Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 6 Thunder in the Palm!

Once you’ve made a decision, it’s time to control lightning!

After spending a little wealth, Li Quan successfully purchased the lightning control technique.

However, what is unexpected is that after Li Quan purchased it, among the three items recommended by the system store, except for the lightning control skill that marked the purchase, the remaining two items were still worth 1 point of wealth.

Could it be that there is a BUG in the system store?

No matter what, Li Quan thinks this is a good thing.

It would be best if they were all worth 1 point of wealth. Of course, in this case, we can only think about it.

After successfully purchasing the lightning control technique, Li Quan felt that he had obtained the method of using the lightning control technique in his memory.

There are two types in total, one is the lightning control technique in the human form, and the other is the lightning control technique in the dragon form.

Both are instantaneous, so you don't have to recite a spell like those Maoshan Taoist priests in novels.

After transforming into a human form, Li Quan glanced at his right hand.

A ball of blue thunder and lightning flashed in his hand.

This lightning control technique is only the most basic form, which means that Li Quan can obtain other lightning techniques by developing the lightning control technique.

Just when Li Quan was playing with lightning on his fingers, the cool feeling rose again.

Li Quan looked out the window subconsciously.

I saw three fierce ghosts in red entering Li Quan's rental house.

The three red-clothed fierce ghosts looked very pale, and even though they looked pale, they were still wearing lipstick.

Forget about putting on lipstick, he is still wearing red clothes coquettishly. He is obviously a big man, but he looks so coquettish.

You guys are so naughty.

Seeing this, Li Quan subconsciously said to the three approaching red ghosts.

Bai Laosan, this kid can see us.

That is to say, that guy didn't kill the kid just now with a magic weapon.

No matter who it is, facing our three brothers from the Bai family, they will only be killed!

The three red-clothed fierce ghosts who claimed to be the three brothers of the Bai family spoke fiercely towards Li Quan.

I don't know what day it is today, but all kinds of ghosts are running towards my house. After Li Quan complained to himself, he seemed to have thought of something, looked at the three red ghosts and continued:

Did someone ask you to kill me?

Oh? Boy, you are quite self-aware.

If you ruin other people's affairs, you have to pay the price.

Bai Lao Er, why are you following this guy talking so much?

How about just cutting this kid into pieces?

This kid seems to have the most powerful destiny. As long as we eat him, our strength will greatly increase, and we can become big ghosts by then!

Bai Laosan stretched out his pale right hand, and his red nails stretched out, extremely sharp.

Want to kill me?

Just in time, I would like to try my newly learned lightning control technique.

While speaking, Li Quan snapped his fingers, and the thunder and lightning on his fingertips were intertwining.

Is this thunder and lightning giving you the courage to go against our three brothers from the Bai family?

Boy, are you very brave?

Boss Bai, why are you talking to him so much? Just go ahead!

Rip out his heart and eat his liver!

While saying this, Bai Laosan suddenly flew towards Li Quan, his right hand had already accumulated strength for a long time, and his ghost claws were grabbing at Li Quan.

Li Quan looked at Bai Laosan's attack, and although he was a little panicked, he was confident.


Li Quan exploded with all his strength, thundering in his right hand, turning into a palm thunder and swatting at the incoming Bai Laosan.

No! Third child!

Before Bai Laosan could react, thunder erupted from his palm instantly.

Bai Laosan was instantly beaten to death by Li Quan.

If someone else uses it, it can hurt Bai Laosan, but it can't take Bai Laosan's life.

But who is Li Quan? !



Dragons are inherently Yang Zhigang, and combined with the lightning control technique that they just learned, the power they unleash is naturally outstanding.

It is not an exaggeration to say that under one palm, the soul will fly away.

I thought it was so powerful, but it turned out to be so weak.

Ding, kill the red ghost and get +10 wealth value.

Yes, compared to the kid I just killed, this red-clothed ghost is ten times more expensive than the kid.

At the moment when Bai Laosan's soul was gone, the man in the distance who was waiting for good news with a sneer on his face suddenly exploded in the hand of Bai Laosan's soul cup.

What, what's going on? The man's smile froze. This was a red-clothed ghost, a level higher than a kid!

Could it be that that guy is not simple?

No, you have to run! Since that kid hasn't discovered that I did it yet, you have to get out of here!

After the man muttered something to himself, he left the remaining two intact soul cups and ran away.

If you keep the soul cup, others may follow the clues and find it. If you should give it up, you must give it up, even though the man is very reluctant to give it up.

No! Brother Bai! This guy is very evil, let's go!

Bai Lao Er clearly felt that Li Quan was an ordinary person with a relatively strong yang energy, but why could he kill Bai Lao San, who was equal in strength to them, with one blow?

Play pig eat tiger!

That must be it!

This guy is very bad!

And that guy actually dared to let them come here to die!

Want to leave? I'm here for you to come and leave whenever you can?

Li Quan's speed was very fast, and he hit Boss Bai with another palm thunder.

Just like Bai Laosan, both body and soul were destroyed, and his soul was scattered.

Bai Laoer ran away in a hurry. Li Quan saw this and was about to catch up, but he discovered a problem.

As a dragon, Li Quan can't fly!

At this moment, the system suddenly popped up and a friendly product popped up for Li Quan.

Flying (10,000 wealth points, 5 wealth points to experience for one minute.)

And this operation?

Li Quan was simply shocked. This system seemed a bit skinny.

If Li Quan hadn't known that this system didn't have so-called intelligence, he would have scolded him long ago.

It costs five wealth points to experience it once.

However, now that Li Quan has killed Bai Lao San, Bai Lao Er's wealth value has reached 20 points. If he kills Bai Lao Er, Li Quan can still get 5 wealth points.


After exchanging the magical power of flying, Li Quan felt his body light up.

Without further ado!

After obtaining the magical power of flying, Li Quan had the use of the magical power in his mind.

Li Quan flew out of the window at a very fast speed and caught up with Bai Laoer in a moment.

No! Spare me! As long as you let me go, I will help you kill the kid who wants to harm you!

What a beautiful idea! You are worth wealth, don't run away!

After hearing this, Bai Laosan looked shocked and continued to run away at a faster speed.

However, Li Quan was faster. The moment he caught up with Bai Laoer, the thunder in his palm had already charged up.

A palm came down, followed by a scream from Bai Laoer.

Ding, kill the red-clothed devil, and your wealth will be +10.

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