Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 395 The Shadow of the Power of Law

If anyone dares to leave the chaotic land, it is estimated that it will not be long before a group of magic gods use spells and other things, and their lives will be broken into pieces.

Of course, although these magic gods are powerful, they do not dare to approach the chaotic land rashly, for fear that they will be besieged by the people of the Long Huang Empire if they are not careful.

The gods and demons also formed an alliance within a short period of time for this reason.

They have been able to confirm that the Goddess of Creation and the Demon God of Destruction have disappeared.

Because they can no longer feel the presence of the two, but because the godhead is located in the land of chaos, they cannot enter the land of chaos.

However, all the gods and demons have no fear of this creation godhead. No matter how powerful the godhead is, what does it matter?

They can't get it, so the land of chaos has now become a taboo. If anyone dares to come out of it, he will be blasted to death!

If they can't enter it, then the people inside can't come out either!

Nowadays, although the Longhuang Empire is very powerful, it has the power to crush any country in the mortal world of the universe.

However, the Universe Continent is not a place of chaos. It is extremely vast, comparable to the size of a universe. This has resulted in the entire Universe Continent having countless countries.

Now, the Longhuang Empire needs to be ready to go. It only needs to wait for the new generation of cultivators to rise and reach the golden elixir stage, which is when they launch an attack.

And today, one year later, Li Quan once again found Li Zun and others, because Li Quan had found a way to master the power of the law.

Of course, Li Quan himself could have mastered it a long time ago, but except for Fang Rong, the others did not know how to use the power of law at all.

Therefore, Li Quan, a teacher, is needed to continue teaching them.

There are thirty people in a class. Except for Li Zun and Fang Rong, who do not need to study, the remaining twenty-eight people are all present.

Moreover, the mood of the twenty-eight people at this time could be described as extremely exciting.

Because they know that after today, their strength will make a qualitative leap.

Teacher, can we really master the power of law?!

At this moment, Ren Xiaoyao asked Li Quan with a puzzled look on his face.

Of course, when have I ever deceived you, teacher?

Li Quan responded with a smile on his face. This expression, not to mention how real it was, made all the students extremely excited.

Great! I have been envious of Sister Rongrong for a long time. Now, I didn't expect that we can also master the power of law!

Okay, without further ado, if you want to master the power of the law, first of all, you must learn how to perceive the power of the law.

It is very difficult or even impossible to master the power of law at a stage below the planet level.

However, a demigod, that is, an existence equivalent to a half-planet level, can also have access to the power of law, which means that it can also be mastered below the planet level.

It's just that it's very difficult, almost impossible to do.

But who is Li Quan?

She is a real dragon, an omnipotent real dragon. She only needs to study for a period of time before she can figure out how to master the power of the law.

Of course, this research took a long time, almost a year.

However, in one year, he developed a method that no one else could possibly develop, which is enough to prove Li Quan's power.

After Li Quan snapped his fingers, a special force surrounded everyone's heads. Everyone felt that their perception ability had been greatly improved.

Although I could feel the power of elements in the air in the past, now it is even more obvious.

As long as the students' perception ability is greatly improved and raised to the level of gods in a short period of time, that is, the perception ability of planet level, they can catch the shadow of the power of law in advance.

Of course, the time to improve the perception ability cannot be too long. After all, the current state of the students is only the integration period.

It is already difficult to upgrade to the planet level in a short period of time, let alone perceive the power of the law.

Therefore, this is a test for the students.

Once you succeed, it's time to increase your strength.

And a group of students, with the blessing of special power, only felt that their senses had become unprecedentedly clear, and even, faintly, they felt elemental fluctuations that they had not felt before.

Of course, I haven't felt the shadow of the power of the law yet.

After all, the students have not yet been exposed to the power of law. No, they have been exposed to it, but they do not know what the power of law looks like in the state of perception.

At this moment, Li Pujing's body suddenly aroused a wave of elemental fluctuations.

This is!

The crowd was extremely excited because they could feel that the aura on Li Pujing's body was exactly the same as when Fang Rong released the power of the law.

However, the aura released by Li Pujing today is very fragile.

The reason why Li Pujing can feel the shadow of the power of Taoism is also related to the skills she practices and her spiritual power.

After all, creating an environment with music involves the aspect of spiritual perception. Naturally, he can perceive it more clearly than other students.

As time progressed, five more of the twenty-eight people successfully found the shadow of the power of law.

The remaining twenty-three people still didn't feel it.

Soon, the special power surrounding everyone dissipated.

But everyone only felt that their special senses had disappeared, as if they were empty, lonely and cold. They looked at Li Quan with expressions of dissatisfaction.

Teacher, I wonder if you can let us continue to feel it?

I think I'm just a little bit close to feeling it!

That's just your illusion. Moreover, if you keep it in this state, it will damage your own body. Therefore, this time is enough to ensure that your mental state is normal.

Okay, for the rest, you can wait until the next day to continue. Go back and have a good rest today, and try your best tomorrow.

As for the students who have felt the fluctuation of the power of Taoism, you guys should concentrate on this power. This is the power that can help you condense your godhead.

is teacher!

Although they were a little dissatisfied with their desires, they had to listen to Li Quan's words.

After all, without Li Quan, their current achievements would not be possible.

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