Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 401: Cruel mouth

I didn't expect that there is such a so-called space barrier in the endless void.

The space was vibrating, and Li Quan could naturally sense it. It was precisely because of this that Li Quan was surprised.

You know, there is endless void here. There is still this so-called space barrier in the endless void. How can we not be amazed?

However, if he wants to break through this space barrier, with Li Quan's current strength, he can barely do it. Of course, this is only possible with full firepower.

Li Quan's strength in the Bagua Realm is not enough to blow up this space. The reason why the tentacle monster in the Nine Palaces Realm can make the space vibrate is just because his hammering power affects the vibration of the space.

Just a simple space vibration cannot break the space into pieces.

This is true even if it vibrates for thousands of hundreds of years. If it is not broken, it will not be broken.

However, Li Quan was somewhat looking forward to what kind of things were hidden in this broken space.

However, what we should deal with now is the attack from this tentacle monster.

Although the hammer is very large and very fast, it can cause vibrations in the space with the strength of the Jiugong realm. It has to be said that the strength of the lord of the safe zone is quite strong.

It's a pity that even if he is very strong, it is difficult to defeat Li Quan.

I just wanted to come over and see why you were here, and you actually wanted to kill me.

I think, according to the rules of the safe zone, since you dare to attack me, you should die on the spot.

In this case, I will reluctantly do it.

Although the hammer was big, fast and powerful, it was nothing to Li Quan.

I saw that Li Quan used his own mental power to control it and directly turned it into a huge palm.

If the hammer is a fist, then Li Quan's palm is cloth.

Rock, paper, scissors, Li Quan won.

The palm of his hand directly grasped the incoming combination hammer tightly, and then the mental palm began to exert force continuously.

The ninety-nine tentacles tried to break free, but they were tightly restrained by Li Quan and could not move at all.

The tentacles that could not move could only be crushed into pulp by Li Quan.

No, the structure of void creatures is composed of the power of the void. Therefore, there is no so-called flesh and blood in void creatures.

After all, although void creatures have life, their bodies have different structures. Crushing them into flesh is just a characteristic of carbon-based creatures.

For void creatures, it should be crushed into the air of the void and turned into a gas state again.

The owner of the safe zone obviously did not expect that he was no match for Li Quan. Therefore, in order to defeat Li Quan, the tentacle monster decided that it must rely on powerful power.

And this powerful power comes from the tentacle monster.

In the endless void, there is no distinction between up, down, left and right, because no one knows how big the border of the endless void is.

However, in the safe zone, there is this special chassis in the center.

The tentacle monster is located on the chassis, and all her tentacles bounce into the chassis.

Could it be that this is the reason for sitting in the safe zone?

The tentacle monster ignored Li Quan and continued to absorb powerful power from the chassis.

Li Quan could feel that the power contained in this chassis was simply not on the same level as the power of the void generated by the endless void.

It's like the spiritual energy produced by Blue Star in the universe.

It seems that this is the safe zone.

But, what kind of existence is this chassis?

In order to learn the secret of this chassis, Li Quan decided to kick this thing away.

However, the tentacle monster that absorbed the powerful power of the chassis suddenly burst out with power belonging to the Bagua Realm.

This is really serious.

Unexpectedly, a tentacle monster that was only in the Nine Palaces realm could burst out with such a powerful force, which was simply beyond Li Quan's imagination.

However, having only the pure power of the Bagua Realm should be this tentacle monster’s final trump card.

If it were the same level of the Nine Palaces, it might not be able to withstand such a blow.

However, Li Quan's strength is not limited to the Jiugong realm.

With the blessing of the power of the void, Li Quan's strength has reached the Bagua realm.

The tentacle monster absorbed the power of the chassis, and the countless tentacles on its body began to explode, like sharp spears, stabbing crazily in the direction of Li Quan.

Every stab can cause the space to vibrate.

However, Li Quan did not panic at all. Although the tentacle monster's tentacles were very fast, they were still very slow in front of Li Quan.

In the Bagua Realm, there are also differences in strength.

This tentacle monster is just a forcibly improved strength with the help of the power of the chassis, and is no match for Li Quan at all.

Therefore, at the moment when the tentacle monster broke out, Li Quan's figure flashed directly into the middle of the tentacle monster, that is, around the perfect female face.

Because this tentacle monster is so huge, even if it is a perfect female face, in Li Quan's eyes, it is as huge as a mountain, a planet, the sun, or the Sagittarius planet.

The reason why Li Quan was able to be discovered was naturally because sensing the other party relied entirely on mental power.

Otherwise, Li Quan's current normal human body would be as big as a virus in front of this body level.

No, maybe smaller than a virus.

After staying here for a long time, it's time to change to someone else!

I saw Li Quan's figure expanding rapidly, and after a while, a giant dragon appeared directly from the face of the tentacle monster, and continued to grow in size until the end.

The size of this tentacle monster is only one-tenth the size of Li Quan.

With Li Quan's current size, this mere safe zone would not be able to cover Li Quan at all.

Therefore, all the void creatures in the safe zone, without exception, are now focusing on Li Quan.

Today's Li Quan is really too huge, so huge that it is unimaginable.

It was bigger and more terrifying than the Lord of their safe zone.

I saw Li Quan open his bloody mouth and bite directly towards the owner of the safe zone.

The owner of the safe zone wanted to escape, but because he couldn't bear to protect his body, he chose to fight to the death with Li Quan.

Seeing this, Li Quan became even more curious about what kind of existence this chassis was that would make the owner of the safe zone protect this chassis regardless of life and death.

However, since the owner of the safe zone will not leave, don't blame Li Quan for taking action. No, he was ruthless.

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