Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 396 Hurricane Godhead

They knew that everything Li Quan did was for their own good, so they would still listen to Li Quan's words.

And when Li Quan returned to his cabin, he found that Bai Ling was in love with Jiuli Gang again.

Bai Ling, what's wrong with you?

Master! Senior sister, she bullied me again!

Bai Ling had a look of grievance on his face and cried towards Li Quan.

Why did I bully you?

Li Quan also acted very helpless towards this girl Bai Ling.

There was no way, this Bai Ling, for some reason, was already at odds with Jiu Li when he arrived.

Although the performance was not very obvious at the beginning, Li Quan also felt it.

That is, Bai Ling likes to compare with Jiu Li, but he doesn't know why, why he wants to compare.

I play games with my senior sister, and she has already beaten me ten times!

I beat Bai Ling ten times, ying ying ying.

Well, it turns out it was because I lost ten games while playing games, and then my mentality was shattered.

But this is normal. If you keep losing in games and can maintain your mentality, then you can compare with the sages.

Isn't it just that I lost ten games? Why did I bully you?

Hey, you know you know that, but you still refuse to let me go. Aren't you bullying others?

Bai Ling tried to pretend to be cute and let Li Quan do it for her.

However, Li Quan knocked Bai Ling on the head and cursed with a smile: You girl, needless to say, you must have suggested it.

Eh?! Master! How did you know?!

Bai Ling was simply shocked. She didn't expect Li Quan to know that she was the first to bring it up.

You girl, have you not come up with enough things this year and come to me to talk to me about it?

Well, Bai Ling was a little embarrassed when Li Quan exposed him like this.

Hey, hehe, don't you want to find the master to comfort you?

Master, why have you spent so little time playing with Bai Ling this year?

Well, for the whole year, Li Quan has been studying how to let students master the power of the law, and has forgotten Bai Ling, a guy who needs Li Quan's company.

Okay, okay, it's all my fault.

By the way, Jiu Li, how is your mastery of the power of law?

After all, Jiuli is now at the small galaxy level, and under Li Quan's teachings, he has mastered the hurricane godhead.

Being able to control hurricanes in the universe continent, no, not just the universe continent, it is estimated that as long as you return to the original universe, you can also control the power of the laws of the original universe.

However, what makes Li Quan feel strange is why the power of the laws of the universe is still unable to be perceived?

Li Quan didn't know exactly what went wrong.

However, what Li Quan can be sure of is that the power of laws must exist in the original universe, but it has been artificially hidden.

Li Quan didn't know who was hiding it and what the purpose was. However, what Li Quan was sure of was that as long as his strength continued to improve, it wouldn't be long before Li Quan could figure out who did it. of.

Now I have almost mastered it. Of course, it is only to the level of proficiency.

After having the hurricane godhead, Jiu Li's cultivation speed has been rapid. A year ago, he was only in the early stage of the small galaxy level. However, after having the hurricane godhead, he has now advanced to the middle stage of the small galaxy level.

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