Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 402 The Secret of the Chassis

·The moment Li Quan's mouth was about to bite the tentacle monster, countless tentacles burst out from the tentacle monster's body, trying to use these tentacles to resist Li Quan's devouring.

It's a pity that although the power of this tentacle is very powerful, even if it were other beings in the Bagua realm, it would be difficult to eat it forcefully.

But who is Li Quan?

No matter how powerful the tentacle monster is, it cannot match Li Quan's power.

I saw Li Quan's big mouth gradually bite down and close.

In the end, the tentacle monster's tentacles were forcefully bitten off, and the tentacle itself was swallowed by Li Quan.

Devouring his talent, he continued to refine this tentacle monster belonging to the Nine Palaces realm. In a short while, Li Quan's strength improved a lot.

Sure enough, if you want to improve your strength, the only way is to continuously devour powerful energy.

The more powerful and pure the power, the faster Li Quan's strength will increase.

And after this tentacle monster was swallowed by Li Quan, when its devouring talent was activated, its shrill screams could only be heard.

Obviously, Li Quan's devouring ability, no matter who you are, will be converted into energy as long as it is successfully activated.

After an unknown amount of time, the tentacle monster in his belly was finally devoured by his talent and perfectly transformed into energy, and then turned into experience for Li Quan's upgrade.

At this time, Li Quan's figure was also shrinking rapidly, and finally transformed into a human form.

Although the dragon form is the real body for Li Quan and is even more comfortable, for Li Quan who is already accustomed to the human form, it is more comfortable to be a human being.

Li Quan landed on the chassis and found that there were special textures on the chassis. There were many textures covering the entire chassis.

The chassis is also very large, at least half the size of the tentacle monster.

The size of the safe zone is ten times the size of the chassis.

After Li Quan's hand came into contact with the chassis, he discovered that the power of void in this chassis was actually connected to this other place. That place seemed to be the supplier of all power of void.

For some reason, Li Quan suddenly thought of something.

Could it be said that there is a special world outside this endless void?

So, what kind of existence is this special world?

And where do these chassis come from?

Why do these void creatures, once they absorb the power of this chassis, involuntarily maintain the safety rules of this safe zone?

Every bit of this undoubtedly shows that there is a special secret behind it, but even the owner of this safe zone cannot know this secret.

After the leader of the safe zone was destroyed and Li Quan's figure turned into a human form, an unknown amount of time passed before Li Quan suddenly felt that there were several beings at the Nine Palaces realm of strength approaching from all directions.

Obviously, these existences in the realm of the Nine Palaces have only one purpose in coming to this place.

That is to occupy this safe zone!

As long as they can successfully occupy the safe zone, they can use the power of the chassis to improve their strength.

As long as they successfully occupy the chassis, their strength can be quickly improved, and the remaining void creatures that exist in the Nine Palaces realm will not be his opponents by then.

However, they ignored one existence.

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