You, what on earth are you going to do?

Li Zun's words made Fang Rong tremble now.

It's really scary. Is there anyone coming to save her?

Moreover, what is going on with this inexplicable sense of expectation?

Why is there such a mentality?

In the past, the reason why Li Zun was cared for so carefully by Fang Rong was because he was older than Li Zun, and the two families had frequent contacts.

Therefore, as an older person, Fang Rong took on the responsibility of taking care of Li Zun.

But she didn't know when she started to have an inexplicable feeling for Li Zun.

This kind of feeling is very special, as if it can't be let go.

Even Fang Rong would feel an inexplicable feeling of jealousy whenever she saw Li Zun interacting with other girls.

Now, after Fang Rong heard what Li Pujing said, she began to have a doubt in her heart.

Could it be that her inexplicable feelings for Li Zun were the legendary love? !

After all, judging from her current attitude towards Li Zun, it is indeed the same as love.

However, the relationship between them is that of uncle and nephew. What should they do if they are together?

At this moment, time seemed to have stopped.

Suddenly, a mini version of Fang Rong's little devil popped out from Fang Rong's left side.

On the right, a mini version of an angel similar to Fang Rong popped out.

After the two confronted each other for a while, the little devil looked into Fang Rong's ear and said, What are you afraid of? Didn't the squad leader just say that there is no blood relationship between you two!

Love boldly!

After hearing the little devil's words, the little angel seemed to see that Fang Rong was a little bewitched, and quickly shouted: No, you had an uncle-nephew relationship before, and your love for him is just pure. A sister takes care of her brother’s love.”

As if she thought what the little angel said made sense, Fang Rong fell into confusion again.

When the little devil saw this, he said disdainfully: Then please explain, why does Li Zun's heart beat so fiercely when she comes closer?

This is the expression of love!

Yes, what the little devil said makes sense. Could it be that she has fallen in love with Li Zun unknowingly?

Don't listen to his tricks! If a man suddenly approaches you, your heart will beat faster.

Aren't you annoying? Are you planning to let me, Guang Lingling, live alone?

Look at how handsome Li Zun is. Moreover, she is very powerful. Isn't this the performance of your dream lover?

Seize the opportunity and go for it! Don't let your hesitation miss the opportunity!

No! If you do this, you won't be able to go back!

After hearing this, the little devil quickly grabbed the little angel and beat him on the ground.

For a moment, the chirping sound woke her up.

But now, Li Zun was only half a centimeter away from her, and Fang Rong could hear the sound of breathing and heartbeat clearly.

Would a normal relationship between siblings reach this point?

Could it be that Li Zun is real?

When she thought of this, Fang Rong's heart continued to beat fiercely.

It was like dancing to a disco, as if afraid, and as if expecting something.

As for Li Zun, after hitting Fang Rong on the wall, he didn't know what to do for a while.

At this time, Li Zun's brain was as tangled as Fang Rong's, and he didn't know what to do.

However, now that I have fired my bow and there is no turning back, I can only act shamelessly.

Moreover, Li Pujing had said before that Fang Rong had a good impression of her.

Even this feeling is becoming more and more intense.

Now, the arrow is on the string and there is no way to turn back, so it must be done.

However, the question arises, what else to do?

After all, it is relatively easy for Li Zun to fight and kill.

After all, Li Zun's strength was basically achieved through killing.

As for the aspect of love and love, let alone mention it, he is just a fool.


At this moment, Li Zun and Fang Rong spoke at the same time.

After hearing that the other party was speaking, Li Zun said awkwardly: You speak first.

Again in unison.

I'll say it first.

Another sentence.

For a moment, the two fell into silence.

The entire palace fell into silence. Even if a laughing silver needle fell to the ground, the sound of the jingling bell could be clearly heard.

And when the two sides were in a stalemate for a long time.

Someone hiding in the dark is worried.

It's Li Quan.

It turned out that Li Quan had already arrived at the palace of Li Zun and others after Li Pujing left.

And naturally, it also witnessed a series of previous actions.

Li Quan was also worried about this kid.

The bloodline of their old Li family depends on this kid Li Zun to pass it on. Now, Li Zun is like a piece of wood. If no one teaches him, when will he wake up?

Therefore, after thinking for a long time, Li Quan decided to take action personally.

Li Zun and Fang Rong just looked at each other, with a hint of rosy shyness on their faces, as if they didn't know how to deal with this embarrassing situation.

However, at this moment, no one noticed that Li Quan walked behind Li Zun.

Then he made a camera pose with his hand, pointed it at Li Zun's butt, and then kicked Li Zun's butt.

For a moment, Li Zun, who was not paying attention, was suddenly kicked by Li Quan, and his whole body pressed down on Fang Rong.

And just in time, because the two were looking at each other, their mouths were directly facing each other.

As for Li Zun, his whole body was pressed against Fang Rong's body, and his hands seemed to have caught an indescribable and dangerous place due to inertia.

For a moment, the entire palace fell into silence again.

Yes, sorry!

At the moment when both of them reacted, Li Zun left a word and then disappeared in front of Fang Rong. Fang Rong, on the other hand, touched his lips blankly and touched a few words. The part where I had just been raped by Li Zun (River Crab).

The face that was already blushing became even more rosy at this moment.

However, Fang Rong did not shout out because she knew that even if she shouted out, there would be no substantial gains.

However, an unexpected encounter happened here, which made Fang Rong can't wait to leave this shy palace.

This boy

Li Quan looked at the two leaving with a disappointed look on his face, and sighed helplessly.

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