Li Quan's figure is so huge that it is simply difficult for a void creature in the Nine Palaces realm to resist.

After the dragon claw grabbed it directly, the void creature shouted with a hint of panic on its face: Let me go! Please!

Do you think it's possible?

Why! We didn't provoke you!

Well, it's true that you didn't provoke me, but do you know why I wanted to catch you?

After hearing this, the void creature had a look of confusion on its face. Apparently, it didn't know why Li Quan wanted to catch and kill them.


It's very simple. The weak eat the strong. It has always been the rule of the endless void.

Well, after reaching the Nine Palaces realm, he has been preying on other void creatures. One day he will think that he will be treated like this by Li Quan.

Now, this void creature is afraid.

She finally recalled the scene when she was chased by other void creatures when she was weak.

Let me go! Please!

Well, actually, I can let you go and not prey on you. But, weird, it's just that you offended me in one way.

Wha, where?

Obviously, this void creature did not understand how it had offended Li Quan.

That's because you are really ugly. Your ugly face has seriously polluted my eyes. Therefore, I want to kill you. Is this reason enough?

This void creature was simply shocked after hearing this.

There is even such a reason!

Moreover, the void creature is inherently weird, and it is normal for him to look like this. Why did he suddenly offend Li Quan?

So, just go with peace of mind.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Quan opened his mouth, grabbed the void creature with his dragon claws, and put it directly into his mouth.

The devouring ability was activated, followed by a burst of shrill screams, and finally turned into Li Quan's nourishment.

There's only one left.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Quan's figure turned into a point of light again, and then appeared on the last void creature that escaped.

This void creature, with the head of a tiger and the body of an eagle, looks like a gryphon. No, this is a gryphon.

The light spots transformed into Li Quan's figure gradually solidified, and then surrounded him tightly.

This tiger vulture was tightly wrapped up by Li Quan, and there was no place to escape.

No! Let me go!

These Nine Palace-level void creatures have obviously dominated other void creatures for a long time, and it is a bit unacceptable to be treated like this.

No, it’s not that I can’t accept it, it’s that I simply can’t accept it.

Now, this tiger vulture keeps flying like a headless fly in the circle surrounded by Li Quan, hitting Li Quan's body crazily.

It's a pity that Li Quan's dragon body is extremely hard and powerful. Even if it hits it for tens of millions of years, it will not be damaged at all.

On the contrary, this tiger vulture may be knocked stupid because of this.

Stop it.

As Li Quan's voice sounded, the vulture suddenly stopped in place. Obviously, he didn't know why, but Li Quan's voice had such powerful power that it could make him stop in place without daring to move.

This is like pressure from a superior.

Do you want to live?


nonsense! Who doesn't want to be alive means there are infinite possibilities.

If you want to, then tell me everything about you.

After hearing this, the tiger vulture asked with a hint of fear on his face: You, what do you want to know?

do you know?

The two guys you just fought with have already entered my stomach.

If you don't want to enter my belly, then tell me honestly the secret about the Disk of Nothingness.

Xu, disk of nothingness?!

Yes, don't tell me, you don't know.

After hearing this, the tiger vulture immediately panicked and shouted quickly: I, I really don't know!

Oh? Are you kidding me?

Sir, how dare I play tricks on you?

I really don't know!

We only know that the Disk of Nothingness can quickly improve and enhance our strength. Correspondingly, we need to maintain the order of the safe zone in the safe zone.

that's all?

Yes, it is.

Li Quan still didn't believe it, so Li Quan directly grabbed the tiger vulture and searched its memory.

After Li Quan's investigation, it turned out that, just as the vulture said, he was indeed unaware of the existence of the Disk of Nothingness.

However, apart from these, Li Quan made an unexpected discovery.

That's where the next Disk of Nothingness will be.

A disk of nothingness also means a safe zone.

Moreover, that safe zone was even stronger than the current safe zone.

No, there is no safe zone here anymore, because the core of the safe zone has been taken away by Li Quan.

The chassis, the disk of nothingness, is the core of the safe zone.

The core has been taken away. Do you think these existences in the Nine Palaces realm will protect these weak void creatures?

I guess it's more practical to be bored.

What's more, in this safe zone, all the void creatures in this area have disappeared due to the war.

It's an unexpected surprise.

Sir, sir, I wonder if you can let me go?

There was a hint of pleading on the face of the tiger vulture. Since Li Quan already knew everything, the tiger vulture could only pray to Li Quan to let him go as he had said before.

Well, you are right. After all, I am an honest person.

While speaking, Li Quan bit the tiger vulture.

No! Spare me!

The tiger vulture wanted to resist, but with how powerful Li Quan was, how could the tiger vulture be able to break free.

In just a moment, the figure of the tiger vulture shrunk to half its size.

Its own strength also fell directly from the Jiugong realm to the Hunyuan realm.

This is your punishment for disrespecting me.

After saying this, Li Quan let go of the tiger vulture and swung it away with his tail. In an instant, the figure of the tiger vulture disappeared from Li Quan's eyes.

Li Quan indeed said that if you want to survive, tell all your secrets.

Since Li Quan already knows all the secrets of this tiger vulture, Li Quan will let him live.

However, it did not say that he should be allowed to leave intact and alive.

After all, it would be a fool not to take advantage of him. What's more, this guy is in the realm of the Nine Palaces. Wouldn't it be a big loss if he didn't absorb some experience or something?

Therefore, it's okay to let him go, but first leave some tolls or something.

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