Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 7 Pit Goods System Store

Li Quan looked at Bai Laoer, the fierce ghost in red, who had turned into smoke, and then took a look at his system prompts.

Ten points of wealth value arrived.

However, Li Quan doesn't have time to stay here, and the flight experience time is limited.

There were still about thirty seconds left. If he didn't find a safe landing place in about thirty seconds, at a height of about twenty meters, Li Quan couldn't guarantee that he would be thrown to death.

If he really fell to his death, Li Quan might really become the only dragon in the history of the dragon clan to fall to death in mid-air.

I just don't know whether Li Quan will remain in dragon form or human form after his death.

Returning to his rental house, Li Quan didn't hesitate at all and directly learned the water control and fire control among the three spells recommended by the system as rewards.

Species name: Dragon

Level: LV.11 (265/1100)

Body length: 1.12M

Abilities: Devouring, form transformation, dragon power, water control, fire control, lightning control.

As for Li Quan's current wealth value, there are only twenty-three points left.

Li Quan's abilities, except for the magical power of swallowing, are common to both dragon and human forms.

At this time, Li Quan was sitting on his bed, thinking about a question.

Listening to what these four ghosts said just now, it seemed that Li Quan had offended someone and ruined someone's good deeds.

And Li Quan suddenly recalled the girl he saved this afternoon.

At that time, Li Quan saw with his own eyes a black arm that seemed to be made of black energy on the girl's ankle, pulling the girl into the water, hoping to cause the girl to accidentally drown.

At that time, it seemed that all the lifeguards were not present and had left because of diarrhea.

My dear, what happened today is refreshing my outlook on life.

Li Quan rubbed his head with a headache and said.

However, since Li Quan killed four of that guy's ghosts, the two must have become enemies.

Li Quan is in the light, and that guy is in the dark. There is no guarantee that someone will plot against him.

Just when Li Quan was thinking about how to deal with it, the system store template suddenly popped up.

The Prophet of Unpredictability (100 million wealth value, special price of 20 wealth value, experience for ten seconds.)

Li Quan:? ? ?

Thank you so much. Twenty wealth points can only be experienced for ten seconds. Why don't you go to heaven?

Li Quan complained mercilessly in his heart.

However, after Li Quan complained, the system store template changed again.

The Unpredictable Prophet (100 million wealth value, special price of 1 point, experience for 0.5 seconds.)

Li Quan:.

Is this something humans do?

All in all, if Li Quan wants to accurately find the mastermind behind the scenes, it is best to use the fortune teller recommended by the system store.

But now comes the problem. The wealth value Li Quan has is only 23 points. Once Li Quan uses these 23 points, only three points will be left.

What can you do with three points of wealth?

Before Li Quan could think about it, the system store template changed again.

Encyclopedia of Ghosts (one hundred wealth points, now you only need three points at a special price.)

What the hell

Is this ultimate dragon evolution system poisonous?

However, this encyclopedia of ghosts is indeed quite useful. At the very least, it will let Li Quan know what kind of ghost it is next time he encounters it.

But what's the use of knowing what kind of ghost it is?

No matter what the hell it is, just hit it with a palm thunder and say goodbye to the ghost directly.

Therefore, Li Quan's consciousness directly chose to buy.

Things worth one hundred wealth points are now sold for three points. Three points is not a lot anyway. It would be better to know more about this world.

After successfully deducting three points of wealth, various types of ghosts emerged in Li Quan's mind.

White ghosts, green ghosts, red-clothed ghosts, hanged ghosts, starved ghosts, etc., all ghosts flooded into Li Quan's mind.

Well, that's all, no other introduction.

In other words, the next time Li Quan encounters a ghost, he can know the name of the ghost immediately.

But even if Li Quan knew the name of the ghost, he didn't know what its function was. !

At the moment Li Quan complained, the system store popped up again.

Dealing with the Haunted Encyclopedia (100,000 wealth points, because you already own the Haunted House Encyclopedia, so now at a special price, you only need 20 wealth points! The remaining time is 59 seconds.)

What the hell

I have to say that this ultimate dragon evolution system is very considerate. At the very least, it can pop up whatever Li Quan needs.

The only shortcoming is that he will not give up until he steals all of Li Quan's wealth!

There are still thirty seconds left. Once this time passes, Li Quan will have to spend one hundred thousand wealth points if he wants to buy it.

Damn temptation!

Li Quan finally clicked on the purchase, and the remaining 20 wealth points were cleared directly.

And Li Quan also successfully obtained the ways to deal with various ghosts and the means to eliminate them.

From this point of view, the twenty-three points of wealth I spent are not too much of a loss. At least, there are all kinds of ways to deal with ghosts.

After a few minutes, Li Quan opened his eyes and sighed helplessly.

Now, there is one thing Li Quan needs to pay attention to, and that is to find out the guy hiding in the dark corner.

The unknown danger is the scariest thing, because you don't know when he will stab you.

In addition, Li Quan needs to improve his strength as soon as possible.

For example, improve your level.

Once your level rises, everything will rise.

For example, strength.

In addition, Li Quan can study some reproduction techniques of the three basic control techniques.

For example, Palm Thunder is a move Li Quan just developed through thunder and lightning.

In this regard, Li Quan could learn more about the use of thunder and lightning.

Or even post a post on Zhiba or something like that.

While Li Quan was studying his abilities, he was in a three-story, 800-square-meter villa in the center of Jiangdu City.

With a hint of coquettishness on her face, Wang Keyuan rushed towards a handsome middle-aged man.

Dad, Ke Yuan almost didn't see you today.

There was a trace of 'teardrops' in Wang Keyuan's eyes (she had just cut onions), and she looked pitiful.

Baby girl, tell daddy who bullied you?!

Wang Keyuan's father, Wang Ruobin, was also very angry after hearing that Wang Keyuan almost couldn't see him today.

With a slap on the table, the whole table cracked.

This table was carved from marble and was carved by professionals with special treatment. However, it was cracked by Wang Ruobin's slap. One can imagine how powerful Wang Ruobin is.

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