Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 87 Are you willing to surrender?

This, what on earth is this? Everyone looked at the captured scene and asked in shock.

It's not like they haven't seen huge life forms, such as some strong men who specialize in cultivating the physical body. It's not difficult to reach billions or tens of billions of meters in size.

It also seems that among the only five powerful people at the level of major galaxies in the Milky Way, one specializes in physical training and can reach tens of billions of meters in size.

Of course, there are also some starry behemoths that wander in the sea of ​​stars and feed on planets, which can also reach such a large size.

However, according to testing, the life forms surrounding their space battleship are more than six thousand megameters in size.

What is the concept of more than six thousand trillion meters?

The largest of their space battleships is only 10 million meters in size. However, compared with these giant life forms that are more than 6,000 million meters in size, they are not even worthy of carrying shoes!

Hurry up and make an emergency space wormhole jump! In response, Jiulong quickly shouted to everyone.

No, sir! The space around here has been sealed, and we can't escape!

After Jiulong heard this, he almost forgot that he had already tested the surrounding space. Even a strong man like him at the small galaxy level could not break it. This was just a star-level space battleship, so there was no way he could break it.

damn it!

Everyone, resist with me! Faced with such a powerful existence, for some reason, they suddenly realized their weakness.

The space battleship began to attack, and countless rays of light directly bombarded Li Quan's dragon scales. Unfortunately, these attacks were simply itchy for Li Quan.


The itching force is also greater than these attacks.

Nine Heavenly Secrets! Feathering! Jiulong's figure was gradually covered by feathers. Finally, the flying feathers surrounded Jiulong's figure. The attack of each flying feather around him was comparable to the strongest star-level powerhouse. A strong blow.

Feiyu desperately bombarded Li Quan's dragon scales. However, what was disappointing was that Li Quan's dragon scales were not damaged at all.

Not only that, Li Quan is not qualified to leave a white mark on his dragon scales.

Damn it! Where did this huge life form come from! Why is it so powerful! In Jiulong's memory, there should be no such tyrannical existence in the Milky Way.

Uncle! What should we do now? Seeing that Jiulong's attack had no effect on Li Quan's dragon scales, Jiutian Holy Son asked in panic.

How do I know! Fight with all your strength! Jiulong was also desperate. He had already activated the final Omi of the Jiutian clan, the Ascension.

During this period of time, Jiulong's strength soared. In addition, its own flying feathers also became particularly powerful.

But it still couldn't cause any damage to Li Quan's dragon scales, not even a white mark.

Moreover, once the emergence is over, Jiulong will fall into a long-lost trough of strength. At that time, even a small Mahayana strongman can easily take his life.

Feathering, this is the trump card of the Jiutian clan. It will not be used at all unless it is absolutely necessary.

Seeing that the attack was ineffective and Li Quan's body was getting closer and closer, everyone collapsed.

How to fight this?

It's all that guy's fault! If it weren't for that guy! We wouldn't have encountered such a terrifying monster!

At this moment, the Holy Son of Jiutian collapsed and directly insulted Li Quan.

At this moment, Li Quan's spiritual body suddenly appeared in front of Jiutian Holy Son.

Before the Holy Son of the Nine Heavens could react, Li Quan slapped the Holy Son of the Nine Heavens hard on his mouth.

A huge slap resounded throughout the space battleship, and the figure of the Holy Son of Nine Heavens was directly penetrated through the space battleship.

This space battleship has reached stellar-level defense and attack power, but Li Quan still slapped the Holy Son of Nine Heavens away and directly smashed the space battleship.

Holy Son! At this time, he suddenly noticed the Holy Son of Jiutian who was slapped away. Jiulong looked at Li Quan's location with an angry look.

However, after seeing Li Quan, Jiulong panicked.

It's Li Quan. Why does Li Quan appear here?

correct! Li Quan's strength is that of a strong man at the level of a large galaxy. In this situation, only a strong man at the level of a large galaxy can deal with it.

Therefore, Jiulong suddenly appeared in front of Li Quan, knelt on his knees, and used his superb acting skills in his life to shout at Li Quan: Sir, please spare my life!

It's all because we were so blinded by the immediate benefits that we did something to offend you, senior.

I hope you, senior, can be rich and don't care about us juniors!

Senior, please rest assured, as long as you can save us, our entire Jiutian clan will work hard for you!

Oh? Work for me? After hearing this, Li Quan's tone was a little strange.

After hearing Li Quan's words, Jiulong seemed to feel that there was a turn for the better.

Now, the only way to escape from here is to hug Li Quan's thigh tightly.

As long as they hugged Li Quan's thigh, they could escape from the strangulation of this huge life form without any harm.

Once this huge life form wants to kill them, they have absolutely no power to resist.

Yes, senior! As long as you can save us, no matter whether you go up the mountain of knives or go down into the sea of ​​fire, you are duty-bound!

Jiulong will say anything in order to survive.

You are really willing to go up the mountain of swords and the sea of ​​fire without any hesitation? After hearing this, Li Quan asked with a look of disdain.

Yes, senior! As long as you can save us!

I can save you, but should I commend you for your sincerity?

I don't know what you want me to do, senior?!

After hearing what Li Quan said, Jiulong felt happy. It was great. As long as Li Quan was willing to accept them, they would be saved.

As for surrendering to Li Quan, it's not a big deal.

Li Quan is a strong man at the level of a large galaxy. As long as they are accepted by Li Quan and protected by a strong man like Li Quan at the level of a large galaxy, there is nothing more majestic than this!

Okay, since you want to surrender to me, the first thing you do is to kill your Holy Son of Nine Heavens.

The woman who spies on me, no matter who she is, must die!

Senior, you are here

Huh? Why, didn't you say that you would go up to the mountain of knives or to the sea of ​​fire without any hesitation? Li Quan's tone seemed a little unhappy, and after hearing this, Jiulong pondered for a while and finally made up his mind.

Okay! As he said that, Jiulong's figure suddenly appeared in front of Jiutian Holy Son.

At this time, the Jiutian Holy Son's face had been swollen and was forcibly disfigured by Li Quan, and it was still irrecoverable.

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