Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 5 Kill the imp!

After hearing the man's words, Kurogiri's painful expression became more and more ferocious.

Death! I want you to die!

Hmph! After hearing this, the man snorted coldly. After chanting a few spells, the face in the black mist became even more painful.

Ah! Spare my life! Spare me!

Let's see if you dare to refute me next time! As he said this, the man held a cigarette in his hand, lit it and said, Why are you still standing there? Do you want me to personally invite you to kill that kid? What?

Hearing this, the black mist face said tremblingly yes, and then flew in the direction of Li Quan.

Remember, do it as if it were an accident and don't leave any clues. Got it?

I know, I understand, Master.

Looking at the dark shadow leaving, the man spat on the ground and said, Bad luck.

At this time, Li Quan, who was playing games in the rental house, suddenly felt a cold feeling on his back.

This feeling is like being suddenly in an environment of dozens of degrees below zero, as if falling into an extremely cold ice cave.

Why is it so cool all of a sudden on this hot day?

After Li Quan shuddered, he looked behind him.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but you'll be shocked when you look at it.

Li Quan actually saw a black shadow appear behind him, and the cold breath was emanating from this guy's body.

Am I a ghost?

Li Quan looked at the black shadow and said calmly, and the painful face of the black shadow also looked at Li Quan.

Human, can you see me?

Of course I can see it, but why do you appear in my home?

The master asked me to kill you, so I came.

Unexpectedly, the face of the shadow is quite cute. Of course, it would be much better if the words and expressions of the face of the shadow were ignored.

So, you are planning to take my life?

That's right, so, human, just pretend to die unexpectedly. I promise, you won't die in pain.

As he spoke, the black shadow man's face stretched out his arm formed by black energy and grabbed Li Quan's neck.

It seemed like he was going to strangle Li Quan to death.

Want to kill me?

Li Quan didn't know who wanted to kill him, but Li Quan was not the kind of person to sit back and wait for death.

This guy should be considered a kind of ghost.

In the mythology that Li Quan is familiar with, the dragon is the most powerful existence and the nemesis of all monsters and monsters.

If this myth did not deceive Li Quan.

Li Quan gradually transformed into a dragon form in front of the black shadow.

Although the one-meter-sized dragon looks very inconspicuous, it has all the characteristics of a dragon.

After Li Quan successfully transformed into the dragon form, dragon power burst out from Li Quan's body.

The power of the dragon is mighty! All things surrender!

The black shadow that was trying to kill Li Quan felt Li Quan's dragon power and reached for Li Quan's arm, which instantly turned into smoke.

No! Don't! I don't want to die!

The black shadow made a piercing scream. However, Li Quan was very afraid of himself when he saw the black shadow. And because of Long Wei, its body was constantly dissipating. He would miss this opportunity to destroy this ghost. .

Li Quan rushed towards the black shadow. Under the explosion of Li Quan's dragon power, the black shadow instantly turned into smoke and his soul was gone!

At the same time, at the moment when the black shadow's soul flew away, the man holding the soul cup in the distance suddenly exploded.

Debris from the explosion cut the man's palm.

Ouch! My hand!

The man hurriedly covered his cut palm and looked in the direction of Li Quan with an expression of disbelief and even a hint of resentment.

What happened?

Why did my little devil die?!

No matter who you are, you must die!

The man once again took out three soul cups from his pocket, which were all his belongings.

The three soul cups represent three ghosts respectively, which are more terrifying than the previous ghost.

After opening the three yellow talismans, three fierce ghosts suddenly emerged from the soul cup. The ghostly aura entangled around the man. The originally quiet rooftop now became particularly spooky and terrifying.

Boy, summon us out, what do you want?

Grandpas Li Gui, I dare you to help me kill someone.

Facing the sudden appearance of three red-clothed ghosts, the man no longer had the disdain he had for the little ghost before, but only respect.

Who is it that actually needs the three of us to take action?

He is a person who ruined the boy's good deeds. However, there must be some treasures around that boy. My little devil was killed by that guy just now.

Grandpas, please be careful.

Okay, we get it.

The old rule is that if we ask us to take action, it must be the hard work of three people.

Yes, yes, please don't worry, Grandpa Li Gui!

The man's current posture is very humble, much like the traitor back then.

Let's go! I want to see who he is, and he actually has a magic weapon in his hand.

With that said, the three fierce ghosts flew towards Li Quan's house.

At this time, Li Quan was looking at his system panel in the room.

After killing the brat, Li Quan's system panel suddenly rang a bell.

Ding, kill an imp and get +1 wealth value.

With a little wealth, Li Quan's system store was opened directly.

It turns out that this system store requires wealth points to open.

Li Quan clicked on the store and found that there were all kinds of magical powers. In addition to magical powers, there were also various fairy magic weapons and the like.

For example, Pangu Ax, Good Fortune Jade Disc, Thirty-Sixth Grade Chaos Green Lotus, etc.

However, after Li Quan saw the countless zeros behind these gadgets, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​continuing to watch them.

The rhythm is simply terrifying.

When Li Quan was browsing the system store, he suddenly saw recommendations on the upper right side of the system.

After clicking with his mind, the system displayed three magical powers and magic weapons that are currently most suitable for Li Quan to use.

Lightning Control Technique (original price 10,000, special price 1)

Fire Control (original price 10,000, special price 1)

Water Control (original price 10,000, special price 1)

Well, I didn’t expect this to be the reward for opening the system store for the first time.

After much thought, Li Quan decided to purchase this lightning control technique.

If nothing else, this lightning control technique is cool.

Think about it, when fighting with others, they throw fireballs, and you just throw a ball of thunder and lightning over it, how cool it is.

The most important thing is that Li Quan encountered a ghost just now, and he finally knew that the world was not safe.

Monsters and monsters may appear.

And thunder is the nemesis of ghosts. With the existence of thunder, the next time Li Quan encounters a ghost, he will directly strike it with lightning, perfect.

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