Species: dragon

LV.126 (256852125542/600000000000000)

Body length: 625542522222M

Abilities: Devouring, form transformation, lightning control, five elements, heart-protecting dragon scales, dragon power, dragon soaring, law of heaven and earth, dragon concealment, transformation, shrinking the earth into an inch, Bagua Ruyi Formation, the power of the virtual dragon, dragon Blood magic, dragon energy amplification, true fire dragon power, space jump, energy perception, statue of faith.

Wealth value: 35 billion.

In addition, after Li Quan reaches level 70, what he will get will no longer be skills, but a new random lottery developed by the system store.

There is a lottery every ten levels. Now, Li Quan has reached level 126. In other words, Li Quan now has five lottery opportunities in the system store.

Click on the system store, and there will be something similar to a gashapon in the upper right corner of the system store. You can randomly draw it by spending one lottery number? ? ? The treasure, of course, may also be a pack of shrimp snacks worth 1.

All in all, it all depends on luck and face.

Li Quan thought he was lucky. Now, he had been sucking energy in the Sun Star for about two days. It was time to leave and return to the Blue Star.

Now, with five lottery opportunities, Li Quan could collect ten and then draw ten consecutive draws.

Maybe I can have a guaranteed baby in the future.

The space jump was activated, and Li Quan's figure returned to the sky above Blue Star in an instant.

At this time, after Li Quan returned to Blue Star, his original excitement suddenly became heavy.

Because Blue Star is currently surrounded by a group of space battleships, including the anti-planet-level space battleships of the True Phoenix lineage and the Jiutian lineage.

Oh, of course, there are also a large number of half-star space battleships and countless small flying fighter jets for the Mahayana period.

Is this going to destroy Blue Star?

Li Quan did not alert the snake, but arrived at his villa in an instant.

At this time, after Li Quan arrived at the villa, he found that his villa had been occupied by two people.

One of them had a hot aura all over his body and looked like he had a bad temper.

The other one greeted him with a smile, like a young master, and he seemed to have a lot of goodwill.

In addition to these two people, Li Quan also had the Holy Phoenix and the Holy Son of Nine Heavens in his home.

Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong seemed to be guarded by these guys and were placed under house arrest in a room.

In addition to this, what made Li Quan most angry was that the scriptures in the hands of Jiutian Holy Son and Holy Phoenix turned out to be the scriptures that Li Quan left for Ao Xue to study.

What about Ao Xue? !

At this time, Li Quan suddenly felt Li Lan's aura. It turned out that he was protected by Li Lan, but he was also imprisoned in this area and could not leave.

Uncle! It's this guy! Holy Phoenix looked at Li Quan with a sneer on his face, and said to this hot-tempered True Phoenix lineage strongman.

For these two people, Li Quan could feel that their strength was probably at the level of a small galaxy.

If it was Li Quan two days ago, he would still have a headache. However, to Li Quan now, these two people are just clowns.

Sir, what do you mean? Li Quan didn't have the slightest fear. He just sat on the sofa and raised his feet slightly to the ground.

The seal that bound Li Lan was broken instantly, and the figures of Li Lan and Ao Xue also appeared next to Li Quan.

After Li Lan successfully came out, he confided to Li Quan with a crying expression on his face: Dad! These guys are so bad! They suddenly occupied our villa last night and imprisoned the mothers in the room. Seal me and the elementary school to this ground!

The moment Li Lan came out, she hugged Li Quan's hand, then pointed at the four people and started talking to Li Quan.

After hearing this, Li Quan suppressed his inner anger, rubbed Li Lan's little head and said with a smile: Lan Lan is fine, dad is here.

While speaking, Li Quan looked at Ao Xue and asked, Xue'er, are you okay?

No, it's okay. It was the Earth Dragon Ancestor who protected me. I was not hurt. After hearing this, Li Quan breathed a sigh of relief.

However, when Li Quan looked at the True Phoenix Clan, a small galaxy level powerhouse with a 'playful smile' and a look of boss in heaven, second on earth, and third on earth, he snorted coldly.

With a cold snort, Long Wei exploded on Li Quan's body in an instant.

In a flash, Li Quan's dragon power crushed the scene. Not only that, even the space battleships outside the Blue Star that were on standby at any time were forcibly suppressed by Li Quan's cold snort.

The expressions of the two small galaxy level experts changed drastically after they felt the strong pressure from Li Quan.

Such strength! not good! It’s at the level of a large galaxy!

According to what the Holy Son of their two clans said, the strong man on Blue Star only had the strength of a small galaxy, so why was he at the level of a large galaxy? !

Therefore, after feeling Li Quan's strength, the indifferent expressions on their faces disappeared.

Instead, there was that feeling of uneasiness and fear.

Tell me, how do you plan to die?

Li Quan's tone was emotionless. He took out a teacup in his hand and started pouring tea and drinking it.

Sir, sir, this, this must be a misunderstanding! If they knew that Li Quan's strength was at the level of a large galaxy, they wouldn't dare to come even if they had the courage to do so.

Let alone take this bloodline descendant back.

The strength of a strong man at the level of a large galaxy is unmatched.

Wanting to destroy these so-called top races is just something that can be done casually.

Now, their two clans have offended such a powerful man at the level of a large galaxy. If their clan knew about it, wouldn't they be so frightened that they would self-destruct on the spot?

Oh? Misunderstanding? Tell me, there is a misunderstanding. Li Quan was not in a hurry to kill them.

Within the range enveloped by Li Quan's Longwei, Li Quan could clearly sense every move they made.

Li Quan is not afraid that they will make other small moves. Strength is everything. Before they make any small moves, Li Quan is confident that he will kill them immediately.

After all, the strength at the level of a large galaxy cannot be denied.

At the same time, Li Quan also knew his approximate strength.

Level seventy is equivalent to stellar level.

The eighty-level small galaxy level is at the early stage, the ninety-level middle stage, the one hundred level late stage, the one hundred and tenth large galaxy level is at the early stage, and the one hundred and twentieth level is in the middle stage.

Today, Li Quan is in the middle of the large galaxy level, transitioning to the later level.

And the feeling these two guys gave Li Quan was only between level 90 and level 100.

Weak, really too weak.

No, it's not that they are too weak, but that Li Quan is too strong.

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