Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 352 A country cannot live without a future

I have already created such a good opportunity.

However, this idiot Li Zun didn't know how to seize the opportunity and actually escaped from the battlefield!

It was simply a failure of their old Li family! shame!

Forget it, there will be plenty of time in the future.

Now that this boy has done such a thing to Fang Rong, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.

Now, Li Zun and Fang Rong have had more contact than just siblings. As a result, the possibility of bringing them together in the future has been greatly increased.

Therefore, Li Quan is not worried that Li Zun and Fang Rong will not be together in the future.

However, getting Li Zun to take the initiative would be more difficult than destroying a universe.

After all, to destroy a universe, Li Quan could easily destroy the universe as long as he exploded with all his strength.

However, Li Quan was stumped by trying to bring Li Zun and Fang Rong together.

You know, even when it comes to picking up girls, Li Quan doesn't have much experience.


Because they were all brought to the door by the girl herself.

For a man as outstanding as Li Quan, someone would naturally send him to him.

Just like when Li Quan fell in love, Li Quan never took the initiative at all and was always the one being fought over.

Today, Li Zun has changed in this respect.

Soon, another few days passed.

Because of what happened in the palace, Li Zun and Fang Rong always looked embarrassed when they met.

After all, once Li Zun saw Fang Rong's words, he couldn't help but think of the original scene.

Kissing Fang Rong directly on the mouth.

Not only that, every time he saw Fang Rong, Li Zun would feel that his heartbeat was beating constantly, as if he wanted to pick out his chest.

However, what Li Zun didn't know was that Fang Rong had never been like this before.

Both of them are novices in love, and they don't take the initiative towards anyone, which is why they are in this situation.

Moreover, the two of them behaved normally, although they were embarrassed, but they also forced themselves to behave normally.

Little did they know that their words and deeds would fall in the eyes of ministers, friends and brothers.

It looked like a man and woman completely in love.

Let’s not talk about how the brothers who traveled together felt.

Let's just say that all the ministers, after seeing the performance and behavior of the two people, were moved to the point of tears.

As the king of a country, he is also a human emperor.

How can there be no women? !

A country cannot be without a successor.

Every time, after the morning court, the ministers would give advice to Li Zun, such as when they could get a queen back.

After all, they are all afraid that if Li Zun accidentally dies one day, who will inherit this country?

Therefore, finding a queen would constantly trouble Li Zun.

It's a pity that Li Zun always uses the reason of his young age to prevaricate all the ministers.

However, Li Zun's behavior now, isn't this a sign of falling in love?

In other words, the Longhuang Empire will finally have a queen.

Moreover, they knew that Fang Rong had liked Li Zun for who knows how long.

Now, although the two of them don't know what happened, this is a good sign!

Therefore, after the morning dynasty, the ministers were in no hurry to leave the palace.

Li Zun was confused about this.

My dear friends, why don't you leave?

Is something wrong?

You know, usually after the morning court, all the ministers would leave, but today, why are they gathered together?

After hearing this, all the ministers looked at each other. Finally, Zhang Lin, the vanguard general, suddenly smiled at Li Zun and said, Congratulations, Your Majesty.

Huh? Zhang Lin, what do you want to congratulate me on?

I remember that I ordered you to find resources that can replace spiritual power cultivation. Could it be said that you found it?

If Zhang Lin is really found, this will be a great thing.

No, Your Majesty, what I want to say is that you found the Queen.

As soon as these words came out, Li Zun was stunned, and even Fang Rong, who was standing aside waiting, was also stunned.

what on earth is it?

When did Li Zun find the queen?

Why didn't she know?

Could it be said that Li Zun has someone he likes?

When she thought of this, Fang Rong's face darkened unconsciously, and she felt very depressed.

After Li Zun heard Zhang Lin's words, he subconsciously looked at Fang Rong's location.

I found that Fang Rong's face turned dark and she looked like I was unhappy.

It could break out at any time.

Wait! Zhang Lin! Are you kidding me?

Believe it or not, I'm going to beat you up!

This Bian doesn't mean to be demoted, but to really beat him up.

Your Majesty, we are not talking nonsense.

In the past three or two days, we have all seen that you are absent-minded about a woman, and everyone can see it. Don't you think so?

After Zhang Lin opened her mouth, all the ministers expressed their agreement.

After hearing this, Li Zun cried out that he was wronged.

You don’t have a captain who deceives you like this!

That eye of yours sees that you are distracted by a woman!

Nonsense! Zhang Lin, if it were you

Your Majesty, I am not messing around. Everyone has seen it. As the saying goes, everyone has sharp eyes.

If that's what I think, it's nothing.

But the problem is, all the ministers think so. Your Majesty, don't you still dare to admit it?

After all, a country cannot live without a future.

The Longhuang Empire needs a queen who will emulate the world.

Your Majesty, this is the sentiment of all our ministers!

After hearing this, Fang Rong felt very unhappy and said directly to Li Zun: Your Majesty, I still have some things to do, so I will leave now.

After saying that, he left without looking back.

And Li Zun wanted to say something and explain that he was wronged.

Before Li Zun could say anything, Li Pujing suddenly stood in front of Fang Rong and said with a smile on her face: Sister Fang Rong, what's wrong with you?

Could it be that you are jealous?

Li Pujing's tone was suggestive.

After hearing this, Fang Rong's face turned gloomy again.


Hey, don't be so stingy.

Besides, did you misunderstand something?

Yes, Fang Rong, why are you so angry all of a sudden?

Am I angry? I'm not angry.

Fang Rong said with a kind smile on her face.

It looks very charming.

Of course, if you can ignore the crack marks on the ground that Fang Rong stepped on.

That's not angry.

Sister Rongrong! Listen to me, these guys really wronged me!

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