When she saw Fang Rong, she turned around and left in anger.

I don't know why, but Li Zun was very scared, fearing that Fang Rong would be angry because of this incident and ignore him.

Your Majesty, we have not wronged you.

Besides, we don't have the guts to accuse you wrongly.

All the ministers said one after another.

Who gave them the courage to wrong their emperor?

Aren't you afraid that you will be put in small shoes because you offended Li Zun?

Sister Rongrong, don't listen to these guys.

There is no second woman in my heart! Believe me!

Li Zun's face was very anxious, as if Fang Rong didn't believe him.

Fang Rong just glanced at Li Zun silently, not knowing what she was thinking.

Zhang Lin on the side said: Your Majesty, isn't the person who makes you distracted, Fang Rong?

Why did we wrong you?

At this moment, Zhang Lin suddenly said it, and Li Zun and Fang Rong were stunned for a moment.

After Li Zun came to his senses, he asked Zhang Lin: Could it be that the person you said makes me distracted is Sister Rongrong?!

Yes, is there anyone else?

Seeing Zhang Lin's confused look, Li Zun finally knew that he had made a mistake.

Sister Rongrong, do you hear me? No other woman can make me distracted.

After Fang Rong heard this, the resentment in her heart disappeared.

However, Fang Rong and Li Zun were suddenly stunned when they reacted.

What was Li Zun just saying?

Also, why does Li Zun suddenly care so much about himself?

what on earth is it?

Could it be that.

Ahem, that Sister Rongrong, everything is a misunderstanding. Now that the misunderstanding is resolved, then I, then I will leave first.

Li Zun tried to pretend to be crazy and then left.

However, Fang Rong didn't know where she got the courage to grab Li Zun's back collar the moment Li Zun left.

When Li Zun saw this, he turned around subconsciously, but felt a warm lips pressing on his face.

Then Fang Rong was seen shouting to everyone with a shy face: What are you looking at!

As soon as Fang Rong finished speaking, all the ministers said one after another.

Oops, my stomach hurts, don't stop me, I want to go home!

Oh, the weather is getting bad. I have to go home and collect my clothes.

Hey, Lao Huang, I heard that your family is getting a concubine. How about we two play together tonight?

Oh, my wife, who is five months pregnant, is going to give birth. I have to go back and take a look.

For a while, everyone made excuses and left the court.

Soon, only Li Zun and Fang Rong were left here.

As for the maids and guards, they all left the place wisely.

Rong, sister Rongrong, you, you were here just now.

The kiss was so sudden that Fang Rong kissed Li Zun before he could react.

After reacting, only Li Zun and Fang Rong were left here.

Stop talking and kiss me!

Without saying too much, the two looked at each other silently.

In the end, Li Quan, who was hiding behind his back, couldn't stand it anymore.

He kicked Li Zun in the butt again.


Li Zun once again felt that his butt seemed to have been hit hard, and he threw himself into Fang Rong's arms without any hindrance.

At the moment when he was about to knock Fang Rong down, Li Zun turned Fang Rong over and let his head fall towards the ground.

In fact, with the strength of Li Zun and Fang Rong, there would be no harm even if their heads fell to the ground.

At most, I just feel a little uncomfortable.

And because of inertia, the two faced each other again.

This time, after the two persisted for a long time, in the end, it was not like the first time, but they looked at each other for a long time and kissed.

When Li Quan saw this, he silently smiled happily.

Well, good job. Finally, all my efforts were not in vain.

While speaking, Li Quan silently took out a camera and recorded this beautiful scene.

I wonder what the mouse will think after seeing this video?

I have to say that what Li Quan did was really bad.

However, Li Quan just liked to see Fang Tonghao's angry look with nowhere to go.

After all, brothers are meant for loss.

It's just that the relationship between these two young lovers is a bit intense.

It seems that I am about to find the relief of applauding for love.

Therefore, in order to avoid embarrassing things, Li Quan decided to leave.

And since that day, the bad blood between Li Zun and Fang Rong also disappeared.

The ministers, who often go out together, also showed relief, smiling like aunts.

If this situation continues, it won't be long before they can be together.

In this way, Longhuang Empire will have a queen.

At this time, in the subspace created by Li Quan.

After the sealed Evelia and Evelea restored their incomplete souls, they felt very angry at Li Quan's actions.

This is their universe. What Li Quan is doing, isn't this encroaching on their universe?

You know, the universe belongs to them and no one can invade it.

Is there any way to leave this place now?

Although, as long as the Hunyuan level strength is restored, you can leave this place.

However, their divine power was sealed by Li Quan, and they could not leave this place at all.

Unable to leave this place, there is absolutely nothing that can be done.

However, they do have a way to leave this place and increase their strength.

However, this approach may involve sacrifices.

Now there is only one way.

At this time, Ifreya said silently.

Do you mean to use this?

If you want to preserve your will, you don't have to use it.

But if you want to leave this place and fight against that guy, you can only use this method.

After Ifreya pondered for a long time, she said to Evelea: Okay, I have lived for who knows how many years, and it is time to disappear.

Hopefully, after we merge, we can defeat that guy.

Evelea and Evelea themselves are one.

However, due to the needs of the universe, it is necessary to divide the so-called light and dark.

Therefore, Evelia and Evelea were born.

Now, their divine power is sealed, and if they want to break the seal, they must merge into one.

And once they merge into one, their personalities will disappear, and of course, their memories will be retained.

After all, memories are shared.

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