Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 338 Fire Attribute Inheritance

If Bai Ling was still a Warcraft, when he was older, his transformed form would naturally be different.

Of course, after being enlightened by Li Quan, Bai Ling's age and shape will also be fixed with the moment of cultivation.

Moreover, it will also have some characteristics of monsters.

It is estimated that the demi-humans on this cosmic continent were all enlightened by the so-called gods using this method.

However, perhaps for some reason, although they also have some of the characteristics of animals, they also have some of their powers.

But unlike Bai Ling, Bai Ling can change back to his original form, but demihumans cannot.

This is the difference between monsters and demihumans.

After hearing Bai Ling's words, Li Quan had a smile on his face, and then rubbed Bai Ling's little head with a knife: Really? Bai Ling is really powerful.

Being touched like this by Li Quan, Bai Ling happily put her little head under Li Quan's palm, and then enjoyed Li Quan's rubbing.

For some reason, Li Quan's palms always have a magical power that can make people feel calm.

After being touched by Li Quan once, Bai Ling fell in love with the feeling of being touched.

And from time to time, he would transform into his own body, and then lie quietly in Li Quan's arms.

While enjoying the warmth in Li Quan's arms, he also enjoyed the caress brought by Li Quan's palms.

With that feeling, Bai Ling felt as if he had reached the peak of demon life.

Since you have broken through to the foundation building level, well, naturally I have to teach you some spells.

As long as you reach the level of Qi training, you can hide spiritual energy in your body.

After all, the spiritual energy will come to the Dantian and then be stored in the Dantian.

But now that he has reached the foundation building level and the Dantian in his body has been developed, naturally, Bai Ling can also use spells more flexibly.

Li Quan had only let Bai Ling practice before, so he naturally hoped that Bai Ling could reach the foundation building level quickly.

As long as it reaches the foundation building level, the body can fly.

In this universe, apart from possessing animal characteristics, the physical structure of demi-humans is no different from humans.

If there was a difference, it was that there was no hidden power within the demihuman's body.

In the universe where Li Quan lives, human beings contain powerful power.

After all, human beings are magical creations fabricated by Nuwa with the addition of the Crystal of Nothingness.

The Crystal of Nothingness is connected to the realm of nothingness. Nothingness is equal to zero, which is equal to all things.

Therefore, human beings are called the spirit of all things.

Although Bai Ling is a life in this universe, Li Quan personally enlightened Bai Ling. Naturally, Bai Ling has some characteristics of Li Quan in his body.

The blood of dragons.

This means that Bai Ling will evolve towards the characteristics of the Eastern Dragon Clan in the future.

Of course, it does not mean that the whole person has transformed into the Eastern Dragon Clan, but just like Hu Shengjun, while retaining the characteristics of the tiger, he himself is a Dragon Clan.

And because it comes from Li Quan, Bai Ling's future achievements will not be low.

Bai Ling, master taught you the technique, what do you think?

At this moment, Li Quan asked with a smile on his face.

Spell? What is it?

Bai Ling was very confused, obviously he didn't know what magic was.

But it was normal. After all, Li Quan only taught Bai Ling the basic knowledge of cultivation and did not explain what the so-called magic techniques were.

Therefore, in order to provide Bai Ling with basic knowledge, Li Quan gave Bai Ling a lesson on the basics of magic.

Bai Ling was naturally intelligent, so after being explained by Li Quan, he gradually understood the basic functions of the technique and how to use it.

If you want to learn spells, you must activate the spiritual energy in your body and determine what attributes you have.

Although Bai Ling is a mutated ruby ​​rabbit, he is also a ruby ​​rabbit with fire attributes.

Therefore, if Bai Ling learns fire-attribute spells, he will learn them very quickly.

For this reason, Li Quan thought for a while and then directly transmitted a inheritance into Bai Ling's mind.

Li Quan’s own fire attribute inheritance.

Of course, Bai Ling's current body cannot bear the huge amount of inherited knowledge. Therefore, after the inheritance, Li Quan directly sealed the inherited memory in Bai Ling's mind.

Only after Bai Ling's strength reaches a certain level will the inherited memory in Bai Ling's mind be further unlocked.

Looking at the sleeping Bai Ling, Li Quan had a look of helplessness on his face.

The road to training is very long.

A few months after Bai Ling received the inherited memory, Li Quan and Bai Ling were not far away from the place of chaos. They only needed to walk for more than ten days to arrive.

Logically speaking, Li Quan came from the Oslank Kingdom in the northeast, and if he wanted to reach the land of chaos, he would not be able to reach it in millions of years.

However, when Li Quan was walking, he secretly used Shrinkage.

It is precisely for this reason that Li Quan took a few months to complete the journey of millions of years.

Of course, when he came, Bai Ling didn't waste any time on the way.

Soon, Bai Ling's cultivation reached the early stage of the Golden Core.

Although the breakthrough did not take long, it can be regarded as the mainstay in this cosmic continent.

Coupled with Bai Ling's golden elixir, even a magician at the level of a great mage can be killed in a sneak attack.

As for Bai Ling, after breaking through the golden elixir stage, his own strength also increased significantly.

It is for this reason that Li Quan plans to learn swordsmanship from Bai Ling.

Bai Ling's body is light and agile, giving people a feeling of being different from the world. He uses the sword like a fairy.

Bai Ling, you have been following me for several months. What do you think?

Bai Ling was playing with the fire technique taught by Li Quan. Suddenly after hearing Li Quan's words, Bai Ling directly extinguished the fire ball in his hand, with a trace of innocent smile on his face and said with a smile: Master, I’m the best!”

These days are the happiest days Bai Ling has ever lived in his life!

Really? As he said this, Li Quan rubbed Bai Ling's little head and smiled.

Another stroke on the head, but Bai Ling enjoyed the touch very much.

So, Bai Ling, is there anything you want to learn?

Huh? No? I think the skills you taught Bai Ling, master, are enough for Bai Ling to learn for a lifetime.

After all, the technique taught by Li Quan is very mysterious. Although it is difficult, if you successfully learn it, the power it unleashes will be extremely huge.

That's why Bai Ling said such a thing.

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