Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 393 Happy Bai Ling

I'm not that rude, eh eh eh.

After Bai Ling heard that Li Quan was scolding him, for some reason, he felt a little aggrieved in his heart.

Jiu Li on the side was helpless after hearing this. He had offended someone.

Why did Jiuli suddenly feel that the entire universe was targeting him?

Not to mention how many years he was imprisoned by Li Quan for no reason. After all, Li Quan left a legacy, which was pretty decent.

However, now that I have arrived in the universe continent, on the first day I am called aunt by my junior sister, this is a bit too much.

Ahem, Bai Ling, this is your senior sister, not your aunt.

Li Quan simply told Jiuli's identity directly, but Bai Ling was stunned for a moment after hearing Jiuli's identity.

I originally thought that Jiu Li was here to rob his master, but he didn't expect that he was really here to rob his master.

Moreover, it was his senior sister before him, which was troublesome.

Although Bai Ling and Li Quan have lived together for a long time, they probably haven't lived together as long as Jiu Li.

Therefore, thinking of this, Bai Ling couldn't help but ask Jiuli: Are you my senior sister?

Looking at Bai Ling's pitiful eyes, for some reason, Jiu Li always felt cute, like a cute little pet showing off its cuteness to you.

Indeed, Bai Ling's body is a mutation of the red rabbit, and it exists as a pet. Now, Bai Ling is just using his instinct to act cute.

Well, nominally speaking, yes.

Senior sister, I just called you aunt, I'm really sorry.

Seeing Bai Ling's 'sincere' apology, Jiu Li couldn't get angry. After all, Bai Ling was so cute.

It's okay. After all, I'm older than you. This is normal.

Bai Ling doesn't know how many years she has lived now. She can feel that Bai Ling's bone age is very young, only more than ten years.

Okay, you two get to know each other better. I'll go talk to that guy Li Zun about it. When I get back, I'll take you to meet Li Zun and the others.

Remember, don't fight.

When leaving, Li Quan quickly gave instructions to the two of them, fearing that they would fight because of what happened before.

After all, a woman's heart is as deep as the bottom of the sea. Even if Li Quan is a true dragon, he cannot know what is going on in a woman's heart.

But yes, if you really understand this creature like a woman, you won’t be a man.

After Li Quan left, Bai Ling asked Jiuli: World, can I ask you a question?

Seeing Bai Ling's curious gaze, Jiu Li subconsciously said, What's the matter?

About how long have you been under the master?

No, it should be how long have you been following the master?

In order to determine how long his opponent had been with Li Quan, Bai Ling planned to collect intelligence so that he could deal with it.

In her heart, Li Quan is everything to her, and no one can take Li Quan away, including her senior sister!

Huh? It's hard to say. If it was passed down by Teacher Li, it would have been a long time.

If we really stayed together, it would only be a few months.

Well, it was indeed a few months, not even three months.

It can be said to be very helpless.

After Bai Ling heard Jiuli's words, for some reason, he felt happy already.

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