Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 40 Wang Keyuan with ‘legitimate’ reasons

Well, Sister Hong, what did you just call me? Li Quan felt like he had a little tinnitus.

If he heard correctly, Ren Hong just called his husband.

Husband, isn’t this what you call yourself after you get married?

Why did it suddenly pop out of Ren Hong's final scene?

Well, you heard it wrong just now! That's right! You must have heard it wrong just now! Ren Hong reacted and her pretty face turned red, so red that she could almost drip water.

She is so shy. What did she call Li Quan just now?


Forget about this fucking fantasy, I just shouted it out.

Ahem, okay, sister Hong, you eat the ice cream. After saying that, Li Quan handed the ice cream in his hand to Ren Hong. After taking it, Ren Hong said thank you, and then subconsciously distanced herself from Li Quan. .

She needed to sort out her emotions. When she shouted these words, Ren Hong felt very excited and shy.

It is estimated that if I don't adjust, I will die due to myocardial infarction.

Li Quan handed another ice cream to Li Lan. After Li Lan took the ice cream excitedly, he looked at Li Quan with a smile and said, Dad, is Sister Hong my new mother?

After Li Quan heard this, he would have expected that this girl would say such things.

How, how is it possible? Your sister Hong doesn't have a boyfriend yet. Don't humiliate her innocence.

Yes, but Lan Lan clearly heard Sister Hong calling her father and husband just now. Lan Lan knows that this can only be done between husband and wife.

Isn't it possible that Sister Hong just called her Lan Lan's new mother?

Li Quan really couldn't refute this logic.

After all, Ren Hong really shouted out to Li Quan just now.

You heard wrong just now. Why did your sister Hong call you father and husband? Li Quan tried to correct Li Lan's words, but a passerby on the side said to Li Quan when he passed by.

Brother, I also heard that the young lady just called you husband. Also, you can't lie to children. Lying will affect the children's future growth.

After saying this, the passerby left the place directly.

A confused Li Quan and a 'smiling' Li Lan were left behind.

Dad, listen, that uncle also heard it, so you can't deny it.

Li Quan naturally knew exactly what was going on with you that passerby just now.

Being controlled by Li Lan.

As long as they are weaker than Li Lan, Li Lan can easily control them.

At this time, Li Lan must have something similar to a will.

Originally, this matter could have been dealt with by pretending to be deaf and dumb. However, this Li Lan just thought that the matter was not big enough and wanted to make a big deal out of it.

It's fine now. At this time, Ren Hong was frantically licking the ice cream cup in his hand to relieve the shyness on his face.

I originally thought it was just a 'date', to exchange feelings with Li Quan and see if there was a chance to be together in the future.

Who would have thought that something like this would happen.

How can Ren Hong face Li Quan?

Does Li Quan think that Ren Hong is an immoral woman?

After all, if you call someone husband when you are not your boyfriend, but just a casual friend, how will you be viewed?

Anyway, Ren Hong's heart was beating so fast now that she almost frightened her away by slapping her on the body.

Ahem, Lan Lan, don't be naughty, you know?


After hearing this, Li Lan made a face at Li Quan. Li Quan saw this and flicked Li Lan directly.

Oops, dad, it hurts~ Li Lan was suddenly hit in the forehead by Li Quan's bullets, and tears subconsciously gathered from the corners of his eyes.

Let you be naughty. While saying this, Li Quan said to Ren Hong: Sister Hong, don't take the child's words seriously, let's continue shopping.

Yeah. Ren Hong responded weakly, but for some reason, he felt a sense of disappointment in his heart.

Soon, after the three of them had ice cream, they continued to visit the dinosaur park.

Wang Keyuan, on the other hand, was hiding in the dark, eating an ice cream cup in her hand while observing the actions of Li Quan and the others.

How can this guy bully Lan Lan! However, when he saw Li Quan and Ren Hong talking like fire and glue (Wang Keyuan's sight), for some reason, his teeth were so strong that the spoon of the ice cream cup was directly Was bitten off.

Why does this guy like to flirt with women so much! Wang Keyuan cursed a little angrily, but Wang Keyuan soon came to his senses.

It seemed that she and Li Quan were just friends and she had no right to interfere with what Li Quan wanted to do.

Yes, I just came here to see Lan Lan! This guy actually took Lan Lan to pick up girls! It's really shameful!

Yes! That's it! I'm monitoring him just for Lan Lan's sake!

After giving herself a 'legitimate' reason, Wang Keyuan continued to follow the three Li Quan people.

Soon, Li Quan was followed to a game project called Dinosaur Water Park.

Because it was summer, the sun was shining brightly above their heads, so Li Quan and the other three were planning to go inside and play.

When Ren Hong saw the Dinosaur Water Park at first, she was ready to skip it subconsciously. However, when she heard Li Lan say it was so hot and wanted to swim, Li Lan suddenly thought that swimming meant wearing a swimsuit.

Wearing a swimsuit meant showing off her figure in front of Li Quan. Thinking of this, Ren Hong's pretty face turned red again.

After a constant internal battle, I finally decided to go swimming!

It’s not just to show off your figure in front of Li Quan!

All because Li Lan wants to swim!

Really want to go in? We don't seem to have swimming trunks and swimsuits yet. Li Quan said subconsciously after hearing Li Lan and Ren Hong's proposal.

No, it's okay. There are some for sale inside, and we can buy them there.

While speaking, he pushed Li Quan's back with one hand and said: Come in, come in, the weather is so hot, I just want to swim too!

Okay then. Although Ren Hong's face looked a little strange, Li Quan still hugged Li Lan and entered the water park together.

After the three of them entered, Wang Keyuan appeared and subconsciously squeezed the ice cream cup in her hand.

This sexy fox! For some reason, Wang Keyuan was a little angry and felt a little sour when she saw Ren Hong pushing Li Quan in.

This coquettish fox must show off his figure and attract Li Quan!

No, if she attracts Li Quan, she attracts Li Quan. What does that have to do with me?

No! She will teach Lan Lan bad things like this! As Lan Lan's mother, I want to go in and watch her! After giving herself a 'legitimate' reason, Wang Keyuan entered the Dinosaur Water Park.

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