Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 82 Crazy soaring levels

The size of this Sun Star is no worse than the sun, and is even nearly half the size of the sun.

Suddenly, a food rule called Energy Body appeared in front of Li Quan. Well, it was still recommended by the system store and was worth 10,000 wealth points.

However, your original price was marked with a wealth value of 100, why did you sell it for a wealth value of 10,000?

Isn’t this just a naked profiteer!

However, for Li Quan, who is now worth tens of billions, anything like ten thousand is just data obtained every second.

Ten thousand is just ten thousand, just think of it as a tip to the system store. Anyway, this system store has indeed helped Li Quan many times.

After ten thousand wealth was worth it, Li Quan had more rules about eating energy bodies in his mind.

There is not much verbal description, only one sentence: rush in directly and swallow him.

Seeing this, Li Quan couldn't help but cursed: The system belongs to you!

Just one sentence, worth 10,000 yuan worth of wealth, do you want to be so deceitful?

However, Li Quan also knows how to consume the energy body. He only needs to break into the blazing sun star and then activate his talent to devour it.

However, now the problem is coming. Although Li Quan is outside the blazing sun star, he will not feel any influence.

However, once you enter the Fierce Sun Star, you can feel an obvious burning sensation on your body.

This feeling is like being in a scorching summer. This is not the most terrible thing. The most terrible thing is that you are still in a large desert with no water resources and very dry.

This is what Li Quan feels now when he rushes into the Lieyang Star, and this feeling is becoming more and more obvious.

It seems that even Li Quan's dragon scales cannot completely resist the temperature of these energy bodies.

However, what Li Quan didn't know was that he could mobilize dragon energy to enhance his dragon scale defense.

Just when Li Quan wanted to continue complaining, the system store once again recommended an ability to Li Quan.

The power of the true fire dragon (10 billion wealth value.)

It's another giant dragon's power, but this true fire dragon's power is much more expensive than the virtual dragon's power, right?

The power of the virtual dragon is only worth 100 million, but the power of the real fire dragon is twice as expensive.

However, when Li Quan was complaining, an introduction to the power of the virtual dragon suddenly popped up in the system store.

It turns out that the Void Dragon Power that Li Quan spent 100 million to buy was just a castrated version of the Void Dragon Power.

The power obtained is naturally the power of castration and is not complete.

The complete power of the Void Dragon is worth 100 billion.

One hundred billion, this is such a terrible value, a bit far away for Li Quan who still has more than 20 billion.

However, it only lasted for more than ten days.

The true power of the virtual dragon can pull enemies into the virtual world. Due to the special laws of the virtual world, life forms pulled in from the real world cannot attack life forms in the virtual world.

Unless the life form that is pulled in also has the power of the virtual world creatures, otherwise, it can only leave the virtual world.

However, because of being pulled in by the Void Dragon, unless he has the power to break through the Void World, he will be trapped in the Void World for the rest of his life.

The virtual world does not accept power from the real world. In the virtual world, all the power of the real world is nothing.

If you can't cause harm to every plant and tree in the virtual world, you can't break the virtual world. If you can't break it, how can you leave?

Therefore, the true power of the Void Dragon is still very terrifying.

The power of the true fire dragon recommended by the system store is also a complete version. Once you have the power of the true fire dragon, you can immediately master the ten kinds of true fire in the universe.

Li Quan can master all the true fire of the sun, true fire of three flavors, etc. in an instant.

Of course, on top of the True Fire Dragon, there is also the power of the Chaos Fire Dragon.

This is a giant dragon that can control chaotic flames, the ancestor of all flames, and is worth 100 billion.

However, for Li Quan today, he cannot buy it because it is too expensive.

Now, as long as he purchases the power of the True Fire Dragon, Li Quan can be completely immune to the burning from the Sun Star's 'True Sun Fire'.

Just buy it, it will improve your strength anyway. Cruelly, Li Quan directly bought the power of the real fire dragon.

His body expanded and burned rapidly. In an instant, Li Quan transformed from a golden dragon into a real fire dragon with ten kinds of real fire.

His strength is rapidly expanding, reaching the level of a small galaxy. With the blessing of the Dragon Balls, he is estimated to be able to compete with the powerful at the level of a large galaxy.

Dragon Ball, this is in the system store, what is its value? ? ? The item cannot be measured by wealth value, because it is Li Quan's exclusive dragon ball.

The Dragon Ball can increase Li Quan's power by one level, which can be said to be very powerful.

Although I don’t know why this dragon ball matches Li Quan, this is good news for Li Quan.

After all, each giant dragon's Dragon Ball is unique. Even if other dragons get the Dragon Ball, it will only be refined and cannot be taken as their own.

After refining, the power that explodes is estimated to be only 10% of its own strength.

However, Li Quan's power is so powerful that even if it is only 10%, it will destroy the world.

The body shape successfully transformed into the appearance of a real fire dragon. The dragon scales all over the body were red with a hint of golden light.

The claws became extremely sharp, and flames surrounded the claws.

Much more comfortable. In the form of the real fire dragon, Li Quan could feel that his body and mind were relaxing, and his level was also soaring rapidly.

It was originally level seventy-seven, but now it has soared to level seventy-nine and eighty!

At level 80, Li Quan's size has reached the 10 million meter level. In addition to the true fire dragon state, Li Quan's size has reached the terrifying 100 million meter level.

Although the size of 100 million meters is still very small for Lieyang Star, don't forget that Li Quan owns the Dharma World.

Being ten thousand times bigger is not a problem.

In the Lieyang Star, the level continued to increase, and Li Quan did not forget his purpose.

Absorb the energy body and transform it into your own power.

Soon, Lieyang Star, a huge star that can continue to burn for billions of years, is constantly consuming its lifespan at this moment.

After Li Quan absorbed it for nearly two days, the light of the Lieyang Star was still charming, but its lifespan of continuing to burn was only 300 million years.

Moreover, its light can also be clearly dimmed, and the temperature in his body is no longer the same as before, making Li Quan feel hot.

As for Li Quan, his level at this time has reached the terrifying level 126, and his body length has reached a full six trillion meters. This is still Li Quan's most basic form.

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