Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 404 The Function of Dragon Qi Mark

Nowadays, a void creature in the Nine Palace realm can only contribute less than one-tenth of Li Quan's experience points at most.

Remember, this is just the level experience of Li Quan's upgrade.

If you want to upgrade, you won't be able to advance without a large number of creatures in the Nine Palace realm.

It's a pity that in this endless void now, although it is impossible to know how big it is, it is not possible to see a creature at the level of the Nine Palaces.

Now, the reason why Li Quan was able to meet four of them was just because Li Quan happened to meet them because he was in a safe zone.

If you were not in a safe zone, it would be difficult to encounter these four void creatures in the Nine Palace realm.

After Li Quan devoured one of the void creatures, the remaining two void creatures had disappeared.

It has to be said that in the extremely dangerous place of the endless void, escaping is still first-rate for void creatures.

After all, as long as the strength reaches the level of half a planet, more than 99.9% of the void creatures will leave the safe zone and start to prey on the remaining void creatures.

This also leads to the fact that if you want to survive, you must improve your escape strength. If you want to improve your strength, you must also improve your escape strength.

Escape, so to speak.

It is a basic ability necessary for void creatures.

Therefore, when Li Quan devoured this void creature, the remaining two had already disappeared.

The speed of escaping is still quite fast, but is it useful?

The bodies of these three void creatures have long been marked with dragon energy marks by Li Quan.

The existence of the Dragon Qi mark marked by Li Quan, no matter where he is, Li Quan can capture it perfectly.

Although the positions of these two void creatures were constantly moving away from Li Quan's position, Li Quan could still clearly sense their own location.

Well, the second goal, let's start with you.

It was a lizard head that looked like a void creature with the body of a lion.

Void creatures are all like this, they look different and look weird, so no matter what they look like, it's not strange.

After locking a position, Li Quan's figure continued to dissipate, turning into a point of light and disappearing from the spot.

And on the body of the void creature with a lizard head and a lion body, the dragon energy mark belonging to Li Quan was constantly glowing.

With the sound of a dragon's roar, this void creature was extremely frightened.

Not only that, because of fear, its own power is rapidly expanding, and the burst of power also ripples towards the surrounding areas.

Wherever it passes, void creatures whose strength is lower than the Hunyuan level are directly transformed into the power of the void and return to the embrace of the endless void.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was extremely cruel.

And on the body of the void creature, the dragon aura mark glowed with golden light.

As the light bloomed, golden light spots began to glow around the dragon aura mark.

Li Quan's figure is also constantly condensing with the dragon's energy mark.

Finally, under the shocked and horrified gaze of this void creature, Li Quan's figure appeared in front of this void creature, and the dragon's claws moved and tightly grasped the body of this void creature.

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