Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 339 Being slapped in the face

Bai Ling, you have to know that there is no end to learning.

If you only learn the fire attribute spells I taught you and don't touch the others, what will you do if you encounter someone who restrains you in the future?

Master, what do you think Bai Ling should do?

Bai Ling obviously didn't know how to do it, but soon Bai Ling thought of something and smiled at Li Quan: Master, do you want to teach me a new technique?

However, Bai Ling has not fully learned the techniques you passed down to me, master. Bai Ling is afraid of learning them now.

Who said I would continue to teach you magic?

After hearing this, Li Quan responded with a smile.

Then he patted Bai Ling's little head and said, What I want to teach you is swordsmanship.

But before that, I want to see if you have the talent to learn swordsmanship.

As for whether Li Quan is qualified to teach Bai Ling swordsmanship.

Of course there is.

Apart from anything else, Li Quan has mastered all of the eighteen martial arts skills.

Although his swordsmanship is still a bit worse than that of Hongtian.

However, in his own universe, no one's swordsmanship can match Li Quan's.

The only comparable person, Hongtian, had also been killed by Li Quan.

Therefore, when it comes to swordsmanship, Li Quan dares to claim to be the first, and no one dares to claim to be the second.

This is confidence and confidence.

Naturally, Li Quan's understanding of swordsmanship was enough to tell whether a person was suitable for learning swordsmanship.

Soon, Li Quan saw something about Bai Ling.

As for swordsmanship, Bai Ling did not have this qualification, but he unexpectedly discovered another qualification.


Yes, you read that right, it’s a sledgehammer, with two hands.

After all, Bai Ling's arms have become very powerful due to his training.

Because he is a mutant species of the Red Jade Rabbit, Bai Ling's limbs are very developed.

Don't look at Bai Ling's small arms and legs.

The intensity that broke out was the kind that made people despair.

In addition to being suitable for learning double hammers and bursting out his powerful strength, Bai Ling can also learn boxing and kicking techniques.

After all, in addition to the eighteen weapons, Li Quan is also very good at fists and kicks.

Just in time, Bai Ling can be taught seriously.

For some reason, Li Quan suddenly thought that the first disciple he accepted was Ao Xue.

I have never been taught so carefully by myself. I just gave Ao Xue a bunch of scriptures and asked Ao Xue to practice and understand on his own.

Fortunately, Ao Xue's own talent is also very outstanding. Even without Li Quan's guidance, Ao Xue still relied on her own strength to successfully break through to the current small galaxy level.

You know, even the Dragon King is only at the level of a small galaxy now.

But the Dragon King is one hundred thousand years older than Ao Xue.

This is the gap.

Perhaps, one hundred thousand years is nothing in the age of the Dragon Clan. Even Dongfang Qingwan, who has now achieved the main galaxy level, is several hundred million years old.

However, don't forget that Ao Xue is only over a thousand years old now and is still young.

Well, Bai Ling, if you don't like using weapons, you can learn some kung fu skills besides fists and kicks.

Master, why?

Originally, Bai Ling was looking at Li Quan expectantly, wanting to see if he was suitable for sword practice.

Unexpectedly, Li Quan said such a sentence, which meant that Bai Ling had no talent for learning swordsmanship.

As a result, Bai Ling inadvertently felt a trace of decadence in his heart.

You, how should I put it, are not suitable for learning swordsmanship.

It's more suitable to learn the double hammer.

Two hammers?

Bai Ling had never seen what a double hammer was. In this universe, apart from being used for blacksmithing, there were no two oval-shaped hammers.

That's it.

While Li Quan was talking, he showed Bai Ling the shape of the hammers.

After Bai Ling watched it, he still had some doubts, but the more he watched, the more he liked it, so he shouted to Li Quan: Master! I want to learn! I want to learn the double hammer!

Are you sure you want to learn the double hammer?

Actually, I would recommend you to learn the kung fu of boxing and kicking.

Your master, I have a book here called Chaos Body Training Technique, Bagua Five Elements Body Training Technique.

As long as you have learned to great success, no one will be your opponent in the universe and the mortal world.


Your master, when did I tell you that I lied to you?

While speaking, Li Quan felt a little relaxed in his heart.

I finally tricked this girl into not learning these hammers.

Just imagine, a little fairy is holding two big hammers in her hands. What is she thinking?

In this regard, Li Quan felt that Bai Ling was somewhat similar to his little sister.

They all like to use some weapons that make people dumbfounded.

One holds a big sword as tall as a person, and the other holds a pair of hammers.

That look was really intimidating.

But, master, I still want to learn the double hammer!

Think about it, these two hammers are so big. If they were to hit the enemy directly, the power would be imaginable.

In fact, if the enemy hits the target, he may not need to use other moves!

I don't know why, but after hearing Bai Ling's words, I always felt like a whole new world had opened up for Bai Ling.

When he thought of this, Li Quan silently cursed himself.

It's okay to study, but Bai Ling, it's not okay to study so much. Learning spells is about finesse, not roughness.

When I think about my apprentice holding two hammers against others in the future, if I let others know that Bai Ling is my apprentice, wouldn't he be laughed to death by others?

Therefore, Li Quan tried to prevent his Bai Ling from learning the double hammers, and secretly cursed himself for not mentioning the double hammers if he had known it.

I originally thought that the shape of the double hammer would not be liked by girls, but who would have thought that Bai Ling's taste is the same as that of his little sister, who likes special things.

Is this like picking a stone and hitting yourself in the foot?

Therefore, if you divert Bai Ling's attention, Bai Ling may forget about it later.

It's just a pity that the ideal is full and the reality is cruel.

For the first time, Li Quan felt that his face was very swollen.

But, master, didn't you say that? What if you meet someone who will restrain you in the future?

Of course I'm going to learn more!


After hearing this, Li Quan felt very regretful.

I regretted that I would ask Bai Ling to learn other martial arts.

However, since it has been brought up, let’s bring it up.

Can it still be taken back?

Okay, if you like learning, then go ahead and learn.

However, if you feel uncomfortable, you can tell the master and he will teach you other things immediately.

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