Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 39 Ren Hong falls into fantasy

Upon seeing this, for some reason, a slightly angry expression gradually appeared on Wang Keyuan's face.

However, after Wang Keyuan reacted, Wang Keyuan quickly covered her pretty face and said to herself: No, that's not right! It's none of my business who Li Quan likes to date, so why should I be angry!

Yes! I'm not angry, not angry. However, although he said verbally that he was not angry, his body was quite honest.

Subconsciously, he walked towards the Dinosaur Paradise and followed the footsteps of Li Quan and the others secretly.

Li Lan was fully aware of Wang Keyuan's following behavior.

Looking at Wang Keyuan sneaking behind him, the corners of Li Lan's mouth began to smile involuntarily.

Dad, Lan Lan wants to eat ice cream! Suddenly, Li Lan saw ice cream being sold in a small shop not far away, so she patted Li Quan on the shoulder and said.

After hearing this, Li Quan glanced at the small shop, then smiled at Ren Hong and said, Sister Hong, do you want it?

Come on, have one, I happen to want to eat too. After hearing this, Ren Hong flipped her hair and said with a smile.

After hearing this, Li Quan put down Li Lan, who was hugging him, and asked the two of them to stay where they were, waiting for Li Quan's return.

When Li Quan went to buy ice cream, Li Lan and Ren Hong were alone.

Sister Hong, are you still single? Suddenly, Li Lan asked Ren Hong.

After hearing this, Ren Hong's face quickly turned rosy, and after she realized what she was doing, she squatted down and said to Li Lan seriously: Lan Lan, where did you know these words?

Children's education is generally related to the environment at home. Since Li Lan knows these things, there must be something wrong with the balance he received.

Too precocious.

I saw it on TV. On TV, there are many people your age, Sister Hong, who have boyfriends. After hearing this, Li Lan said to Ren Hong with an 'innocent' look.

After hearing this, Ren Hong's mouth twitched slightly.

Indeed, many people who are the same age as Ren Hong, that is, twenty years old, have girlfriends. Of course, there are also some girls who do not have boyfriends.

Because they either look a bit ordinary, or they don't want to find a boyfriend, just like Ren Hong.

Ahem, Lan Lan, you have to know that most of what is said on TV is not true, do you understand?

Ren Hong said meaningfully to Li Lan. While saying this, she also blamed Li Quan for showing such erotic things to Li Lan. Couldn't he play some cartoons for Li Lan?

Okay, but, Sister Hong, do you really not have a boyfriend?

At this time, Li Lan seemed to have unleashed six endless blades, causing deep critical damage to Ren Hong.

If it had been anyone else, I'm afraid Ren Hong would have turned around and left long ago.

But Li Lan is different. Not only is Li Lan cute, but his eyes are also very innocent, giving people the feeling that even if he is angry, he will not blame Li Lan.

And, most importantly, Li Lan is Li Quan's daughter.

No, no. Faced with Li Lan's sincere and lovely eyes, for some reason, Ren Hong always felt that she didn't want to lie.

Great! Li Lan shouted excitedly after hearing this.

However, when Li Lan shouted this sentence, everyone was stunned.

Li Lan's words were as painful as the damage caused by the cooperation of six pieces of infinity and the two assistants of 'Yao Ming'.

Does Li Lan talk like this?

Ren Hong only felt that her heart was very sad today.

Ah, I'm sorry, Lan Lan didn't mean it. Well, she did it on purpose.

Actually, Lan Lan has wanted a mother for a long time, but for some reason, her father never found a mother for Lan Lan.

While speaking, Li Lan was in a very low mood and continued: Actually, Lan Lan hasn't experienced the feeling of being pampered by her mother for a long time, even just once.

Most women are emotional. Seeing Li Lan like this, I don't know why, but I always feel a kind of sadness in my heart.

Hey, Lan Lan, be good and don't cry. As he said this, he hugged Li Lan into his arms and comforted her.

Li Quan, who was waiting in line to buy ice cream for the two of them, had a look of confusion on his face after seeing their actions.

What are these two guys doing? Suddenly, Li Quanzhong felt something was wrong. Li Lan seemed to be causing trouble again.

Damn, this girl won't cause me any trouble again, will she?

Li Quan has seen Li Lan's trouble-making ability before.

Because he looks cute and lives in this continent, he naturally has a good impression of Li Lan, which caused Li Quan a lot of trouble.

Now that Li Lan is here again, Li Quan doesn't know what to do.

No, if you continue like this, you will definitely be tricked to death by this girl.

Li Quan felt a headache when he thought about the description of himself in Tenglong Kingdom's information system.

We need to find someone to check and balance Lan Lan. Otherwise, if this continues, won't you be trying to trick me into the sky?

Actually. At this moment, Li Lan, who was held in Ren Hong's arms, suddenly said, I don't know why, I always feel my mother's scent in your arms, Sister Hong.

Sister Hong, can you be my mother? Li Lan asked Ren Hong with an innocent look on her face.

After hearing this, Ren Hong became shy, especially Ren Hong's ears, which turned red because of shyness.

I, I, I were three words in a row, but he didn't know what to say. It was obvious that Ren Hong was very panicked at this time.

Sister Hong, okay? Lan Lan knows that Sister Hong likes dad, how about you two make it work, okay?

Facing Li Lan's 'pure' eyes, Ren Hong didn't know why, but she always felt that she would feel depressed after rejecting them.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, isn't it a happy thing to have such a lovely daughter like Li Lan?

But if you want to be Li Lan's mother, you must marry Li Quan. When you think of getting married, you will think of having a lovely child in the future and a family of four.

As he was thinking about it, a novel with several million words called The Warm Daily Life of a Family of Four appeared in Ren Hong's mind unconsciously.

Sister Hong, what's wrong with you? Sister Hong?

Just when Ren Hong was in fantasy, Li Quan's voice directly interrupted Ren Hong's fantasy.

When Ren Hong came back from the fantasy and saw Li Quan holding two ice cream cups in his hands, he subconsciously said: Hey, husband, what's going on?

After shouting this sentence, the two of them were stunned on the spot, while Li Lan was smiling silently.

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