Elder Ziyang! When the last trace of the soul of the fiery phoenix was destroyed, all the elders of the true phoenix lineage were shocked.

What kind of strength does this have to be able to intercept even the last trace of soul transmission.

And at the moment when the remnant soul of the scorching phoenix disappeared, Li Quan's figure appeared in the place where the remnant soul of the scorching phoenix had just been.

Is this where your True Phoenix lineage is located?

Who are you?! Everyone was shocked that Li Quan could appear in front of them without any warning.

It seems that this is indeed the location of the True Phoenix lineage. I spent 10 billion to buy a remnant soul tracking, and it was indeed not in vain.

When Li Quan killed the scorching phoenix, his powerful mental power made Li Quan realize that the remnant soul of the scorching phoenix was escaping.

At this time, the system store was also very powerful and directly recommended to Zhang Heng a remnant soul tracker worth 10 billion worth of wealth. Its main function is to kill this person's soul to prevent him from being killed in the future. Return to your own clan to spread the news.

It's just a pity that because of the waste of time spent on purchasing the remnant soul tracking, this guy's remnant soul escaped back to the clan and started to spread the news.

Fortunately, Li Quan finally caught up.

Moreover, the location of the true phoenix lineage of this fiery phoenix was also discovered.

This saves Li Quan time in searching.

In order to prevent you from escaping, we can only do this. Before the powerful people of the True Phoenix lineage could react, Li Quan suddenly used his own soul as a medium to buy a piece of gold worth 100,000 yuan in the system store. Ten billion disposable props.

The Nine Yuan Ice Core Ion Shield, this thing, can withstand even a strong person at the level of a large galaxy for a while, not to mention that these guys have not yet produced a strong person at the level of a large galaxy.

Although it cost 20 billion worth of wealth, Li Quan felt it was worth it.

The remnant soul tracking can be regarded as its own ability, which can enhance its own combat power, and the nine-yuan ice heart ion shield can be purchased with the wealth value obtained from killing the scorching phoenix, and there is still some left.

I spent 10 billion worth of wealth to trap you, just feel honored. After saying this, Li Quan's figure disappeared directly, and his soul returned to his huge body.

Although the body size of more than 6,000 megameters is not comparable to the entire solar system, as long as Li Quan's level is improved, it will be enough to surpass the solar system.

Note: The diameter of the solar system is more than two light-years, and one light-year is approximately 9,460 trillion meters.

No one has ever seen such a huge body even in the Milky Way.

Next, it's the Jiutian Clan's turn. This guy from the Jiutian Clan is also spying on Wang Keyuan, so he can't let him go.

And since Li Quan killed their race, if their race holds a grudge in the future, Li Quan doesn't feel that he will be threatened, but it will also cause you some harm.

Therefore, Li Quan planned to exterminate the Jiutian clan and the Zhenhuang clan.

Only by annihilating their race can absolute safety be guaranteed.

At this time, the strong men of the Jiutian clan had already piloted the space battleship and used the space wormhole jumping technology to escape to the Blue Star for nearly 500 light years.

Logically speaking, at such a long distance, even those pursuing soldiers from ancient times would not pursue them rashly.

After all, I am worried that others will ambush me. Once I am attacked in the space jumping wormhole, I will fall into the terrifying space wormhole.

If you are strong, it doesn't matter, but if you are not strong enough, the space turbulence in the space wormhole will teach you what cruelty and terror are.

Even a strong person at the level of a small galaxy would be almost dead if he was not careful, causing the stable structure of the space wormhole to be destroyed, and encountering space turbulence.

However, Li Quan is different.

Li Quan was fighting alone. Not only that, but Li Quan's defense, even a supernova explosion, might not be able to damage Li Quan at all.

Note: The power of a supernova explosion is comparable to the full blow of a strong person in the early stages of a large galaxy level. (If you want to know more, please contact Du Niang.)

Soon, Li Quan set his sights on the escaping Nine Heavens Clan space battleship five hundred light years away.

Since I had just made a space jump, I needed to replenish energy and also need to spend ten hours to store energy before I could jump again.

Damn! If I had known, I would have brought the Nine Heavens Saint with the wormhole shuttle function from the tribe from the beginning.

The wormhole shuttle function is compared to the space wormhole jumping technology. Although both technologies are space technologies, the space wormhole jumping technology can only be maintained for a certain period of time and is a large-scale battle.

Wormhole shuttle technology is used to travel, and the difference in travel speed between the two is equal to the difference between heaven and earth.

Uncle, then, that guy didn't catch up, did he?

Probably not. After all, we chose to jump randomly, and he probably doesn't know where our Jiutian clan's clan is.

Besides, since I haven't caught up after so long, I guess it's the unlucky ones chasing after the True Phoenix lineage.

That's okay. Jiutian Holy Son breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

In this way, they would have enough time to escape to Jiutian Galaxy.

By the way, hide the Jiutian Galaxy and stay in seclusion for hundreds of thousands of years, let this matter fade away silently, and then re-emerge.

Huh? What is going on? Why did the surrounding starry sky suddenly disappear?

It's not good! There is detected life form energy, and it is approaching us!

Oops, the surrounding space is blocked, and the backup energy cannot be activated to start the space wormhole jump!

What's going on? Why are you panicking? The small galaxy powerhouse of the Jiutian clan shouted angrily at the people who were debugging and operating the space battleship.

Lord Jiulong! Powerful life forms have been detected in the surrounding area!

Detected? It's not a good time to fight now, so avoid it.

Yes, but this huge life form seems to be surrounded on all sides.

Not only that, even the surrounding space has been blocked, making it impossible to start a space wormhole jump.

Is there such a thing? Jiulong looked confused, and saw his right hand gathering strength and grabbing the void in front of him.

He couldn't break the space. The hardness of the space in this area was dozens of times stronger than that of other areas. With his ability, he couldn't break it open.

Oops! The giant life form is moving!

Giant life form? Soon, the space battleship took pictures of the huge life form that was surrounded by darkness and was shrinking.

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