Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 94 Real fire burning!

After 100 million, the restriction in the inheritance crystal in Li Quan's hand was directly eliminated. At the same time, because of the reason why the restriction was eliminated, Dao Guzi, who was involved, could naturally feel it.

He didn't expect that Li Quan would break the restriction he had hidden so deeply.

You know, this restriction is a secret method he learned when he was young, and he can store it with just a little bit of his own will.

Unexpectedly, Li Quan discovered it anyway.

In fact, if there was no system store, this millet might still be successful.

It's a pity that Li Quan owns the system store. All the restrictions on this millet, including all the problematic areas, can be found out by just scanning the system store.

It's pretty good. You can actually use tricks. Li Quan was really surprised by this trick of Dao Guzi.

After all, Dao Guzi's whole body is now pinned to death by the soul-chasing needle. According to normal circumstances, he should not be able to use any strength.

However, this millet did it.

It seems that in this universe, the longer people live, the more secretive things they master.

Never look at everyone in the small universe.

Li Quan secretly gave himself a warning. If it weren't for Li Quan's system store, he might have succeeded.

After crushing the inheritance crystal with one hand, Li Quan began to have more things in his mind about the universe in his sleeves.

After a while, Li Quan knew all the inherited skills stored in the inheritance crystal by Dao Guzi.

Of course, just knowing it does not mean using it completely.

Heritage Crystal is not a system store. After purchasing, it will not kindly upgrade all the usage methods to the highest level.

At this moment, a prompt suddenly popped up in the system store.

With only one billion worth of wealth, the system can help Li Quan flexibly adapt all this knowledge, and he can master it perfectly at the cost of ten billion.

Both seem to be usable, but the gap is actually quite large.

If Li Quan chose, of course he would choose the last one.

Although his wealth is worth 10 billion, it is really nothing to Li Quan, who still has more than 40 billion left.

After all, after just killing the most powerful people of the Jiutian clan, they directly made more than 40 billion.

After spending 10 billion worth of wealth, Li Quan began to master all the knowledge about the inheritance crystal in his sea of ​​consciousness.

When Li Quan opened his eyes, he looked at Dao Guzi in front of him and smiled: Fortunately, I had expected it, otherwise I would have found your way.

Li Quan directly used Qiankun in his sleeves to take out the treasures one by one from Dao Guzi's sleeves.

Dao Guzi himself is a strong man at the level of a large galaxy. All his belongings are stored in it because of the skill of The Universe in His Sleeves.

Now, all Dao Guzi's belongings have been taken away by Li Quandu.

Many, after analysis and scanning by the system store, the total value has reached 900 billion.

Among them, the Hunyuan Pearl alone is worth 300 billion.

The remaining hundreds of items add up to only 600 billion.

No! My baby! Dao Guzi was about to cry when he saw Li Quan taking them out from his sleeves one by one.

What's your treasure? This is my treasure. I just left it with you temporarily before. Now it's just returned to its original owner.

After hearing what Li Quan said, Dao Guzi collapsed. This was a treasure that he had spent hundreds of millions of years collecting. Basically, among the five powerful men at the level of the galaxy, Dao Guzi was the richest. .

Now, it's all gone, all gone.

You! Since you took my treasure! You also took away my inheritance crystal! You can't kill me!

Huh? Why do you say so legitimately that I can't kill you? Even if I want to kill you, what can you do?

As long as you kill me! You will face the siege of the other four fellow Taoists at the level of the major galaxy!

There are a total of five powerful people at the level of large galaxies in the Milky Way. They are located in the five directions of east, west, south, north and center.

Dao Guzi, on the other hand, is a powerful man at the level of a large galaxy in the west. Once Dao Guzi dies, everyone will feel it.

A person who can kill a strong man at the level of a large galaxy is such a terrifying existence.

For the sake of their lives, they would naturally unite together to kill Li Quan, a powerful man with the ability to kill large galaxies.

I want to see if they will really come to avenge you after I kill you.

After hearing this, Li Quan said with disdain.

Li Quan's level is now at level 126. According to the transformation of realm, Li Quan's strength is in the middle of the large galaxy level.

However, this is only Li Quan's most basic attribute power.

If combined with abilities, Li Quan in ordinary form alone is comparable to the late stage of the large galaxy level.

If other powers are released, Li Quan's strength will be comparable to those in the later stages of large galaxies.

This does not include Li Quan's use of his dragon ball's power.

Once Li Quan uses the power of his Dragon Ball, his strength will increase to another level.

Let me ask, does Li Quan, who has such strength, need to fear the revenge of these four guys who are only at the level of a large galaxy?

It's a good thing that they didn't come to disturb Li Quan. If they dare to come forward and take revenge on Daoguzi, Li Quan wouldn't mind letting them reunite with Daoguzi.

No! I also know a lot of secrets about the galaxy! As long as you let me go! I'll tell you everything!

Noisy! Others know the secrets you know.

When the time comes, I want to see if others will tell me everything in order to survive.

Besides, do you think I will be afraid of them?

You know nothing about my strength. As he said this, Li Quan pinched Dao Guzi's right hand and gradually tightened it.

Because Dao Guzi's soul is nailed to the physical body, once the physical body is harmed, his soul will also be harmed.

No! Spare me! I am willing to sign a slave contract with you! In order to survive, Dao Guzi didn't care so much.

I don't need someone I hate to be my slave. For my good mood, please die.

Li Quan said silently, and the golden dragon claws suddenly turned into red, with the power of the true fire dragon.

At the moment of burning, a barrier was placed around Li Quan, so that the power of the true fire would not affect Blue Star.

The ten kinds of real fire merged together and began to burn on Dao Guzi's body.

Even though Dao Guzi's own strength is at the level of a large galaxy, he still cannot withstand the burning of the ten kinds of true fire.

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