Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 81 Space jump, energy perception!

At this time, Li Quan had returned to his villa. Looking at the two big holes in the ceiling, Li Quan sighed helplessly.

It looks like the ceiling needs to be repaired. He snapped his fingers and activated the Five Elements Technique. The ceiling that had been penetrated quickly recovered at this moment.

Dad, I think you are in trouble.

Huh? What should I say? After hearing Li Bing's words, Li Quan asked with a puzzled look.

Just now, these two guys seemed to have a very high status in their own race. Now that you have offended these two guys, these two guys will definitely return to the clan and bring stronger people with them.

Once a powerful person at the level of a small galaxy arrives, he may directly sense some conditions on Blue Star.

After hearing this, Li Quan touched his chin.

Li Bing was right. Although Li Quan didn't know what secrets Blue Star had to hide, Li Quan would not let anyone spy on Blue Star.

No matter if this person is from the Human Alliance or a guy from the Demon Alliance.

But how strong is the small galaxy level expert you are talking about?

It's very strong. When it explodes with full force, it won't be a problem to destroy the entire solar system.

Destroy the solar system? Li Quan's own strength is at the star level, but now the energy in the universe has begun to penetrate into the blue star, and Li Quan's level has also been continuously improved with the penetration of energy.

Today, Li Quan's level has reached level 76, and the speed is still increasing.

With stellar level strength and the addition of Dragon Balls, it would not be a problem for Li Quan to blow up the solar system.

If it's just like this, there's no need to worry, but for safety reasons, I'll leave Blue Star for a few days.

Dad, where are you going? Li Bing asked with a puzzled look on his face.

I'm going to the universe to regain my strength. As he said this, Li Quan seemed to have thought of something and exchanged another one million worth of scriptures from the system store.

Putting it on the glass table, he said to Ao Xue: Xue'er, if you remember to read this Human Sutra after reading the Brahma Sutra in your hand, do you understand?

Yes, master! Ao Xue said with a serious face after hearing this.

Remember, you two protect them. I'll leave for a while and wait until I come back.

They naturally refer to the two daughters Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong.

Don't worry, Father, I will do it. After hearing this, Li Bing nodded and said to Li Quan.

I know, dad, don't worry! I'll take care of everything! After hearing this, Li Lan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, patted his chest and laughed.

After hearing this, Li Quan didn't talk nonsense. He soared into the air and appeared outside the Blue Star in an instant, transforming into a golden dragon several million meters away, hovering in the universe.

After Li Quan came to the universe, he always felt an inexplicable sense of comfort, just like the feeling of staying in the ocean.

A sea of ​​stars? wrong! This is not a sea of ​​stars, this is only within the solar system.

Only when you leave the solar system can you come into contact with the real sea of ​​stars.

Those two guys, according to Li Bing, came back to bring reinforcements, and the reinforcements were very strong, probably at the level of a small galaxy.

That is an existence that is enough to blow up the solar system. If this kind of existence really appears in the solar system, once there is a fight, the solar system will definitely be finished.

Therefore, in order to prevent all these tragedies from happening, Li Quan must improve his strength as soon as possible.

At this time, in space, Li Quan discovered that his experience was increasing very quickly. Now, it has reached level 77, and this number is still increasing.

However, in the universe, although the method of passively improving strength is very fast, it can only maintain this speed.

Compared with the situation we will face later, this method of improving strength is still too slow.

Suddenly, the system store popped up.

Energy Perception (Wealth value in billions.)

Suddenly an energy sensor popped up. When Li Quan saw this, he clicked to buy without any hesitation.

Anyway, the wealth value that skyrockets crazily every day has reached a terrifying 30 billion. Spending a billion to buy an energy sensor is not a big problem.

After spending one billion to buy it, Li Quan suddenly felt energy coming from all directions, and looked around with his eyes, activating energy perception.

Under the vision of the two pupils, everything turned into nothingness, leaving only red fields, similar to thermal imaging.

If the energy is higher, the color will be more vivid.

In Li Quan's eyes, there are no high-intensity energy bodies in the solar system, no, there are.


However, once the sun is swallowed up, it is estimated that no one else will be needed to destroy the Blue Star, so Li Quan will directly destroy the Blue Star with his own hands.

If the sun gives up, then it can only go to other galaxies outside the solar system.

Li Quan used the technique of shrinking the ground into an inch, but it was still too slow.

The nearest giant energy body to Li Quan is more than a hundred light years away. If you want to get to that place, you can't get there without spending a lot of time.

When Li Quan was thinking about how to improve his speed, the system store came out again to express his presence.

Space jump (10 billion wealth value.)

Hold the grass, be ruthless, this is recommended by the system store, currently the most expensive recommendation.

However, if you don't want to give up your child, you can still get the wealth anyway, and the wealth consumed is just in Li Quan's body in another way, so don't feel bad.

Ten billion was spent like running water. It would be a joke to say that I don't feel bad.

The space jump was instantly loaded into Li Quan's mind. Soon, Li Quan had the perfect space jump and was familiar with how to use the space jump ability.

With a thought, Li Quan's figure disappeared in an instant, and the space around him was distorted.

Soon, Li Quan's figure appeared in a small galaxy called the Lieyang Galaxy hundreds of light years away.

This blazing sun galaxy looks very hot, but it is indeed so.

However, the scorching temperature of the Fierce Sun Galaxy has no impact on the current strength of Li Quan.

Is this an energy body? If Li Quan wants to improve his strength, he must convert energy into his own strength.

And in front of us, this huge planet that is as big as the sun is the best energy body.

Of course, in the vast and boundless universe, there are countless huge energy bodies similar to the sun, and there are even huge energy bodies that are tens, hundreds, or ten thousand times larger than the sun.

However, now Li Quan encountered a problem, how to devour it?

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