Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 337 Future Development

The parchment records a total of major events that occurred in the Chaotic Land. Judging from the handwriting on the parchment, it seems that it was written by the pope of the violent god.

The Pope has a mission at the level of a Dharma God. In the universe continent, he is the most powerful existence when the gods are not around.

Of course, Li Zun today does not know whether gods exist.

After all, after he destroyed the Grumpy Cult, he had not seen a single so-called god.

Therefore, Li Zun remains skeptical about the existence of gods in this world.

Of course, even if he doubted it, Li Zun still felt that the existence of gods was the most likely.

After all, with his current strength in the Mahayana stage, he is already a top existence in the chaotic land.

In his own world, there are many people who are more powerful than himself.

Therefore, gods may exist, but in a space that is unknown to them.

Just like the actual combat space transformed by Li Quan.

There is also the legend that Li Zun heard.

As long as you dominate the chaotic land, you will meet the strongest goddess.

And when Li Zun opened the parchment and checked it carefully, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

What the parchment says is about the development process of this chaotic place, and it highlights the anger of the Pope many times.

Moreover, the Pope highlighted a sentence many times in the parchment.

If it weren't for the irritable God who couldn't come, he would have had nice words on his face.

And, after watching other things, Li Zun finally came to a conclusion.

In a place of chaos, gods cannot come.

In this way, Li Zun's previous worries were resolved.

What he fears most is that at the moment of victory, the gods of other so-called divine religions will suddenly descend and bring everything back to its original state.

Nowadays, in the land of chaos, gods cannot come. With Li Zun's own strength, he is enough to run rampant in the land of chaos.

In addition to Li Zun, he also has his companions to help him.

With such a powerful force, how can we be afraid of other religious forces?

Moreover, the so-called magic is actually diluted by divine power and depends entirely on the blessing of gods.

Although the gods can know what is happening in the chaotic land, they cannot reward them.

In addition, if you want to have power at the level of a Dharma God, you must improve your physical fitness step by step.

In Li Zun's eyes, these improvements are as fragile as the Nascent Soul-level physical body.

Moreover, the lifespan of these magic gods is very short, only the lifespan of the Nascent Soul level.

Nascent Soul can live for thousands of years, but it is not as good as Li Zun, a Mahayana person who can live for hundreds of thousands of years.

This is the benefit of using your own power.

A place of chaos?

In this case, I have no worries. However, if other forces enter the chaotic land, it will indeed be troublesome.

After all, since the gods know what is happening in the Land of Chaos, they will naturally send other people from outside the Land of Chaos into it.

Li Zun is not afraid of the God of Dharma.

Even, what about the Dharma God?

It's just a physical body that carries the power of others.

The strength of the physical body is only at the Nascent Soul level.

With the strength of Li Zun and others, it would be easy to defeat them.

As long as you act carefully and kill their physical bodies with one blow, what if the gods can create powerful magic gods?

As long as the sneak attack is successful, no matter how powerful you are, as long as your physical strength is not enough, you must die.

Now, after understanding part of the situation in the Land of Chaos, Li Zun is a little more relaxed.

Moreover, at this time, Li Zun was planning how to attack the next place.

In addition to this, the aborigines in Dongcheng and Seoul that they occupy are also a problem.

After all, there are only thirty people like Li Zun, how can they develop a force?

If you want to develop your power, you must make good use of the aborigines who occupy the two cities of Dongcheng and Seoul.

And these aborigines will be the future strength of Li Zun and others.

After all, relying solely on the strength of thirty of them would not be able to dominate this land of mixed wheels.

What Li Zun and others have to do is to integrate these aborigines and teach them to practice.

However, in this case, what Li Zun and others teach will have a great impact on the power system of this world.

After all, this power, the power practiced by mortals, is magic.

Magic is diluted by borrowing the divine power from the gods.

Gods, on the other hand, use their own divine power to absorb divine energy and then enhance their own strength.

The reason why gods create magic is because they change the way their godhead absorbs divine energy.

The practice system of Li Zun and others is to absorb spiritual power and strengthen themselves.

In terms of real combat effectiveness, Li Zun and others are naturally superior.

Therefore, as long as this method of his is promoted, the place of chaos will be nothing at all.

However, the problem arises, how to promote this method of spiritual power cultivation is also a problem.

After all, these aboriginal people in the chaotic land only know magic but do not know the existence of spiritual power.

In addition, because the spiritual power in this world is too scarce, it is also very difficult to cultivate it, which is troublesome.

When Li Zun was in trouble, Li Quan was happy and relaxed.

Bai Ling, Li Quan's third disciple, has grown by leaps and bounds under Li Quan's education, and has finally reached the foundation building level.

Logically speaking, the spiritual power in this universe is simply not enough to allow Bai Ling to advance so quickly.

After all, the spiritual power here is as strong as the earth that lacked spiritual power when Li Quan had not yet become a true dragon. It is difficult for practitioners to make such rapid breakthroughs.

However, don't forget who Li Quan is.

It's just easy to get some spiritual power.

What's more, Bai Ling's level is relatively small now, and promotion and cultivation require very little spiritual power.

In addition to absorbing spiritual power for cultivation, Bai Ling can also absorb the power of the moon wheel emitted by the three bright moons in the sky.

Master, master! My disciple has broken through to the foundation building level!

After Bai Ling successfully broke through to the foundation-building level, Bai Ling ran up to Li Quan ecstatically and showed Li Quan that he had broken through the foundation-building level.

This feeling gave Li Quan the feeling of a child showing off.

However, if Bai Ling is calculated based on human age, Bai Ling is indeed a child.

Moreover, he is still a child who is only about one year old.

The reason why she takes the form of a girl after transforming is naturally because the lifespan of her race, the Ruby Rabbit, is not long, so she is considered an adult only one and a half years old.

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