Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 4 New Ability: Dragon Power!

When saying goodbye, Wang Keyuan watched Li Quan leave. It was not until Li Quan left that Wang Keyuan sighed.

Keyuan, are you really okay?

Ke Yuan's best friend Chen Xianglan asked with a worried look.

It's okay, but all five lifeguards had diarrhea at the same time, and

Wang Keyuan glanced at the people around her, and then continued: Let's talk about it when we go back.

After hearing this, Chen Xianglan knew that some things were not suitable to be said in an environment with so many people, so she took Wang Keyuan away from Jianghai Beach.

After everyone left, not far from Jianghai Beach, a man who was sunbathing spat on the ground.

I didn't expect to be rescued.

But it doesn't matter. Wang Ruobin, I will decide your daughter's life.

That boy dares to ruin my good deeds, and you won't even be able to live.

The corners of the man's mouth were slightly raised, looking very crazy, like a madman.

Li Quan naturally didn't know that he was being targeted.

At this time, Li Quan was sending a text message to Ren Hong's WeChat: Sister Hong, I have found a permanent job, so I'm sorry.

After waiting for a few minutes, I saw Ren Hong's WeChat response: It doesn't matter, what type of job is it, can you introduce it?

Li Quan's hand quickly clicked on the phone screen: Jianghai Beach Lifeguard.

Ren Hong: Lifeguarding is a good profession. Work hard and be careful at the same time.

Li Quan: Thank you for your concern, Sister Hong, that’s all.

After successfully explaining the reason for leaving to Ren Hong, Li Quan breathed a sigh of relief.

Now that you have found a job, you need to carefully plan your upgrade tasks.

Li Quan came to the vegetable market again and squatted down in front of the fish stall.

If Li Quan wants to go fishing in the sea, it is very important to improve his level.

According to the pace of upgrading, if one hundred fish all have a little experience value, it will take more than one hundred fish to reach level four.

At that time, if you want to advance to level five, you will need to consume four hundred fish.

Level five is five hundred.

To raise the level to level ten, nearly five thousand small fish are needed.

It probably only costs a few thousand yuan, so Li Quan can still afford it.

Boss, bring me five thousand small fish.

The fish stall owner had done Li Quan's business just a few hours ago, and of course he still remembered Li Quan.

Young man, how many small fish do you want to buy?

Five thousand.

Five thousand pieces, boy, do you want to wholesale them?

Or do you want to help the hotel behind you purchase?

An ordinary person can easily attract attention by buying so many small fishes at once.

Yes, didn't I buy a small fish from you at noon today?

I took it back and gave it to my friend to try. He thought it was ok, and then he came to your place and wholesaled five thousand fish for me.

I wonder if you can be cheaper, boss?

Well, of course you can.

However, there are not so many fish in my fish stall.

This way, young man, you come with me and I will take you to my fish pond to get fish.

For one stall, a few hundred items would be enough to fill the sky, not to mention that Li Quan wanted 5,000 items.

Okay, please boss.

In the end, Li Quan followed the fish stall owner to his fishing ground and spent 1,700 yuan, which was a discount of 50 yuan to Li Quan.

The owner of the fish stall also planned to deliver it to Li Quan personally, but was stopped by Li Quan.

Li Quan was joking with his boss and really asked his boss to deliver it in person. How should Li Quan explain?

Moreover, Li Quan also knew the boss's intentions.

Obviously he just wanted to set up a line with the friend Li Quan mentioned.

It's a pity that the friend Li Quan mentioned was fake.

The boss's wish came true. When he left, Li Quan clearly remembered the hateful look in his boss's eyes.

With five thousand small fish, Li Quan borrowed a tricycle from his boss and two blue buckets before leaving.

The two large buckets were covered very tightly, so there was no need to worry about small fish jumping out.

Moreover, these fish must be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise they will all die.

The boss's fish pond is on the outskirts of Jiangdu City, near the river and the sea.

In this place, there is a large lush grove, which can be regarded as a green belt in the coastal area of ​​​​Jiangdu City.

Li Quan parked the car here. This place was very desolate and no one passed by at all.

After seeing that there was no one around, Li Quan took off the two lids, then transformed into a dragon and entered the basket to devour it.

After a while, I saw that the number of small fish in the basket was decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Li Quan's figure was also getting bigger.

After more than ten minutes of devouring time for Li Quan, all the fish in the two baskets were devoured by Li Quan.

Species name: Dragon

Level: LV.11 (265/1100)

Body length: 1.12M

Abilities: Devour, Form Transformation, Dragon Power

To Li Quan's surprise, Li Quan's level was directly upgraded to level 11. At the same time, when Li Quan advanced to level 10, he obtained a skill called Longwei.

Dragon power, this is the unique ability of the dragon clan.

In addition to gaining the Dragon Power skill, Li Quan's body length has also reached one meter. He finally looks like he is no longer a loach.

In addition, Li Quan's dragon claws look very sharp. Not to mention anything else, the almost reflective claws alone are enough to make people frightened.

As his size increased, Li Quan's strength also increased.

Li Quan, who has reached LV.11, is now powerful enough to reach the size of an adult man.

The scales on his body looked black and shiny, and the longan eyes with big bean spots became bright and vivid.

After Li Quan quickly transformed into a human form, he felt the power of the increase.

It is more powerful than the dragon form, but when Li Quan truly understands the human form, the increase it brings is only half of the dragon form.

Although the increase in strength is only half, the increase brought by the dragon form should not be underestimated.

After the fish is eaten, these buckets and tricycles must be returned to the boss.

Of course, you have to stay here for a while before returning it.

Otherwise, as soon as the front foot walks away, the back foot returns the thing to others, and it would be strange if people are not curious.

At night, Li Quan was playing games alone at home.

At this time, a cup appeared in the hand of the man before, a hundred meters away from the residence where Li Quan's rental house was located, with a yellow talisman attached to the top of the cup.

Boy, since you dare to thwart my plan, you will pay the price for it.

After finishing speaking, the man muttered a spell, and then tore off the yellow talisman from the soul cup in his hand.

I saw a thick black mist suddenly flying out of the soul cup, and in the black mist, a human face with a painful expression appeared.

Go ahead and let this kid know that if you don't have the strength, don't save people.

The man's smile gradually became crazy.

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