There were only a few months, which meant that the time he spent with Li Quan was longer than that of Jiuli.

In this way, all the things Bai Ling was worried about had disappeared.

Since Jiuli and Li Quan have only been together for a few months, the relationship between Jiuli and Li Quan must not be very good!

In this way, she still wins!

When he thought of this, for some reason, Bai Ling felt a little happy again.

When Jiu Li saw this, he obviously didn't know what was going on in Bai Ling's mind.

If Bai Ling's thoughts were known to Jiu Li, I wonder what Jiu Li would be like.

He would probably pat Bai Ling on the shoulder with a smile on his face and say with a smile: You are overthinking.

Of course, Jiuli didn't know this. He just didn't know why his junior sister's expression changed so much.

Ahem, okay, junior sister, could you tell me the basic situation of this universe continent?

Although Li Quan had already explained the basic information about the Universe Continent to Jiu Li when he was traveling through the black hole, he was still not clear about some special things about the Universe Continent.

However, Jiuli also knew what his purpose was for coming here.

That is to assist Li Zun in defeating the so-called gods that are coming, just think of him as a patron saint.

After hearing this, Bai Ling didn't mind explaining some of the situation in the Universe Continent to Jiuli.

Now, Bai Ling already believes that Jiu Li does not pose a 'threat' to her and will not take away Li Quan from her. Naturally, Bai Ling also regards Jiu Li as her best friend.

Okay senior sister.

At this time, Li Quan also found Li Zun in the palace and explained the general situation to Li Zun.

So, Teacher Jiuli is here too?

Jiu Li had served as an assistant coach before, so it was normal to call Jiu Li a teacher.

Well, yes, her main task is to help you resist the things that you can't deal with after the gods descend to earth.

I think those gods and demons in the God Realm and the Demon Realm wouldn't mind stopping you from ruling the entire universe.

So, you need an extra boost.

Of course, I will also teach you other things during this period.

For example, the application of rules.

Why gods are gods is because they possess godhead.

Anything that can condense the divine personality can be called a god.

Of course, with their current strength, they can at best be called false gods, just like Fang Rong.

However, after Fang Rong obtained the God of Thunder, her own strength also increased significantly.

Because he has absorbed the power brought by the Law of Thunder and Lightning, his growth rate is astonishing.

Of course, no matter how amazing the growth rate is, it is not as fast as Li Zun's growth.

As long as Li Zun rules more people and uses more territory, Li Zun's strength will be stronger.

This is the power of the Human Emperor status.

More powerful than the godhead of a god.

However, if students want to improve their strength, they must obtain the corresponding godhead.

For example, the godhead of wind, the godhead of fire, etc.

However, Li Quan has roughly researched it, and he will be able to improve the strength of his students in time.

That's great. With the help of Teacher Jiuli, it will be much easier to conquer the entire universe.

No, even with her help, it will be difficult for you to conquer the Universe Continent.

There are many gods more powerful than Jiuli. After all, Jiuli is only at the level of a small galaxy. In the universe, Jiuli's strength is equivalent to the level of a mid-level god.

And above the middle god, there are upper gods, main gods, god kings, and supreme gods.

Of course, the God of Creation has been captured by Li Quan.

As for Jiu Li, even because he received Li Quan's inheritance, he was much stronger than some other gods in the mid-level, and could even kill high-level gods.

However, it is only to deal with the upper gods, there are still a lot of gods waiting above.

Therefore, it would be difficult to deal with this incoming god just by relying on Jiu Li.

If you want to rule the universe continent, you still have a long way to go.

As for the lower gods, ordinary gods, and demigods below the middle god, there is no need to worry.

With Li Zun's current strength, facing an ordinary god alone is not a problem at all.

In addition to the human emperor status, the first king, and the laws of the universe, gods cannot harm Li Zun. Therefore, Li Zun is a bug in the universe continent.

You just need to fight. In terms of strength, I will let you have your own opportunities and improve.

In order for students to improve their strength, they must master the power of law.

To put it simply, it is to use the power of laws to condense your own godhead.

In this way, the two complement each other, and the strength will be rapidly improved.

Okay, that's all I've got to say. You can handle the rest by yourself later.

I will study it first. When the time comes, I will let you learn how to control the power of the law. Of course, you will not be included.

After all, Li Zun does not need to master the power of law at all, he only needs to learn to control the power of the Human Emperor.

A few days later, all the students felt very welcome to Jiuli who suddenly appeared.

Moreover, he could be considered to have some sympathy for Jiu Li, but he was actually trapped in the space he carried by Li Zun, and then was forgotten, which can be described as extremely miserable.

And thanks to the help from Jiuli, the Longhuang Empire also began to integrate its own combat effectiveness.

Because the spiritual energy returned to the universe continent again, the combat effectiveness of the cultivators in the Longhuang Empire was also rapidly improving. At this time, the new batch of cultivators had already reached the level of Qi training.

In just one month, the overall Qi training level has been reached, which can be said to be extremely fast.

The ones with the highest talents have even reached the foundation building stage.

It has to be said that in all universes, there is never a shortage of geniuses.

The gods and demons in the God Realm and the Demon Realm were also very angry after learning the news.

However, they were unable to come to the place where Li Zun was in person, because wherever there was the aura of the Creation Godhead, they themselves could not enter it.

This also resulted in them being able to only watch the cultivators' power continue to expand, but they were powerless to do anything.

Of course, these gods and demons have not done anything. At the very least, they have gathered the most powerful magic gods in the universe to gather outside the chaotic land and surround the chaotic land.

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