao Guzi.

After killing and eating Dao Guzi, Li Quan turned into a human form, and then returned to the Blue Star to see how Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong were doing.

Although I had felt that the two women were just being imprisoned, I still felt uneasy until I saw it with my own eyes.

A few minutes after Li Quan left, the space where Li Quan was before was distorted.

Four figures arrived.

It's right here, but why do I only feel the breath of Daoguzi? There's also a burning smell. After arriving, the man with red scales on his forehead said with confusion.

Me too, Dongfang Qing Emperor, I'm begging you.

Dongfang Qingdi is naturally the extraordinary and handsome woman wearing a blue royal robe with a pair of dragon horns on her head.

Okay. I saw Dongfang Qing Emperor's divine movement suddenly change, and then turned into a giant dragon.

The body of the Eastern Qing Emperor is Qinglong, also called Canglong. Of course, this is just a dragon clan with the bloodline of Qinglong.

Dongfang Qingdi has a special ability that allows him to briefly see clearly what happened in this place within three days. It is really good to use it here.

I saw that Dongfang Qing Emperor's eyes began to change. When he saw Li Quan's figure, for some reason, Dongfang Qing Emperor felt a sense of fear in his heart.

And when Li Quan transformed into his true form and swallowed Daoguzi in one mouthful, Dongfang Qingdi was completely frightened.

Suddenly, Dongfang Qingdi remembered the terrifying aura he felt not long ago, and the strangeness that he couldn't help but surrender. Suddenly, there was a sacred existence in the inheritance in his mind that he did not dare to offend.

Real dragon!

True dragon, the ancestor of the dragon clan, all dragon clans are derived from the true dragon.

Only with real dragons can we have the current dragon clan.

If it was a real dragon, it makes sense why Dao Guzi was killed.

Since a true dragon can create a dragon clan, naturally, it is just a piece of cake to kill a powerful man like Dao Guzi at the level of a large galaxy.

As a member of the dragon clan, Dongfang Qingdi naturally admired Li Quan immensely in his heart.

If the truth about Li Quan's killing of Dao Guzi was told, perhaps with Li Quan's strength, killing these three guys would be just a piece of cake, but it would definitely cause trouble for Li Quan.

As a descendant of a true dragon, if you bring trouble to your ancestors, isn't this an act of deceiving your master and destroying your ancestors?

After Dongfang Qing Emperor recovered, the three of them came up and asked Dongfang Qing Emperor with curiosity: Dongfang Qing Emperor, how is it?

I can't find it. I don't know what secret method this murderer used to kill Dao Guzi. He can't even see it with my time pupil.

Dongfang Qingdi shook his head and sighed helplessly.

After the three of them heard Dongfang Qingdi's words, they began to feel fear in their hearts.

If we knew the identity of the murderer and what he looked like, it would be easier to take action.

However, even Dongfang Qing Emperor cannot see the murderer now. How strong is this murderer?

The enemies hidden in the dark are the most terrifying, and they even have a bold guess.

The strength of this murderer may be above the level of a large galaxy!

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