Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 38 Wang Keyuan peeping in secret

Soon, Li Quan saw Ren Hong arriving.

At this time, Ren Hong was dressed very beautifully, and she felt like a neighbor's sister to Li Quan.

Although there are no so-called neighbor sisters near Li Quan's house, there are only brothers.

From Ren Hong's body, Li Quan could see that Ren Hong had dressed up carefully and seemed to have put a lot of thought into this 'date'.

Li Quan, you've been here a long time, right? Ren Hong asked with a hint of shyness on her face when she saw Li Quan waiting for her.

No, it didn't take long. Li Quan said quickly after hearing this, even though he had been waiting for half an hour.

I'm sorry, I just had something to do, so I wasted some time. While saying this, Ren Hong turned his attention to Li Lan, who had a 'curious' look on his face.

Lan Lan, I haven't seen you for a few days, and you've become a lot cuter.

Sister Hong, so are you. Dad often says at home that Sister Hong is very beautiful.

After Li Quan heard this, he was stunned for a moment. When did he say this?

But after seeing Li Lan's devilish smile, Li Quan knew that this girl was trying to trick him.

Really, really? After hearing this, Ren Hong asked Li Quan with a hint of shyness on his face.

Li Quan can't deny it, right?

In desperation, I can only admit that I said this.

It has to be said that bringing Li Lan out was a mistake. However, if Li Lan is not brought out, with Li Lan's strength, he can appear by Li Quan's side at any time.

After all, Li Lan has now regained his original strength and regained his previous strength. As long as he is in any corner of the land, Li Lan can come.

It can also be said that the entire land can actually be regarded as an extension of Li Lan's body.

Well, it's true.

After hearing this, a faint blush gradually appeared on Ren Hong's face, looking even more 'delicious' and 'shy'.

Okay, let's go. As he said that, Li Quan hugged Li Lan with one hand and smiled at Ren Hong: Sister Hong, where are we going?

How about you decide? Ren Hong couldn't make up her mind for a while. After all, it was her first time to 'date' with a man.

Well, while I was waiting just now, I heard that the Dinosaur Amusement Park in Jiangdu City seemed to be open to the public free of charge for one day, as if to celebrate Tenglong Kingdom's successful victory this time.

Because this day was the day when the Tenglong Kingdom defeated all the demon armies and successfully unified Blue Star, many shops held activities.

Among them is the Dinosaur Paradise in Jiangdu City.

The normal ticket price for Dinosaur Park is up to one thousand yuan per person. Li Quan has never been to Dinosaur Park in the few years since he came to Jiangdu City.

All because the ticket price is too high.

Things are different now. The Dinosaur Park is open for free, and Li Quan still has 20,000 yuan in cash on hand, which is enough to play.

Okay. When it came to the dinosaur park, Ren Hong was stunned for some reason, but after Li Quan brought it up, Ren Hong agreed.

Not far away, Wang Keyuan, hiding in the corner, was holding a telescope in her hand and began to monitor Li Quan's every move.

This guy is actually picking up girls, and he even brings Lan Lan with him. It's so abominable! However, after saying this, Wang Keyuan quickly reacted.

Wait a minute, it seems wrong that Li Quan and I are just friends! This is my concern and greeting as a friend. This woman has bad intentions at a glance.

Wang Keyuan said 'viciously', but after seeing Ren Hong's appearance clearly, Wang Keyuan was stunned for a moment.

How could it be her?! Wang Keyuan said in disbelief when she saw Ren Hong's appearance.

Why is this guy in Jiangdu City? Why don't I know?!

While Wang Keyuan was talking to herself, Li Quan had already taken Ren Hong and Li Lan to the Dinosaur Park, but Wang Keyuan was still wondering why Ren Hong was in Jiangdu City.

When Wang Keyuan reacted, Li Quan and the other three were no longer where they were.

Ah, where did they go?!

Soon, Li Quan brought Ren Hong and Li Lan to the dinosaur paradise.

The Dinosaur Park was very crowded at this time, perhaps because it was open for free for one day, but everyone who wanted to go to the Dinosaur Park before but was frightened by the terrifying ticket price came here.

Are there too many people here? Li Quan said helplessly.

No, it doesn't matter. After all, Dinosaur Park is very popular in Jiangdu City, and the tickets used to be very expensive. Now that it is open for free for one day, it is natural for many people to attend.

As if hearing Ren Hong's 'complaint', Li Lan rolled his eyes and seemed to have thought of something.

The crowded pedestrians suddenly felt something and left the Dinosaur Park in pink.

The number of people in Dinosaur Park was reduced by more than half in an instant, but it was still crowded.

Huh? What's going on? Why are there so few of these people suddenly?

All the staff at the Dinosaur Park looked confused, something was wrong.

After asking a random person, I found out that Jianghai Department Store was offering a special price on that day. Anyone who went shopping at Jianghai Department Store would find everything sold for one yuan.

It was to celebrate Tenglong Kingdom’s great victory on this day!

However, compared to spiritual happiness, most of the passers-by certainly choose substantive happiness.

You can buy something for one dollar, first come first served.

How they knew this is unclear.

Even Li Quan, who had made his senses the same as those of normal people, could clearly hear the voices of these staff members.

This girl.

Needless to say, Li Quan knew that it was all Li Lan's fault.

When Li Lan saw this, he made a cute face for Li Quan, which made Ren Hong laugh.

Well, there are so few people now, so we can finally play in peace.

While saying this, the three of them entered the dinosaur paradise directly.

And the next moment after the three of them entered at the same time, Wang Keyuan also arrived at the Dinosaur Paradise.

At this time, Wang Keyuan's breath was a little unstable. It was obvious that she had just run so fast that her breath was confused.

Anyway, I finally found it. Wang Keyuan gasped after seeing the backs of Li Quan and the others.

However, Wang Keyuan looked a little embarrassed after seeing that it was a dinosaur park.

Dinosaur Paradise, isn’t this the most expensive place for men and women to date in Jiangdu?

What were Li Quan and the others doing there? Could it be a date? !

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