Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 8 Find the real murderer!

Dad, I don't know who it is.

Wang Keyuan said to Wang Ruobin with a hint of helplessness.

you do not know?

Yes, today at noon.

Soon, Wang Keyuan told Wang Ruobin everything that happened at noon today, and Wang Ruobin's face turned scary and gloomy after hearing this.

There are people who dare to plot against my daughter, Wang Ruobin, and try to separate me from my daughter.

Wang Ruobin tapped his fingers on the table a few times, then smiled at Wang Keyuan and said, Daughter, you have been staying at home recently and don't go out. Do you understand?

How about you go out to play again after dad takes care of those bad guys?

Ah, Dad, wouldn't this make me bored to death?

You can ask your best friend to come.

Oh well.

Dad, you have to promise me to catch that bad guy.

There was a hint of seriousness on Wang Keyuan's delicate cheeks. When Wang Ruobin saw this, he burst into laughter.

Early the next morning, Li Quan woke up from bed, opened his eyes, and stretched out by the way.

It is already half past seven in the morning, and there is still half an hour before work.

Li Quan has already made his decision.

Choose to work the morning shift, and at night, dive into the sea to devour.

After tidying up, Li Quan came to the shelter and ordered breakfast.

Hey, Li Quan, why are you here?

When Li Quan ordered food, Ren Hong had not gone to school yet, but judging from Ren Hong's dress, she seemed to be ready to go out.

Sister Hong, it's okay, I'm just here to have breakfast.

That's it, Xiao Wu, Li Quan's portion is free of charge.

Yes, Sister Hong.

Are you so polite, Sister Hong?

After hearing that Ren Hong gave him a free bill, Li Quan said with a smile on his face.

It's just a breakfast. Sister Hong, I'm not so stingy.

On the other hand, you kid, after working for so long, you suddenly resigned. It's really unloyal.

That's right. While saying this, Ren Hong seemed to have thought of something and took out a stack of Tenglong coins from his bag and handed it to Li Quan's hand.

This is your salary for this month. Since you only worked for fifteen days, it's only half of it. Take it.

When Li Quan saw this, he didn't show any pretense and directly put away the five thousand Tenglong coins and responded with a smile on his face. Thank you very much, Sister Hong.

Well, kid, if you don't have a good time there, Sister Hong welcomes you back here at any time.

That's it, I'm going to school.

Watching Ren Hong leave, Li Quan took the breakfast and started eating it.

After breakfast, Li Quan rode his little sheep to Jianghai Beach, where he currently works.

Because it was still relatively early, there were not many people on Jianghai Beach.

There are only staff and lifeguards.

Uncle, I came to work today, where is my car parked?

Li Quan drove the little sheep to the uncle and asked with a hint of curiosity on his face.

After hearing this, the uncle pointed to a parking lot not far away and said: Park the car, just leave it there. Huh~

The uncle looked very decadent, as if he had been touched by a ghost.

Being ghosted? !

Li Quan suddenly thought of something and shouted to the uncle who looked decadent: Uncle, do you always feel tired and weak recently?

Eh? Young man, how did you know?

Of course I can tell by the look on your face.

Sure enough, when the uncle looked at Li Quan, Li Quan could clearly see that the yang energy in the uncle was constantly passing away.

Once the yang energy is exhausted, it is possible to be possessed by ghosts.

Well, as people get older, their health begins to deteriorate.

The uncle sighed helplessly.

Then continued to clean up some garbage on the beach.

After Li Quan glanced at his uncle silently, he decided to follow him tonight.

For no other reason than killing ghosts, you can get wealth points. This is the second way for Li Quan to become stronger.

After placing the little sheep in the parking lot, Li Quan entered the service station of Jianghai Beach.

A staff changing room is also included.

Li Quan entered it, took off his clothes, and looked at himself in the mirror.

These muscles are like those of a bodybuilding champion, full of strength, and paired with this handsome face, it is simply a rhythm that will fascinate thousands of girls.

Tsk tsk tsk, as expected of you.

Li Quan gave a thumbs up to himself in the mirror and smiled.

Putting on a whistle, Li Quan opened the door and walked out of the service station wearing flip-flops.

The morning sun is particularly bright, and Li Quan's job is very simple.

Responsible for rescuing drowning tourists.

Li Quan was walking on the beach and patrolling when he suddenly discovered that there was a mass of black gas on a bench under a sun umbrella not far away.

After walking over, Li Quan squatted down and touched the black air with his hand.

It's very familiar, just like the scent of the ghost I killed last night.

This is ghost spirit!

Li Quan suddenly recalled the black arm on Wang Keyuan's ankle when he rescued Wang Keyuan yesterday.

Thinking back to last night, the four ghosts said that Li Quan had offended someone he shouldn't have offended.

Could it be said that everything that happened yesterday was caused by the people who were sitting here before?


There should be a camera or something like this in this place, which can capture the scene here.

However, it was working time now, and it was hard for Li Quan to leave.

During the morning shift, there were no accidents and everything was calm.

But, after all, special events cannot happen often. Otherwise, this Jianghai Beach should invite someone to take a look at the feng shui.

At two o'clock, it was time for the exchange of classes. Li Quan came to the service station, looked at a staff member who was watching the surveillance and said: Brother, I missed something last night. Can you transfer the video to yesterday? ?”

Ah you are?

Oh, I'm the new lifeguard.

Yeah, sure. When did it fall?

After the younger brother heard that Li Quan was a lifeguard and his colleague, he didn't mind helping him.

Well, probably around two-thirty at noon.

Soon, the video was called up by this guy.

On top of the video, there is a man sitting in that position.

The man seemed to be playing with a gadget in his hand. After the five lifeguards left with stomachaches at the same time, the man seemed to open the gadget in his hand.

Then, a ball of black mist flew out of the gadget in the man's hand and headed toward the ground.

Found it, brother, help me zoom in on that person's face.

After hearing this, the little brother didn't think much and directly enlarged the man's profile picture.

After special processing, the man's face appeared in front of Li Quan.

found it.

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