Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 403 The Disk of Nothingness

That is Li Quan.

After Li Quan devoured the tentacle monster, he did not leave. Instead, he stayed in place to study the so-called chassis.

And because of Long Yin, Li Quan's own aura could not be sensed at all, which resulted in the three incoming void creatures at the Nine Palaces realm not feeling Li Quan's presence.

This also caused these three void creatures to ignore Li Quan, who was standing on the chassis at this time.

Li Quan, on the other hand, silently raised his head and looked at the three void creatures fighting above his head.

The battle at the level of the Nine Palaces directly caused the entire safe zone to turn into nothing.

All void creatures, except for the three Nine Palace level beings and Li Quan, were all forced to turn into the power of the void and dissipated in the endless void.

It can be said that after the first battle, all the void creatures in the safe zone have been affected to death.

The battle is so cruel, but as long as one of them wins, then he can become the lord of the safe zone. Otherwise, unless there is a being who is more powerful than the lord of the safe zone to fight for the chassis, safety The area is still safe.

However, with these three Ninth Palace-level void creatures, their plans are probably about to fail.

The chassis they want to occupy is already occupied by Li Quan. Therefore, if they want to seize the chassis, they must kill Li Quan.

But can they do it?


Li Quan could kill any of these three void creatures with a single blow.

Therefore, when the three void creatures were fighting, Li Quan was not in a hurry to disrupt them.

After all, Li Quan also wanted to see the battle in the Jiugong realm.

This is the first time Li Quan has witnessed a Jiugong-level battle, but he had never seen it before.

There is only oneself fighting against others, and no other reference, but now there is one.

The three void creatures intermingled together, and the collision of pure flesh caused the space to vibrate and rattle.

It's a pity that without the power above the Bagua Realm, it is impossible to break the space barrier of this endless void.

Although Li Quan is very interested in what is hidden outside the endless void space barrier, he is still interested. Regarding the unknown existence, Li Quan still feels that it is better to wait until his strength improves before exploring.

After all, life is only once.

Above the head, three void creatures were fighting, and the burst of void energy impact was astonishing, but unfortunately, for Li Quan, it was nothing at all.

If you want to shake Li Quan himself, without the power of the Bagua realm, you simply cannot shake the current Li Quan.

At this time, Li Quan was still studying the chassis under his feet.

The chassis is really too mysterious, including the mysterious lines on it, which look extremely mysterious.

Unfortunately, within a short period of time, Li Quan was unable to find out what kind of existence this chassis was. Instead of wasting time here, it was better to pack it up and take it away.

Thinking of this, Li Quan directly pointed at the chassis under his feet. He saw that the chassis continued to shrink as if it was invaded by a special force. Finally, it quickly shrank to the size of Li Quan's palm at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The chassis, reduced to the size of a palm, looks very delicate. Not only that, this chassis is also very heavy.

However, for Li Quan, it can still be picked up easily. After all, Li Quan has never been afraid of anyone in terms of strength.

However, the power of this chassis makes people a little desperate.

At the very least, without the strength of the Bagua realm, there is no way to shake it at all, let alone take it away.

After Li Quan put the shrunken chassis into his own space, the three void creatures above his head seemed to notice something was wrong and stopped one after another.

Where is the Disk of Nothingness!?

Where on earth did you go?!

One of them, which looked like a void creature with the head of a human and the body of a bird, looked confused and looked towards the place where the chassis was originally located.

What on earth did you do?!

Why did the Disk of Nothingness disappear?!

Did you do it?

For a moment, the three void creatures once again entered into a fight. Of course, because the argument was unsatisfactory, it eventually evolved into a chaotic battle.

When Li Quan saw this, he sighed helplessly.

It turns out that the name of the chassis is called the Disk of Nothingness. Although I don’t know what the purpose of this Disk of Nothingness is, it can protect and protect the void creatures in the Nine Palaces realm regardless of life and death, and even fight for their lives with Li Quan. , it must not be simple.

Forget it. Seeing that you are fighting life and death for this plate of nothingness, I will be kind and let you end the battle.

Because Li Quan in human form is too small, if you don't look carefully, you can't find Li Quan at all, not to mention that Li Quan is still in the dragon's hidden state.

After Li Quan directly revealed his body shape, his body continued to expand, and finally, Li Quan transformed into his own body.

These three void creatures are a little worse than the tentacle monster, and are only two-thirds the size of the tentacle monster. Therefore, Li Quan, who is ten times larger than the tentacle monster, can certainly be bigger than them. .

After Li Quan revealed his figure, the three void creatures were immediately startled.

No! Run!

It turns out to be an existence in the Bagua Realm!

After hearing this, Li Quan's face was very confused.

This Bagua Realm was named by myself. Why do these guys also know about Bagua Realm?

Although he didn't know why, Li Quan felt that it would be better to leave someone alive to ask questions.

Well, this one with the head of a human and the body of a bird doesn't look like a good bird. You can tell at a glance what kind of hybrid it is.

Seeing how scared and painful he looked, let’s start with him.

Li Quan's figure was seen moving quickly, and in just the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of this void creature with a human head and a bird body.

Turn it into experience and nutrients for me to upgrade.

As Li Quan's dragon roar resounded through the endless void in this area, this void creature with the head of a human and the body of a bird, under its fearful gaze, could only watch as Li Quan opened its mouth and swallowed it in one gulp. In the belly.

As for the void creatures that were swallowed into his belly, under the activation of Li Quan's devouring talent, they were accompanied by bursts of shrill screams. The void creatures in the Nine Palaces realm were directly transformed into Li Quan's upgrade experience.

It is a pity that the existence of the Nine Palaces realm cannot contribute much upgrade experience to Li Quan.

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