Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 400 Lord of the Safe Zone

However, when the smoke dissipated, Centipede Man had a look of disbelief on his face. He obviously couldn't believe that Li Quan, who had been hit by the master of the safe zone, could survive intact.

And Li Quan, after dusting himself off, set his sights on the distance, the central area, the position of the lord of the safe zone.

I didn't expect there to be such rules in this safe zone.

But it's no wonder that this place is called a safe zone.

The reason why it is called a safe zone is naturally because there are absolute rules in the safe zone. You cannot harm other void creatures. Violators will be struck by the owner of the safe zone.

No matter how powerful you are, if you take the initiative to attack others, you will be attacked.

It is precisely for this reason that the void creatures living here are so peaceful.

However, Li Quan is not afraid, and Li Quan has only one purpose in entering it, which is to improve his strength.

And in front of me, this centipede man looked at me with contempt just now, obviously looking for trouble.

Seeing this, Li Quan punched him in the face, and Centipede Man's head was flattened by Li Quan.

Obviously, Centipede Man didn't notice at all that Li Quan would take action again.

After Li Quan took action, the attack belonging to the owner of the safety zone in the central area of ​​the safety zone fell on Li Quan again.

The beam of light that penetrated everything struck Li Quan again.

However, at the moment when the blow was about to hit Li Quan, Li Quan just raised his hand and patted it casually. The light beam that penetrated everything shattered like glass under Li Quan's casual pat.

Centipede Man looked in disbelief and kept staring at Li Quan, obviously trying to understand why Li Quan could ignore this attack.

Who the hell are you?!

Void creatures are all intelligent. The reason why they didn't speak before was naturally because they didn't want to have too much interaction with Li Quan.

Now, Centipede Man's body and mind have suffered a severe blow, so Centipede Man can't wait to find out the secret.

Want to know?

Yes! Tell me!

It's very simple, just hit me.

After hearing this, Centipede Man hesitantly punched Li Quan in the chest. Li Quan just smiled and made a goodbye gesture towards Centipede Man.

I saw that the beam of light that penetrated everything fell again. This time, it fell not on Li Quan, but on Centipede Man.

Because Centipede Man took the initiative to attack Li Quan, he was directly targeted.

Centipede Man is not as powerful as Li Quan, so the moment the beam of light falls, Centipede Man vaporizes away without leaving any trace.

Because you are weaker than me, so you can't stop me.

After finishing speaking, Li Quan turned his attention to the void creatures not far away who were staring at him with fear on their faces.

These are all anthropomorphic void creatures. Because they have different shapes and structures in the void, they look strange.

Li Quan has no interest in these weak void creatures.

The reason why I killed the centipede man just now was because I simply felt bored of that guy staring at me all the time.

As Li Quan continued to wander in the safe zone of endless void, there was deathly silence everywhere, and there was no so-called family affection or affection at all.

Because, in the endless void, this endless preying ground, the weak will die and the strong will survive. It's that simple.

Of course, void creatures are also divided into male and female, which is also the basis for their reproduction.

However, some void creatures reproduce through division.

It's considered maternal reproduction.

Li Quan didn't know how long he had been in the endless void safe zone. Anyway, in the endless void, there was no need for time.

After reaching Hunyuan and above, lifespan no longer exists.

It's time to head to the Central Zone, too.

The safe zone is very boring. All the creatures are quietly carrying around, absorbing the sequence control air in the void to devour them, and then replenish their own strength.

Improve his own strength, but Li Quan estimates that there must be some unknown secrets in this safe zone.

Otherwise, a powerful and powerful leader of the safe zone with the realm of the Nine Palaces would guard the safe zone.

In an instant, Li Quan arrived at the center of the safe zone.

Located in the center is a huge void creature that looks like a tentacle monster.

The perfect female face that stood out in the middle reminded Li Quan that this was a female void creature.

Li Quan looked at this void creature as if it was swallowing something.

When Li Quan approached, the huge void creature, the master of the safe zone, obviously also noticed Li Quan.

leave here!

The voice of the owner of the safe zone appeared in Li Quan's mind, apparently warning Li Quan to leave the area.

If I don't leave, what can you do to me?

The owner of the safe zone was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting that Li Quan would say such a thing.

After all, Li Quan's current strength is only at the level of the Mahayana stage because he is in the Dragon Hidden State.

Therefore, in front of the Lord of the Nine Palaces-level safe zone, he is undoubtedly an ant-like existence.

She simply couldn't figure out why an ant would resist her.

Therefore, without saying much, just do it.

One of the tentacles suddenly struck in front of Li Quan, and the tip of the tentacle suddenly opened, and a golden beam of light shot directly towards Li Quan.

Obviously, the light beam that penetrates everything comes from the tentacles of the lord of this safe zone.

However, Li Quan only slightly moved his right hand in front of him, and a scratch made of dragon energy instantly broke the light beam.

At the same time as it was broken, the power of the scratches was not reduced, and it was slashed towards the tentacles.

The tentacle was cut in half by Li Quan in an instant, and was cut off abruptly.

Who the hell are you?!

Obviously, this tentacle monster never expected that Li Quan had such strength.

This is definitely not the Mahayana period, it is definitely an existence above the Mahayana period!

Even surpassed her!

Don't be so nervous, I'm just here to have fun.

Li Quan responded with a smile. However, the tentacle monster would not believe Li Quan's words at all.

The remaining ninety-nine tentacles suddenly appeared and attacked Li Quan.

Ninety-nine tentacles formed a huge hammer, which hit hard.

In the endless void, there was a faint sign of space vibration.

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