Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 85 The terrifying Li Quan!

As long as Ren Hong is taken back and the secret method of the True Phoenix lineage is used to completely transform Ren Hong's bloodline, Ren Hong's strength will soar rapidly.

At that time, once the two of them give birth to a descendant, the descendant's talent will definitely be able to achieve existence above the level of a large galaxy.

This is a key point that breaks the curse of being unable to become a powerful person at the level of a large galaxy after the Milky Way is sealed.

It is estimated that if this is revealed to those crazy big galaxy-level powerhouses, they will provide them with protection for the True Phoenix lineage, and even go so far as to make Li Quan their enemies and kill Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong who are beside Li Quan. Capture them, and then force them to give birth to offspring.

I guess other tribesmen think so too.

However, before these guys could think about the beautiful life in the future, everyone felt that everything around them suddenly became oppressive.

The starlight spots suddenly disappeared, and the surrounding area suddenly became dark.

what on earth is it?

Oops! Everyone, look around!

After hearing someone calling, everyone began to look around, only to find that the surroundings were surrounded by a strip-shaped creature.

This shaped creature is so huge that it is difficult for them to see what this shaped creature really is.

Suddenly, they saw the true face of this shaped creature!

It's a dragon!

An extremely huge dragon that surpassed the size of the dragons they had seen!

This dragon was none other than Li Quan, and Li Quan heard everything they talked about.

Is this the attitude of the True Phoenix lineage?

Sure enough, just as Li Quan thought, these guys will definitely have some conspiracy once they go back.

Fortunately, Li Quan did not let them go. In this way, Li Quan made the right bet.

At this time, Li Quan transformed into his true dragon form, with a body length of 600 billion meters. Under the 10,000-fold increase in the form world, Li Quan's improvement was fully increased to 6000 million meters in length.

What is that concept?

Even the earth is not as big as Li Quan is now.

And these space battleships, the most powerful star-level battleships, are only 30 million meters in size. Compared to Li Quan, who is now 6000 million meters long, they are like an ant.

wrong! It's smaller than that.

In Li Quan's eyes, they are almost like bacteria.

Li Quan directly surrounded them, surrounding the fleeing True Phoenix lineage.

Here, there are actually dragons of this size in the galaxy? How is that possible!

They were dumbfounded. According to what they knew, the largest dragon in the galaxy was only about a few tens of millions meters in size.

Is Li Quan cheating with his body type?

How could such a body type exist?

In the True Phoenix lineage, you are quite courageous.

I originally planned to let you go, but I didn't expect that you were plotting how to deal with me and steal my woman.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Could this dragon be Li Quan?

Senior! You heard wrong! How dare we, how dare we do this!

It's a pity that even they themselves don't believe what they say.

It's better to save your words for going to hell!

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Quan struck hard with his huge dragon claw. With one claw strike, the space was directly shattered and collapsed. The huge suction force tried to suck everything around into it and repair the broken space.

No! Start the space jump quickly!

Want to escape? Li Quan looked disdainful, and then sealed the space where Li Quan was.

Half of the space that was originally opened was forcibly closed at this moment.

The space battleships that had entered halfway were cut directly apart by the suddenly closed space.

A large number of soldiers of the True Phoenix lineage and space battleships were killed and destroyed.

Not good! He saw Li Quan's huge dragon claws forcefully slap him down.

Although Li Quan's dragon claw has not been photographed yet, the terrifying space turbulence storm has already broken out.

This small galaxy-level powerhouse of the True Phoenix lineage transformed into the true Phoenix body, the scorching phoenix!

With a body size of six million meters, it can be considered a giant.

However, in Li Quan's eyes, they were still the same cells, with no difference.

Phoenix Nirvana! This scorching phoenix directly activated the strongest ability of the true phoenix lineage, Phoenix Nirvana.

Once this move is activated, it will lead to nirvana and new life.

During the period of Nirvana, its own strength will also increase tenfold!

The size quickly expanded tenfold, reaching a size of more than 60 million. After opening the Dharma World, this scorching phoenix reached a size of more than 6 billion meters.

With a body size of more than six billion, the power it generates by waving its wings casually is enough to destroy Blue Star.

This is the strength of a small galaxy level powerhouse.

Moreover, this Phoenix Nirvana is not an ability that all Phoenix members of the Phoenix Clan have.

At the moment of life-and-death crisis, Phoenix Nirvana was initiated. While gaining great power, it was also accompanied by death.

If you can survive it, you can be resurrected and have higher talents.

If you can't survive it, you will die!

With a body size of more than six billion, Li Quan is as big as a tiny ant compared to Li Quan's size of six thousand trillion.

Too weak. Li Quan quickly closed his dragon claws. In addition to some sparks bursting out from his own dragon claws, Li Quan squeezed them hard.

The space in Li Quan's dragon claw was directly crushed, and a strong spatial turbulence storm erupted in the space in this area.

Along with the outbreak of space turbulence, the system also began to have prompts for the arrival of wealth value.

Kill the fiery phoenix and your wealth will be +9.5 billion.

Kill the sacred phoenix, and the wealth value will be + one billion.

Apart from these two big heads, the rest is only tens of millions, millions, hundreds of millions or something like that.

Just by killing this guy of the True Phoenix lineage, Li Quan gained wealth worth 13 billion.

Too little.

Directly destroying these space battleships is worthless at all, and no wealth value is gained.

After Li Quan crushed these guys with his hands, the exclusive soul lamps of these two people in the True Phoenix lineage suddenly went out.

At the same time, the only remaining soul of the soul lamp belonging to the fiery phoenix appeared.

Fire Phoenix, what's going on with you? Why did you suddenly die?

Scorching Phoenix is ​​one of the few small galaxy level and strongest people of the True Phoenix lineage.

But now, they actually died on the way to Blue Star to bring back their bloodline descendants. How could they accept this?

Run! Run! He's coming! That guy is coming! Run!

However, before the scorching phoenix could finish speaking, the last ray of its soul was directly destroyed.

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